Historisches Seminar

  • Mi, 14–16 Uhr
    Übung: Of Memes, Myths and Merchandise. The American Revolution in US-Popular Memory (080255)
    PD Dr. Charlotte Lerg

Institut für Ethnologie

  • 22./23.10. + 10./11.12. + 28./29.1., jeweils 11–18 Uhr
    Seminar/Übung: Filming Culture and Issues of Representation. A Filmmaking Workshop (080876|080885)
    Thomas John M.A.
  • Di, 12–14 Uhr
    Seminar: The armed conflicts in Africa: Anthropological perspectives (080879)
    Dr. Souleymane Diallo
  • Mi, 16–18 Uhr, 14-täglich
    Institutscolloquium (080882)
    Prof. Dr. Helene Basu  |  Dr. Patrick Desplat
  • Mo, 14–16 Uhr
    Vorlesung: Areas and Regions of Social Anthropological Research (080881)
    Prof. Dr. Helene Basu
  • Mi, 14–16 Uhr
    Seminar: Foundations of Empirical Research (080883)
    Dr. Patrick Desplat
  • Mi, 12–14 Uhr
    Übung: Migration: Methods and Debates (080884)
    Dr. Souleymane Diallo
  • Di, 10–12 Uhr
    Seminar: Street-level Bureaucrats: Police work on the ground and in the office (080886)
    Prof. Dr. Helene Basu  |  Yassin Gaber M.A.
  • Mo, 16–18 Uhr
    Seminar: Transatlantic Health and Healing (080887)
    Prof. Dr. Dorothea Schulz  |  Helmar Kurz M.A.
  • Do, 14–16 Uhr
    Master- and PhD-Colloquium (080888)
    Dr. Patrick Desplat
  • n.V.
    Master- and PhD-Colloquium (080889)
    Prof. Dr. Helene Basu