Mitglieder von Mathematics Münster

NameArea of Research
Alsmeyer, Gerold, Prof. Dr.Theory of stochastic processes
Altrock, Frederick Numerical analysis, machine learning, scientific computing
Amelio, Marco Model theory and set theory
Balado-Alves, José Miguel Differential geometry
Bals, Konrad Topology
Bartels, Arthur, Prof. Dr.Topology
Bastug, Mert Optimisation and calculus of variations
Behaghel, Thomas Optimisation and calculus of variations
Bell, Jamieson Operator algebras and mathematical physics
Beutler, Sascha Numerical analysis, machine learning, scientific computing
Birke, Gunnar Numerical analysis, machine learning, scientific computing
Böhm, Christoph, Prof. Dr. Differential geometry
Brück, Benjamin, Dr.Model theory and set theory
Busch, Sira Differential geometry
Cascioli, Anna Model theory and set theory
Cuntz, Joachim, em. Prof. Dr. Dr.Operator algebras and mathematical physics
De Bondt, Ben, Dr.Model theory and set theory
de Santana Araújo, Roberto Differential geometry
Deangelis, Francesco, Dr.Optimisation and calculus of variations
Deninger, Christopher, Prof. Dr.Arithmetic geometry and representation theory
Dereich, Steffen, Prof. Dr.Theory of stochastic processes
Dillmann, Pia Differential geometry
Dittmer, Jakob Stochastic analysis
Ebert, Johannes, Prof. Dr.Topology
Echterhoff, Siegfried, Prof. Dr.Operator algebras and mathematical physics
Engwer, Christian, Prof. Dr.Numerical analysis, machine learning, scientific computing
Erdbrügger, Tim Numerical analysis, machine learning, scientific computing
Espinosa Vergara, Felipe Alejandro Stochastic analysis
Esquivel Calzada, Salvador Cesar Stochastic analysis
Evington, Samuel, Dr.Operator algebras and mathematical physics
Fabiszisky, Jonathan Optimisation and calculus of variations
Fang, Allen Juntao, Dr.Applied analysis and theory of PDEs
Fedosova, Ksenia, Dr.Arithmetic geometry and representation theory
Franz, Robert Differential geometry
Franzmeier, Imke, Dr.
Gabriel, Simon, Dr.Stochastic analysis
Gallon, Davide Numerical analysis, machine learning, scientific computing
Gebhard, Björn, Dr.Applied analysis and theory of PDEs
Geffen, Shirly, Prof. Dr.Operator algebras and mathematical physics
Gesing, Rafaela Operator algebras and mathematical physics
Gietz, Carolin
Grüber, Maren
Gusakova, Anna, Jun.-Prof. Dr.Theory of stochastic processes
Hannibal, Sonja Numerical analysis, machine learning, scientific computing
Harengel, Katharina Operator algebras and mathematical physics
Hartl, Urs, Prof. Dr.Arithmetic geometry and representation theory
He, Yiheng Differential geometry
Hein, Hans-Joachim, Prof. Dr.Differential geometry
Hellmann, Eugen, Prof. Dr.Arithmetic geometry and representation theory
Henn, Nina Topology
Hille, Lutz, apl. Prof. Dr.Arithmetic geometry and representation theory
Hils, Martin, Prof. Dr.Model theory and set theory
Höfer, Fabian Stochastic analysis
Höltershinken, Malte Bernhard Numerical analysis, machine learning, scientific computing
Holzegel, Gustav, Prof. Dr. Applied analysis and theory of pdes
Huang, Ruojun , Dr.Stochastic analysis
Hübner, Edith Topology
Huesmann, Martin, Prof. Dr.Stochastic analysis
Ibragimov, Shokhrukh Numerical analysis, machine learning, scientific computing
in Wolde-Lübke, Mathias Theory of stochastic processes
Jahnke, Franziska, Prof.Dr.Model theory and set theory
Jalowy, Jonas, Dr.Theory of stochastic processes
Jentzen, Arnulf, Prof. Dr. Numerical analysis, machine learning, scientific computing
Joachim, Michael, apl. Prof. Dr.Topology
Jonuska, Lukas Model theory and set theory
Kabanov, Dmitry, Dr.Numerical analysis, machine learning, scientific computing
Kabluchko, Zakhar, Prof. Dr.Theory of stochastic processes
Kalbertod, Jule Differential geometry
Kauffman, Christopher, Dr.Applied analysis and theory of PDEs
Kemper, Matthias, Dr.Differential geometry
Kerr, David, Prof. Dr.Operator algebras and mathematical physics
Ketelsen, Margarete Model theory and set theory
Kleikamp, Hendrik, Dr.Numerical analysis, machine learning, scientific computing
Klein, Benedikt Numerical analysis, machine learning, scientific computing
Kopelke, Morris Theory of stochastic processes
Kopsacheilis, Grigoris Operator algebras and mathematical physics
Kramer, Linus, Prof. Dr.Differential geometry
Kranz, Julian, Dr.Numerical analysis, machine learning, scientific computing
Kröger, Timo Numerical analysis, machine learning, scientific computing
Kuckuck, Benno, Dr.Numerical analysis, machine learning, scientific computing
Kupffer, Luzie Stochastic analysis
Kutzim, Alexander Arithmetic geometry and representation theory
Kwiatkowska, Aleksandra, Jun.-Prof. Dr.Model theory and set theory
Lammers, Isabel Stochastic analysis
Langner, Maximilian Arithmetic geometry and representation theory
Lavoyer , Lucas, Dr.Differential geometry
Liesche, Victoria
Lindner, Jakob
Lo, Lawrence Applied analysis and theory of PDEs
Lohkamp, Joachim, Prof. Dr.Differential geometry
Lourenço, João, Dr.Arithmetic geometry and representation theory
Löwe, Matthias, Prof. Dr.Theory of stochastic processes
Lutz, Judith Arithmetic geometry and representation theory
Mann, Lucas, Dr.Topology
Meißner, Silke Model theory and set theory
Merkel, Romy Marie
Mildenberger, Sophie Stochastic analysis
Min, Daheng, Dr. Differential geometry
Mohammadi Khangheshlaghi, Zahra Model theory and set theory
Mukherjee, Devarshi, Dr.Topology
Mukherjee, Chiranjib, Prof. Dr.Stochastic analysis
Murat, Raquel Differential geometry
Niebel, Lukas, Dr.Applied analysis and theory of PDEs
Nikolaus, Thomas, Prof. Dr.Topology
Obermeyer, Lukas Operator algebras and mathematical physics
Ohlberger, Mario, Prof. Dr.Numerical analysis, machine learning, scientific computing
Osthues, Julia,
Otero Casal, Tomás, Dr.Differential geometry
Paulsen, Volkert, PD Dr.Theory of stochastic processes
Perutka, Tomáš Arithmetic geometry and representation theory
Petrakos, Spyridon Operator algebras and mathematical physics
Pirner, Marlies, Prof. Dr.Applied analysis and theory of pdes
Provci, Milos Applied analysis and theory of PDEs
Pützstück, Phil Topology
Ramzi, Maxime, Dr.Topology
Rave, Stephan, Dr.Numerical analysis, machine learning, scientific computing
Ray, Catherine, Dr.Topology
Recke, Konstantin Julian Stochastic analysis
Reggiani, Dario, Dr.Optimisation and calculus of variations
Renelt, Lukas, Dr.Numerical analysis, machine learning, scientific computing
Riedler, Oskar Differential geometry
Riekert, Adrian, Dr.Numerical analysis, machine learning, scientific computing
Rottmann, Luisa Arithmetic geometry and representation theory
Santiago Arellano, Jose Rafael Applied analysis and theory of PDEs
Santoro, Bianca, Dr.Differential geometry
Schange, Philipp Theory of stochastic processes
Schell, Alexander Numerical analysis, machine learning, scientific computing
Schindler, Ralf, Prof. Dr.Model theory and set theory
Schindler, Anne, Dr.
Schindler, Felix, Dr. Numerical analysis, machine learning, scientific computing
Schleuß, Julia, Dr.Numerical analysis, machine learning, scientific computing
Schneider, Peter, Prof. Dr.Arithmetic geometry and representation theory
Schürmann, Jörg, apl. Prof. Dr.Arithmetic geometry and representation theory
Seis, Christian, Prof. Dr.Applied analysis and theory of pdes
Serpé, Christian, PD Dr.Arithmetic geometry and representation theory
Shepherd, Samuel, Dr.Model theory and set theory
Shi, Luozi Arithmetic geometry and representation theory
Shram, Vladyslav Arithmetic geometry and representation theory
Sibbel, Philipp Operator algebras and mathematical physics
Silva Müller, Eduardo Alejandro, Dr.Theory of stochastic processes
Simon, Theresa , Jun.-Prof. Dr.Optimisation and calculus of variations
Singhal, Ragini, Dr.Differential geometry
Song, Chunqiu Stochastic analysis
Sorouri, Shervin Model theory and set theory
Sroka, Robin J., Dr.Topology
Stanfield, James, Dr.Differential geometry
Stange, Hanna Stochastic analysis
Steigenberger, David Theory of stochastic processes
Stein, Yvonne
Stevens, Angela, Prof. Dr. Applied analysis and theory of pdes
Tempelmayr, Markus , Dr.Stochastic analysis
Tent, Katrin, Prof. Dr. Dr.Model theory and set theory
Thürigen, Johannes, Dr.Operator algebras and mathematical physics
Tony, Thomas Topology
Toshpulatov, Gayrat, Dr. Applied analysis and theory of PDEs
Tullini, Alessandra Applied analysis and theory of PDEs
Ursu, Dan, Dr.Operator algebras and mathematical physics
Vaccaro, Andrea, Dr.Operator algebras and mathematical physics
Varghese, Olga, Dr.
Vermeulen, Floris, Dr.Model theory and set theory
Viehmann, Eva, Prof. Dr.Arithmetic geometry and representation theory
Wachtel, Arthur Stochastic analysis
Weber, Hendrik, Prof. Dr.Stochastic analysis
Weiss, Michael, Prof. Dr.Topology
Wensing, Kristina, Dr.
Wiemeler, Michael, PD Dr.Differential geometry
Wilking, Burkhard, Prof. Dr.Differential geometry
Winter, Wilhelm, Prof. Dr.Operator algebras and mathematical physics
Wirth, Benedikt, Prof. Dr.Optimisation and calculus of variations
Wu, Zhixiang, Dr.Arithmetic geometry and representation theory
Wübbeling, Frank, Dr.Numerical analysis, machine learning, scientific computing
Wulkenhaar, Raimar, Prof. Dr.Operator algebras and mathematical physics
Wulle, Dennis Differential geometry
Yang, Shujie Model theory and set theory
Yasuda, Taichi Model theory and set theory
Yousefi, Bahareh Theory of stochastic processes
Zachos, Ioannis, Dr.Arithmetic geometry and representation theory
Zeidler, Rudolf, Prof. Dr.Topology
Zeppieri, Caterina, Prof. Dr.Optimisation and calculus of variations
Zhao, Yifei, Dr.Arithmetic geometry and representation theory
Zhu, Zixuan Model theory and set theory
Zoubouloglou, Pavlos, Dr.Stochastic analysis