Santander-Mobility Fund

The Santander Mobility Fund supports (international) active conference participation and stays at research institutes (Research Visits). The aim of the funding is to offer the opportunity for academic networking at an early stage. Applications are open to BA and MA students and doctoral candidates at the University of Münster.

Please find our FAQ here.


Alumni 2024
Celine Kretschmann spent three months at the Bristol Veterinary School in England.
© Jillian Hendricks

„Dank der Förderung durch den Santander Mobilitätsfonds hatte ich die Gelegenheit, drei Monate an der Bristol Veterinary School in England zu verbringen. Während meines Aufenthalts konnte ich bedeutende Kontakte knüpfen und wertvolle praktische Erfahrungen sammeln. Besonders die Arbeit mit Kühen, die den Einfluss von Hunger auf Kognition untersuchte, und Ratten, wobei ein computergestützter Ansatz zur Erfassung von Emotionen erforscht wurde, hat mein Verständnis und meine Fähigkeiten im Umgang mit verschiedenen Tierarten erheblich erweitert. Darüber hinaus konnte ich durch dieses breite Forschungsspektrum wichtige Kenntnisse in der Versuchsplanung und -durchführung erwerben, die eine solide Grundlage für meine bevorstehende Masterarbeit im Bereich der Reproduzierbarkeitsforschung bilden. Nicht zuletzt hat diese Erfahrung mir etliche Türen für meine zukünftige Karriere geöffnet, einschließlich der Möglichkeit, für meinen PhD nach Bristol zurückzukehren.“

Celine Kretschmann, Biowissenschaften


Alumni 2024
Roshani Narayan Singh
© Roshani Narayan Singh

"Thanks to the generous support of the Santander Mobility Fund I attended the 103rd Annual Meeting of the German Physiological Society (DPG), held jointly with the Austrian Physiological Society and Life Sciences Switzerland (LS²) Physiology in Vienna. This conference provided a tremendous opportunity to engage with experts, gain valuable feedback and foster collaborative opportunities. Furthermore, I was honored to receive a poster award, a recognition that highlights the impact and quality of my doctoral research."

Roshani Narayan Singh, Biology

Santander Alumni

You can find more statements from Santander alumni in our Alumni Gallery.

The reports of all funded conference participations and research stays can be found at the bottom of this page.


You would like to give a talk at a conference or visit a renowned research group? Apply now for a 500 € grant from the Santander Mobility Fund. The aim of this funding initiative is to give excellent students the opportunity for a research visit. At the end of your stay, you will report on your experiences within a format of scientific communication proposed by you.

Applications need to be submitted via the Santander Open Academy platform and require registration. You can find the call here.

Deadline: 14 February 2025.

Upcoming deadline: 14 March 2025

Funding Requirements

  • You are an enrolled BA-/MA-student (new: doctoral student) at the University of Münster
  • Your planned project is related to your studies or your BA’s/MA’s thesis. The application must clearly indicate scientific or subject-specific relevance.
  • The project is not already fully financed by other institutions/cannot be fully financed from departmental funds
  • At the time of your application the host institute has already confirmed your stay. For funding of active conference participation please submit a confirmation of the conference organizer
  • The length of your stay may not exceed five days (active conference participation) resp. three months (research stays). The duration of research stays must be at least two weeks.

Overview of funding requirements [DE]

Co-funding by the SAIL Mobility Fund for the same research visit is not possible.

Application documents

as well as:

  • Active conference participation: Acceptance of your contribution (presentation, poster) of the conference organisators
  • Research stays: Confirmation of the host or host institution
  • Current semester certificate

Notice: Please upload all documents in a single file on the platform. 

Reports of Funded Research Visits