International Programmes at Mathematics Münster

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Master's scholarships

We support international activities of excellent master's students through several programmes. We offer full grant scholarships and short-term scholarships for international master’s students. With the Mathematics Münster Study Abroad Programme we encourage University of Münster's MSc Mathematics students to spend time at non-European universities.

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Young African Mathematician (YAM) Fellowship Programme

The mission of the YAM programme is to provide fellowships for talented and motivated young African mathematicians at a master’s level who wish to gain research experience in a subject of their interest in mathematics. Through immersing themselves in the activities at one of the four German Clusters of Excellence, students can profit from the high-quality international research environment of the host institution and ultimately increase their own network and their chances of applications to PhD programs in the global north.

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Fellows and Guests

With our fellow and guest programme we promote the exchange between researchers - beyond the borders of Mathematics Münster. With the  Münster Research Fellow programme we invite distinguished mathematicians to a long-term stay. Our programme for Young Research Fellows gives outstanding young researchers the opportunity to spend a long-term stay at the Cluster. With the Visiting Doctoral Researchers programme our investigators are able to invite excellent doctoral researchers.

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Internationale Kooperationen

Die Mitglieder von Mathematik Münster pflegen enge Kontakte zu Mathematiker:innen weltweit. Inzwischen existieren zu einigen Institutionen offizielle Kooperationsvereinbarungen.

News International

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Münster Research Fellow: Dima Sinapova

We welcome Prof. Dr. Dima Sinapova from Rutgers University as a Münster Research Fellow. She is one of the leading experts worldwide on the study of aspects of the failure of the Singular Cardinal Hypothesis (SCH). During her stay at our Cluster in June 2024 she will continue her collaborations with Ralf Schindler.

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YAM network meeting

The fellows 2023/2024 of the Young African Mathematicians (YAM) Fellowship Programme and representatives of the YAM network from Berlin, Bonn and Heidelberg and Münster met this Monday, 17 June, at Mathematics Münster for the final meeting.

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New Visiting Scholar: Volker Schlue

We welcome Dr. Volker Schlue as a Visiting Scholar (on leave from the University of Melbourne). His stay is funded by the Humboldt Foundation. Volker is a promising mathematician in general relativity and nonlinear wave equations. He joined our Cluster in April 2024. During his extended stay at our Cluster until February 2025, he will contribute actively to all activities in the research group of Prof. Gustav Holzegel.

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Umgeben von Spitzenforschern

YAM-Stipendiaten aus Afrika geben Einblicke in ihre Zeit am Exzellenzcluster Mathematik Münster

Das "Young African Mathematicians Fellowship Programme" ermöglicht begabten Masterabsolvent:innen aus Afrika, sich in einem anregenden, internationalen Umfeld wissenschaftlich weiterzuentwickeln und einen soliden Grundstein für den eigenen Werdegang zu legen. Seit Oktober forschen erstmals drei Stipendiaten am Exzellenzcluster Mathematik Münster.

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New Münster Research Fellow: Thomas Leblé

We welcome Dr. Thomas Leblé (Université de Paris Cité) as a Münster Research Fellow. He is a promising mathematician in probability theory and mathematical physics. During his stay at our Cluster from 19 February to end of March 2024 he will continue his collaborations with Martin Huesmann.

© Thomas Nikolaus

Neue Kooperationsvereinbarung mit der Universität Kopenhagen

Nun ist es offiziell: Der Exzellenzcluster Mathematik Münster hat mit dem Department of Mathematical Sciences an der Universität Kopenhagen eine Kooperationsvereinbarung geschlossen. Über die Hintergründe und Chancen dieser Kooperation haben wir mit Thomas Nikolaus, Sprecher des Exzellenzclusters Mathematik Münster, gesprochen.

© MM/Mario Ohlberger

New Münster Research Fellow: Martin J. Gander

We welcome Prof. Dr. Martin J. Gander (University of Geneva) as a Münster Research Fellow. He is a renowned mathematician in numerical analysis and scientific computing. During his stay at our Cluster in October and 04 - 08 December 2023 he will continue his collaborations with Prof. Dr. Mario Ohlberger and with Dr. Stephan Rave on localized model order reduction and domain decomposition methods and will plan new projects with further members of Mathematics Münster.

© MM/Melina Aggelidakis

Die ersten Vollzeitstipendiaten haben ihr Masterstudium abgeschlossen

Die ersten Stipendiaten haben es geschafft: Anupam Datta, Zhuang Kang und Shervin Sorouri, die während ihres Masterstudiums von Mathematik Münster mit einem Vollzeitstipendium gefördert wurden, haben ihr Studium in Münster abgeschlossen und ihre Zertifikate erhalten. Die internationalen Studierenden haben in den vergangenen zwei Jahren viele wertvolle Erfahrungen in Münster gemacht, wie sie hier selbst berichten.


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Mathematics Münster startet Kooperation mit brasilianischem Forschungsinstitut

Zwei starke Forschungsinstitutionen haben jetzt eine intensive Zusammenarbeit vereinbart: Mathematikerinnen und Mathematiker der Universität Münster und Forschende des "Instituto de Matemática e Estatística" der "Universidade de São Paulo" (IME-USP) kooperieren im Rahmen des FAPESP-SPRINT-Förderprogramms für zwölf Monate auf dem Gebiet der Geometrie.

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New Münster Research Fellow: Duong H. Phong

We welcome Prof. Dr. Duong H. Phong (Columbia University) as a Münster Research Fellow. He is known for his research on complex analysis, partial differential equations, string theory and complex geometry. During his stay at our Cluster from 30 July to 30 August 2023 he is collaborating with Dr. Bianca Santoro, Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Hein and other members of the complex geometry group in Mathematics Münster.

© MM/Dennis Binder

New international master's scholarship holders have started their studies

The new holders of the scholarships for excellent international master’s students have arrived: Yassaman Jafarabadi, Vindula Kumaranayake and Devansh Sehta started their studies at the University of Münster in October. They are supported by full grant scholarships awarded by the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster. In interviews, they tell us why they chose Münster, which mathematical topics they will focus on and what they hope to achieve during their time here.

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Mit einem Kurzzeit-Stipdendium nach Münster

Exzellenzcluster fördert Masterstudenten José Rafael Santiago

Das erste Kurzzeit-Stipendium für internationale Mathematik-Masterstudierende geht an José Rafael Santiago. Der Venezolaner ist Anfang des Jahres in Münster angekommen und wird, gefördert durch das neue Stipendien-Programm des Exzellenzclusters Mathematik Münster, sechs Monate an der WWU verbringen.

Master scholarshops Kick-offMaster scholarshops Kick-off
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Kick-off des neuen Master-Stipendienprogramms

Die ersten internationalen Stipendiaten sind gestartet

Nach einigen organisatorischen Hürden sind Anupam Datta, Zhuang Kang und Shervin Sorouri in Münster angekommen und in ihr Masterstudium an der WWU gestartet. Sie sind die ersten internationalen Studierenden, die das neue Vollstipendium erhalten. Auf diese Weise unterstützt der Exzellenzcluster Mathematik Münster vielversprechenden mathematischen Nachwuchs bereits auf dieser Stufe.