Young Research Fellow: Simone Cecchini

Simone Cecchini
Simone Cecchini
© MM/vl

We welcome Dr. Simone Cecchini as a new Young Research Fellow at our Cluster. He is a tenure-track Assistant Professor at Texas A&M University and works at the interface of global analysis and topology, where he is particularly known for his contributions to the study of metric properties in scalar curvature geometry. He has recently obtained exciting non-smooth rigidity results for the sphere as well as scalar curvature comparison results for the 4-sphere in the non-spin setting. During his visit to Münster, he will continue his longstanding collaboration with Rudolf Zeidler on scalar curvature rigidity questions and exchange ideas with other scientists at Mathematics Münster.

Simone Cecchini received his PhD from Northeastern University (Boston, USA) in 2017 and subsequently held postdoctoral positions, partly self-funded, at the University of Göttingen until 2022.

Mathematics Münster's programme for "Young Research Fellows"