SAIL – Success Factors in Acquiring InternationaL Projects

With SAIL (Success Factors in Acquiring InternationaL Projects), SAFIR Research Funding Support is primarily addressing doctoral researchers and postdocs up to three years after their doctorate as part of the University of Münster's internationalisation strategy. We aim to increase this target group's awareness for the success factors in acquiring international projects.

The SAIL Programme provides researchers with specific tools and strategies that can support them in selecting and applying for suitable measures to shape their international profile from the early career phase onwards.

The SAIL Mobility Fund enables early career researchers to undertake research stays or actively participate in conferences and summer schools abroad with the help of travel grants.

Together with doctoral and postdoctoral researchers at the University of Münster, we want to set sail for their excellently connected research.

Project Management


Claudia Ehlert, M. A., Research Funding Adviser
Internationalisation for Early Career Researchers
on parental leave