Conference programme 2025

Coming up

Conference programme 2024

© Dioscorides

Model-theoretic methods in non-archimedean geometry

27-31 January 2025

The workshop is aimed at algebraic and arithmetic geometers curious about the potential application of model theory in their research, as well as at model theorists who are keen to learn how their tools may be extended to answer questions of geometric interest.

© MM

Bielefeld-Münster Seminar on Groups, Geometry and Topology

24 January 2025

This is a joint seminar of research groups from Bielefeld and Münster. It started in 2015 and usually takes place once every semester, either in Bielefeld or in Münster. The topics of interest include group theory, geometry and topology. Everyone is welcome to participate in the lectures.

© MM/Ralf Engbers

Model Theory Meets Geometric Group Theory

3–7 February 2025

Model Theory meets GGT is a week-long conference aimed at bringing together young researchers in the areas of Model Theory and Geometric Group Theory. These two areas exhibit a rich interplay, and the mini-courses and research talks will be aimed to display topics in this intersection. Furthermore, there will be a lightning talks session in which all participants are encouraged to give a brief introduction to their own research and interests, so as to foster even more interaction between the participants.

© MM/vl

YMCN Spring School: Recent advances in SPDEs

24-28 March 2025

This workshop on Stochastic Partial Differential Equations (SPDE) aims to provide an intensive series of lectures delivered by leading researchers in the field. Over the course of a week, young researchers will have the opportunity to deepen their understanding of SPDE and foster scientific exchange. The goal is to stimulate collaboration and advance knowledge among junior researchers through expert-led sessions and interactive discussions.

© MM

Conservations laws and non-reciprocity

5-8 May 2025

Both, non-reciprocity and mass conservation, have far reaching generic consequences for the universal dynamical behaviour of the concerned wide range of non-equilibrium systems. Results of many particular approaches to the mathematical modelling of such systems have shown that classical concepts of nonlinear and statistical physics, such as phase transitions, need to be reconsidered and developed further.

© MM/vl

Spring School Women in Random Discrete Structures

12–14 May 2025

This spring school is devoted to several topics in probability theory, like point processes, interacting particle systems, random graphs and stochastic geometry, related by the common theme "Random Discrete Structures". The schedule will consist of three mini-courses as well as the number of short talks. We stress that attendance is of course open to everyone.

© MM

Curvature and Global Shape

28 July - 1 August 2025

The purpose of the meeting is to study relationships between local and global invariants in Riemannian Geometry. Our intention is to bring together experts in the field as well as young mathematicians.