SAIL – Success Factors in Acquiring InternationaL Projects

With SAIL (Success Factors in Acquiring InternationaL Projects), SAFIR Research Funding Support is primarily addressing doctoral researchers and postdocs up to three years after their doctorate as part of the University of Münster's internationalisation strategy. We aim to increase this target group's awareness for the success factors in acquiring international projects.

The SAIL Programme provides researchers with specific tools and strategies that can support them in selecting and applying for suitable measures to shape their international profile from the early career phase onwards.

The SAIL Mobility Fund enables Early Career Researchers to undertake research stays or actively participate in conferences and summer schools abroad with the help of travel grants.

Together with doctoral students and postdocs at the University of Münster, we want to set sail for their excellently connected research.

SAIL Mobility Fund

The University of Münster provides funding for its doctoral researchers and postdocs up to three years after their doctorate, who have no or hardly any funding opportunities for stays abroad. With these funds the subsidisation for international research visits like

  • Laboratory and/or research visits
  • Active participation in conferences
  • Active participation in summer schools

outside Germany can be realised.

The aim is to enable active stays abroad and thus to build up and expand one's own network as well as to expand specialist knowledge and intercultural competence in the research landscape. Further information can be found in the guidelines.

Please note

The SAIL Mobility Fund is currently not open to the Faculty of Medicine (FB 05).

Co-funding by the Santander-Mobility Fund for the same research visit is not possible.

Absences (e.g. due to childcare/parental leave or parental leave) are recognised. Please contact us for further advice.

This is a temporary measure within the University of Münster's internationalisation strategy.

Financial framework conditions

The funding consists of a travel allowance of up to 1,000 Euros.

Travel and flight costs, accommodation costs and conference fees, for example, are eligible for funding. Travelling expenses are reimbursed in accordance with the State Travel Expenses Act NRW (Landesreisekostengesetz LRKG NRW).
(Foreign) Daily allowance is not eligible for funding.

You will receive more detailed information on reimbursement once your application has been approved.

Further information can be found in the guidelines and the intranet.

Application documents

  • Application form with personal details,
  • Confirmation of acceptance of the active contribution (lecture, poster presentation, chair, moderation etc.) to the conference, summer school, or confirmation of acceptance from the host research institution for the duration of the research stay,
  • For doctoral candidates: Copy of the confirmation of supervision from the doctoral supervisor at the University of Münster, or
  • For postdocs: declaration from the managing director of the institute confirming the postdoc's employment/affiliation with the institute at the University of Münster.

Applications must be submitted at least four weeks before the start of the trip.

Complete applications will be reviewed and decided upon according to the SAIL Mobility Fund guidelines.

The date of submission of your complete application documents via is decisive.

SAIL Programme

Research is becoming increasingly international. International contacts, networks and visibility are relevant criteria in the academic world. Numerous funding organisations not only specifically fund international research, but also increasingly expect international scientific profiles from their funding recipients. Over three mornings, the SAIL programme teaches early career researchers (ECRs) how they can strategically build and expand this profile.

You will be given an overview of various options for internationalising your academic profile – from internationalisation@home, to short and medium-term mobilities, to longer-term mobilities and participation in international cooperation projects. Individual workshop topics include networking and strategy, planning and developing your own academic career with the help of third-party funding for international projects and insight into the planning and implementation of cooperation projects as well as basic knowledge for a successful application.

The programme also offers doctoral candidates in the final phase of their doctorate and postdocs up to three years after their doctorate the opportunity to network across disciplines and talk to internationally experienced researchers and experts from different areas of the university. Best practices and best fails as well as concrete career paths offer realistic insights into experiences with third-party funding in (international) research.

The programme will be complemented by an overview of the wide range of services and advice available in the field of internationalisation at the University of Münster.

Cooperation partners of the programme designed and coordinated by SAFIR are the Centre for Emerging Researchers (CERes), the International Office, the Certre for Europe and the Brazil Centre.

Target group: Doctoral candidates in the final phase of their doctorate and postdocs up to three years after their doctorate

Location: on-site, the room will be communicated after registration

Time: three dates (see below), each 9 a.m. s.t. to 2:15 p.m.

Event language: German (next programme run expected in autumn 2024. The programme can be held in German or English)

Registration: will be open on Thursday, 14 March 12 noon. Link for each date see below.

We recommend attending all three dates, as they build on each other. However, it is still possible to participate on individual days. Please register via Indico (see below). The number of participants is limited due to the workshop nature of the series. A waiting list will be set up.

