Fahrrad vorm Schloss
© MM

Conservation laws and non-reciprocity

5 – 8 May 2025, Münster, Germany

The workshop's central aim is the analysis of non-equilibrium systems, with a focus on non-reciprocity and conserved quantities. Classical concepts, such as bifurcations and phase transitions, possibly need to be reconsidered and developed further to properly reflect and account for such features.

Remarkably, only a few systematic studies exist that start from closed, thermodynamic relaxation systems, which are described, e.g., by gradient flows and then add terms that turn them into driven/active systems. A classification and understanding of many of the resulting transitions is still elusive. The related changes in the underlying mathematical structures of the equations pose many new questions, since typically combinations of conservative and dissipative terms occur.

This workshop brings together researchers from Mathematics and from Physics to present recent progress in meeting such challenges.

Confirmed Speakers


  • Markus Bär (PTB Berlin & TU Berlin)
  • André Schlichting (Universität Ulm)
  • Angela Stevens (Universität Münster)
  • Uwe Thiele (Universität Münster)




Please register via https://indico.uni-muenster.de/event/2953/.

Support and child care

Childcare is available free of charge for all conference participants.

Venue and Travel Information

The conference takes place in room SRZ 216/217 on the second floor of the seminar building (Seminarraumzentrum, SRZ) next to the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science and the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster.

University of Münster
Seminarraumzentrum (SRZ)
Orléans-Ring 12
48149 Münster

Directions can be found on openstreetmap, on the University of Münster campus map and on the MM websites.

We have also collected practical information in a leaflet: Information for conference guests / Informationsblatt für Tagungsteilnehmer:innen [enIde]


Once it is available, you are welcome to download the poster from this page and display it at your institution.


The conference is supported by the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster and the Center for Nonlinear Science (CeNoS)