Conservation laws and non-reciprocity
The workshop's central aim is the analysis of non-equilibrium systems, with a focus on non-reciprocity and conserved quantities. Classical concepts, such as bifurcations and phase transitions, possibly need to be reconsidered and developed further to properly reflect and account for such features.
Remarkably, only a few systematic studies exist that start from closed, thermodynamic relaxation systems, which are described, e.g., by gradient flows and then add terms that turn them into driven/active systems. A classification and understanding of many of the resulting transitions is still elusive. The related changes in the underlying mathematical structures of the equations pose many new questions, since typically combinations of conservative and dissipative terms occur.
This workshop brings together researchers from Mathematics and from Physics to present recent progress in meeting such challenges.
Confirmed Speakers
- Fridtjof Brauns (UC Santa Barbara)
- Martin Burger (DESY and University of Hamburg)
- Charlotte Dietze (LMU Munich)
- Alberto Dinelli (University of Geneva)
- Maximilian Engel (University of Amsterdam)
- Massimiliano Esposito (University of Luxemburg)
- Klemens Fellner (University of Graz)
- Erwin Frey (LMU Munich)
- Benjamin Gess (TU Berlin)
- Aljaz Godec (MPI Göttingen)
- Ramin Golestanian (MPI Göttingen)
- Daniel Greve (University of Münster)
- Sebastian Hensel (University of Bonn)
- Robert Jack (University of Cambridge)
- Klaus Kroy (University of Leipzig)
- Philippe Laurençot (Université Savoie Mont Blanc)
- Sarah A. M. Loos (University of Cambridge)
- Govind Menon (Brown University)
- Alessia Nota (University of L'Aquila)
- Fernando Peruani (CY Cergy Paris Université)
- Suropriya Saha (MPI Göttingen)
- Markus Schmidtchen (TU Dresden)
- Artur Stephan (TU Wien)
- Ariane Trescases (University of Toulouse)
- Juan J. L. Velázquez (University of Bonn)
- Michael Wilczek (University of Bayreuth)
- Raphael Winter (University of Cardiff)
- Raphael Wittkowski (University of Münster)
- Johannes Zimmer (TU München)
- Markus Bär (PTB Berlin & TU Berlin)
- André Schlichting (University of Ulm)
- Angela Stevens (University of Münster)
- Uwe Thiele (University of Münster)
The workshop starts on Monday 5 May at 12:00 with the registration on the second floor of the SRZ building and ends on Thursday 8 May at about 4 pm.
There will be a Poster session with Pitch talks in the late afternoon on Monday with a reception in the early evening.
The conference dinner is on Tuesday 6 May (details follow).
Once available you can here download the Schedule and the Book of Abstracts as PDF.
A limited number of printouts of the Book of Abstracts will be available during registration.
Please note that the seminar room is equipped with a blackboard with two panels, one behind the other. The beamer cannot be used simultaneously because the projection area overlaps with the raised board.
Please register via https://indico.uni-muenster.de/event/2953/.
Support and child care
Please feel free to contact the organisers of the workshop if you have any scientific questions.
For practical issues please get in touch with Claudia Lückert or Katrin Leez.
Childcare is available free of charge for all conference participants.
Venue and Travel Information
The conference takes place in room SRZ 216/217 on the second floor of the seminar building (Seminarraumzentrum, SRZ) next to the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science and the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster.
University of Münster
Seminarraumzentrum (SRZ)
Orléans-Ring 12
48149 Münster
Directions can be found on openstreetmap, on the University of Münster campus map and on the MM websites.
We have also collected practical information in a leaflet: Information for conference guests / Informationsblatt für Tagungsteilnehmer:innen [enIde]
A contingent of hotel rooms has been reserved for invited speakers.
Workshop participants are welcome to book accommodation on their own in one of Münster's many hotels or hostels.
Hotels (among others):
- Stadthotel Münster
- Hotel International am Theater
- Hotel Feldmann
- Hotel Martinihof
- Hotel Busche am Dom
- Hotel Jellentrup
- Hotel Conti
- Hotel Agora
- Hotel Windthorst
Some participants have received fraudulent emails from scam travel companies (such as Hotels@conventionsaccommodation.com).
These emails - with false information and misleading instructions - are not sent by us.
All legitimate communication from us will be sent from verified uni-muenster.de email addresses.
For further questions please feel free to contact the organisers of the workshop or our support staff Claudia Lückert and Katrin Leez. Thank you for your understanding.
You are welcome to download the poster from this page and display it at your institution.
The conference is supported by the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster and the Center for Nonlinear Science (CeNoS)