Learnings of all three days:

After attending the SAIL programme ...

  • you will have developed an awareness of why internationalisation and corresponding support are important for your academic career,
  • you have determined your current position,
  • you will have met academics from different disciplines who can serve as role models for your future career planning,
  • you will have gained an overview of internationalisation and corresponding mobility opportunities for early career researchers,
  • you can make an informed decision which measures and corresponding funding programmes suit you individually,
  • you will have developed a reflective individual internationalisation strategy for the next three years of your career (with or without mobility),
  • you can plan the next steps for your own career in an informed way,
  • you know at least five contact persons at the University of Münster who can help you with questions relating to your research career and further education,
  • you have exchanged ideas and networked across disciplines with other people who are at a similar point in their academic career.

The individual dates at a glance:

  • 17 April 2024: First steps – opportunities to work internationally in research

    Workshop: Orientation and profiling in the postdoc phase
    Speaker: Rebecca Meier, Münster Centre for Emerging Researchers (CERes)

    In the workshop, you will go through the first steps for sustainable planning of your professional future: you will review various career paths, reflect on your motivation and objectives and look at the strategic structure of your academic portfolio.

    Impulse: Internationalisation project – where do I start?
    Speaker: Sonja Zeggel, International Office and Claudia Ehlert, SAFIR

    Internationalisation can take various forms. SAFIR and the International Office - Researchers and Staff Department will show you the first, simple options for building up your international profile and paving the way for future plans. Learn about valuable educational, counselling and support services at the University of Münster as well as a selection of external funding agencies. Your journey can begin today!

    Workshop: Networking – strategically? Authentic!
    Speaker: Dr. Anneka Esch-van Kan, Münster Centre for Emerging Researchers (CERes)

    A strong professional and personal network at home and abroad can be decisive for success in (academic) careers. In this workshop, you will reflect on your own position and develop ideas on how you can strategically and sustainably build networks that will lead you to success.

    Exchange with a testimonial

    register via Indico

  • 8 May 2024: Developing your own academic career with the help of third-party funding for international projects

    Impulse: Funding opportunities for the early postdoc phase – networking, cooperating, being mobile with third-party funding
    Speaker: Eva Jirka, SAFIR

    Whether a longer research stay abroad, a cooperation project with research partners worldwide or the individual expansion of international contacts: Get to know the research funding system and financial funding opportunities to expand your research and your research profile internationally.

    Workshop: Strategic acquisition of third-party funding for postdocs
    Speaker: Dr. Christine Schmidt, SAFIR

    Use the targeted acquisition of third-party funding for international projects to plan and develop your academic career. In the workshop you will develop your own third-party funding strategy.

    Exchange with a testimonial

    register via Indico

  • 13 June 2024: Effective planning and design of applications for international cooperation projects

    Workshop: Insight into the planning and implementation of cooperation projects as well as basic knowledge for a successful application
    Speaker: Dr. Christine Schmidt, SAFIR

    You will receive specific tips and strategies for acquiring international collaborative projects. In addition to the different types of cooperation projects, the workshop also provides basic application knowledge.

    Exchange with a testimonial

    Impulse: Funding opportunities, networking and development prospects in the European context
    Speaker: Dr. Roman Walega & Nicola Willenberg, Centre for Europe and Sandra Wiegand & Dennis Binder, International Office

    European funding formats are not just for established researchers, but also offer early career researchers interesting opportunities to work internationally. The Centre for Europe and the International Office provide an overview of the Horizon Europe research framework programme and the Erasmus+ programme as well as specific information on suitable funding formats for early career researchers. In addition, the Ulysseus network and the ERC mentoring programme will also be presented to promote international networking and personal development.

    Impulse: Brazil Centre - Services, cooperation and funding opportunities
    Speaker: Anja Grecko Lorenz & Laura Redondo, Brasilienzentrum

    The Brazil Centre maintains numerous partnerships with universities and funding organisations in Brazil, a strategic partner country of the University of Münster. If you are interested, for example, in a research stay in Brazil or a collaboration with researchers from Brazil, we will be happy to advise you. This presentation will give you an overview of our counselling services for doctoral candidates and postdocs at the University of Münster. If you are interested in other Latin American countries, you are also very welcome, as we are currently considering a regional expansion of our programmes.

    register via Indico


Claudia Ehlert, M. A., Research Funding Adviser
Internationalisation for Early Career Researchers
Tel.: +49 251 83-21469