Professional Acting in Elite Sports - Handlungskompetenz im Leistungssport

Module Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Eric Eils

A detailed description of the objectives and contents of the module as well as the required coursework and the degree-relevant examinations can be found in the module manual.


Course Coursetype Examinationnumber SWS CP
Fundamental Aspects of Guiding, Controlling, and Evaluating Physical Training in Elite Sport Groups Seminar 13001 2 3
Physical Training in Elite Sports 1 Seminar 13002 2 2
Physical Training in Elite Sports 2 Seminar 13003 2 2
Physical Training in Elite Sports 3 Seminar 13004 2 2
Physical Training in Elite Sports 4 Seminar 13005 2 2
Examination in Fundamental Aspects of Guiding, Controlling, and Evaluating Physical Training in Elite Sport Groups Final Module Examination 13010 - -

Lecturers of this modul in the current semester

Lecturers in the current semester


The required coursework will be announced on the first day of the course. Please find all necessary information in the module manual.

Degree-Relevant Examinations/Final Module Examination

In the module 3, a portfolio or group exam is examined concerning the contents of S1 and integrates aspects of S2. For example, students have to prepare a minimum 5 pages portfolio. The topic of the portfolio should connect one topic of the fundamentals seminar with a seminar in elite sports. An official cover-sheet has to be used when submitting the module examination. Please find all necessary information in the module manual.

Registration and signing-off for the courses

You will find all information here