Coming up next

Scientific events

© MM/vl

Videos of conference talks

Mathematics Münster has recorded some lectures and mini courses and has made the videos available online to give you the opportunity to attend the talks on topics that interest you at a later time.

For early career reseachers
© MM/vl

MM Connect

The event series "MM Connect" offers young scientists of the Cluster the opportunity to exchange ideas regularly. Doctoral researchers and postdocs can present themselves and their research project (MM Arrival), say goodbye when the next career step is due (MM Departure) and exchange basic ideas and concepts (MM Common Ground).

Mathematics Münster's public events

© LWL/Christoph Steinweg

Pop-up-Museum und Rahmenprogramm zu Mathematik und Klimaforschung

Mathematik ist unverzichtbar, um den Klimawandel zu verstehen und Zukunftsszenarien zu modellieren. Auf Initiative unseres Exzellenzclusters ergänzte das Pop-up-Museum 10-Minuten Museum Mathematik der Klimakrise von August 2023 bis Januar 2024 die Sonderausstellung DAS KLIMA im LWL-Museum für Naturkunde in Münster. Ein vielfältiges Rahmenprogramm ermöglichte großen und kleinen Interessierten, das Thema zu vertiefen. Hier finden Sie Videoaufzeichnungen von einigen Vorträgen und Foto-Impressionen.

© Uni MS/Peter Leßmann

For children and teenagers

Supporting young maths talents and offering insights into the study programme and work of mathematicians: The Cluster of Excellence in Mathematics Münster and the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science make this possible through offers such as workshops, a summer academy, videos and short lectures. Check out this overview of upcoming and past activities for children and teenagers!

Public lecture series
© MM

"Brücken in der Mathematik"

The public lecture series "Brücken in der Mathematik" (Bridges in Mathematics) focuses on questions and topics that are trend-setting in different mathematical areas and that connect the areas.

© MM

Digital "Mathenacht"

Scientists from the three mathematical Clusters of Excellence from Berlin, Bonn and Münster demonstrate in online workshops and lectures the fascination of mathematics. The "Mathenacht" is for everyone who is interested in maths: children, teenagers and adults! Most of the contributions are in German.
The "Mathenacht" is held annually (Nov/Dec).

Public lectures series
© Junge Akademie

Millennium project

In 2022, the 7 greatest adventures in mathematics, the "millennium problems", were presented in a nationwide series of events and exciting insights into mathematical research were given. At the Münster research site,  we focused on the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture.