Conference programme 2025

Conference programme 2024

© MM/vl

Bielefeld-Münster Seminar on Groups, Geometry and Topology

9 February 2024

This is a regular seminar of research groups from Bielefeld and Muenster about topics related to geometric group theory. In this way, it is very much related to research topics studied in the Cluster of Excellence in Muenster and the TRR 358 in Bielefeld-Paderborn.

© MM/vl

GEN-Y research workshop in stochastic analysis

08–12 April 2024

Bringing together a small group of leading young experts in their respective research areas, the goal of the workshop is to stimulate collaboration and exchange between participants. The event will provide specialists' points of view on recent developments in stochastic analysis, with a particular focus on singular stochastic PDEs.

© MM/vl

Young Topologists Meeting

5-9 August 2024

The Young Topologists Meeting (YTM) is an annual international conference aimed at early-career researchers in topology - both pure and applied - covering the whole breadth of the subject. It serves as a platform for graduates, PhD researchers and early postdocs to present their research, exchange ideas and build international connections.

© MM/vl

pyMOR School and User Meeting 2024

26-30 August 2024

pyMOR School is an annual event for future and current pyMOR users and developers. The School will offer interactive introductory lectures on some of the most important MOR methods and how to use these methods with pyMOR.

© MM/Melina Aggelidakis

Analytic torsion and interactions

2-6 September 2024

Analytic torsion in its many facets is an important secondary spectral invariant studied in global analysis. The aim of this conference is to present a panorama of recent developments and interactions with other fields, that the study of analytic torsion has seen in the last years.

© MM/vl

Probability, Dynamics and the Geometry of Groups

9-13 September 2024

The last several years have witnessed a significant intensification of the connections between probability (e.g., random walks and percolation) and ergodic theory, especially in treating questions that relate dynamical behaviour with analytic and geometric properties of groups such as amenability, property (T), and the Haagerup property. The meeting will serve to further strengthen these connections by promoting interaction between different communities of researchers.

© MM/vl

European Set Theory Conference

16-20 September 2024

This is the ninth edition of a series of biennial meetings. The 6th Hausdorff medalist(s) will be awarded at this meeting. As part of the ceremony, the medalist(s) is/are going to give their Hausdorff lecture.

© MM/vl

Buildings 2024

23-26 September 2024

The Buildings conference is an annual meeting and in 2024 we will celebrate its 30th edition. The conference will be held in honor of Linus Kramer's 60th birthday. Some of the main topics of the conference are: generalized polygons and related geometries.

© MM/vl

Münster – Imperial Day in PDE

8 October 2024

Due to a large number of common mathematical interests in very diverse fields of mathematics, we decided to introduce a themed meeting bringing together researchers from the two institutions in related areas. The main objective is to get an idea about research interests and projects in each others' department (specifically at the PhD and postdoc level) and to provide a forum for future collaborations. The first theme is in "PDE", with an emphasis on the equations of fluid dynamics and kinetic theory.

© MM/vl

Probability Event: Point Processes, Exchange & Research (PEPPER)

19-22 November 2024

Point processes are one of the main building blocks in the description of many spatial random systems. This autumn school aims to foster exchange between young and established researchers and to explore modern research on point processes and their dynamics.

Conference programme 2023

© MM/vl

Bielefeld-Münster Seminar on Groups, Geometry and Topology

8 February 2023

Bielefeld-Münster Seminar on Groups, Geometry and Topology with talks by Daniel Keppeler (Münster), Amandine Escalier (Münster), Jonas Flechsig (Bielefeld) and Bianca Marchionna (Bielefeld). All lectures take place in room SRZ 216, Orléans-Ring 12.

© MM/vl

Number theory meets p-adic representations

13-17 February 2023 - A conference on the occasion of Peter Schneider’s 70th birthday

The conference will report on various aspects of the rapid developments in Number Theory and Arithmetic in the past years. This concerns in particular smooth representation theory, Iwasawa theory, p-adic geometry and p-adic Hodge theory. All members of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science are invited to join the "Bridging Talk" by Prof. Dr. Otmar Venjakob (Heidelberg) on Thursday, 16 February 2023, 4:20 pm in lecture hall M2, title: "Explicit Reciprocity Laws in Number Theory".

© MM/vl

Young Geometric Group Theory XI

13 - 17 February 2023

The eleventh edition of the Young Geometric Group Theory (YGGT) workshop focuses on four mini-courses which present a panoramic overview over some important developments in the research fields. Besides the four main lecture series a number of plenary presentations are organised to broaden the scope of the workshop, and to encourage the participants to explore the boundaries of the subject.

© MM/vl

Random discrete structures

20 - 24 March 2023

The workshop centers around two topics: "Random graphs and stochastic geometry" and "Branching and mathematical biology". The aim is to provide an opportunity of exchange between the different groups and to attract young researchers to the field. All members of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science are invited to join the "Bridge Plenary Talk" by Remco van der Hofstad (TU Eindhoven) on Thursday, 23 March 2023, 4:30 pm in lecture hall M2, title: "Critical percolation on scale-free random graphs". The conference is part of the Focus Programme "Effective and dynamic behaviour of random structures".

© MM/vl

In search of model structures for non-equilibrium systems

24 - 28 April 2023

The workshop focuses on the availability, derivation and discovery of variational principles for non-equilibrium systems, in particular, those which connect model structures on different lengths and time scales via microscopic derivations, such as hydrodynamic limits. We bring together physicists and mathematicians to discuss recent progress for specific systems as well as regarding general principles.

© MM/vl

Young Set Theory Workshop

29 May - 3 June 2023

Set theory is a broad area of mathematics, with many interconnecting themes, and our knowledge is developing rapidly. This international workshop will bring together young mathematicians, providing in depth introductions to various topics in set theory, leading to questions at the forefront of research. Tutorials and talks will be given by both experienced researchers and postdocs, and will be primarily aimed at advanced PhD students and early career researchers.

© MM/vl

C*-Algebras: Tensor Products, Approximation & Classification

17 - 21 July 2023

Since Elliotts classification of approximately finite C*-algebras it is well known that there are strong ties between classification theory and approximation theory for C*-algebras. The full depth of this relation became clear only after the groundbreaking work of Eberhard Kirchberg on tensor products and approximation properties of C*-algebras with astounding applications to (on first sight unrelated) important problems: the Connes embedding problem and the classification of (purely infinite) C*-algebras. The meeting will focus on breathtaking recent advances in these topics due to several young rising stars.

© MM/vl

Workshop on Curvature and Global Shape

31 July - 04 August 2023

The purpose of the meeting is to study relationships between local and global invariants in Riemannian Geometry. Our intention is to bring together experts in the field as well as young mathematicians. The programme of the workshop is structured so that beyond the lectures there will be many opportunities for intensive discussions.

© MM/vl

Analytic Methods in Complex Geometry

7 - 11 August 2023

In the past two years, we have seen spectacular developments in elliptic PDE methods applied to complex geometry. Highlights include the L-infinity estimates for solutions to complex Monge-Ampere equations due to Guo-Phong-Tong and Li's proof of the SYZ conjecture for Fermat hypersurfaces. This conference aims to provide an exciting opportunity for the field to come together (for the first time in Germany!) and discuss and disseminate these recent advances.

© MM/vl

Workshop on Stability, Mixing and Fluid Dynamics

14 - 16 August 2023

Mixing phenomena and the evolution and stability of coherent vortex structures and interfaces play an essential role in the dynamics of fluids. Their study has a direct impact on the understanding of turbulent flows with real-world applications in oceanography, atmospheric dynamics, industrial processes and beyond. The Workshop will explore stability and mixing phenomena from a broad intradisciplinary perspective, including PDE techniques, stochastic differential equations, harmonic analysis, optimal transport,  numerical analysis and modeling aspects.

© MM/vl

Meeting on H² conforming methods for the dune-functions research software

29 - 31 August 2023

The purpose of the meeting is to discuss suitable abstractions of mathematical concepts used in numerical methods for PDEs and how to derive adequate interfaces for Numerical Software. Experts and young researchers collaborating on the development of the research software framework DUNE met in Münster to discuss challenges and possible solutions in particular for interfaces for high-regularity Finite-Element discretizations, like H² conforming elements.

© MM/vl

Totally disconnected locally compact groups from a geometric perspective

11 - 15 September 2023

Part of the Focus Programme: Actions of totally disconnected locally compact groups on discrete structures

Many discrete geometric structures admit symmetries that are not determined by a finite substructure. This phenomenon is reflected in the non-discreteness of their automorphism group. Conversely, sufficiently non-discrete t.d.l.c. groups admit geometric actions on such structures. This workshop focuses on the above approaches and their interplay.

© MM/vl

Model theory and groups

25 - 29 September 2023

A conference on the occasion of Katrin Tent's 60th birthday

The aim of this conference is to bring together researchers working in model theory and group theory, with a particular view towards geometric group theory.


Totally disconnected locally compact groups: local to global

9 - 13 October 2023

Part of the Focus Programme: Actions of totally disconnected, locally compact groups on discrete structures

This workshop studies the relationship between local, or small-scale, and global, or large-scale, properties of t.d.l.c. groups, which is more subtle than for Lie groups. Small-scale structure, which manifests both in the topological group structure and the objects on which the groups act, interacts with large-scale properties such as simplicity, amenability and quasi-isometry type.

© Uni Bonn

Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry

2 - 6 October 2023

A conference on the occasion of Michael Rapoport's 75th birthday

The geometry of moduli spaces related to the Langlands programme is a rapidly evolving field. We bring together both experts and young researchers to foster these developments.

© MM/vl

Joint Seminar on Complex Algebraic Geometry and Complex Analysis

27 October 2023

The "Joint Seminar on Complex Algebraic Geometry and Complex Analysis" is a research seminar, organised by the algebraic and complex geometry research groups in Bochum, Essen, Cologne, Münster, and Wuppertal. The seminar meets roughly twice per semester for a full day at one of the participating departments. There are three talks per meeting, both by invited guests and by speakers from the organising universities.

© Stochastic Geometry and Point Processes

Stochastic Geometry and Point Processes

15 November 2023

This meeting is part of the Priority Programme "Random Geometric Systems" (SPP 2265: "Zufällige geometrische Systeme") which is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG, deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) and is devoted to the mathematical analysis of effects and phenomena that emerge from an interplay between randomness and geometry.

© MM/vl

Workshop on Cell Dynamics and Mathematical Modeling

27 November - 1 December 2023

This workshop is part of the Topical Program "Cell Dynamics and Mathematical Modeling" which aims at an intensive interaction of biology and mathematics. Biomechanical properties and dynamic shape changes of cells are closely related to their respective state and cellular function. This can be observed, among other things, in the migration of primordial germ cells. Such processes can be well described mathematically, and the influence of important parameters can thus also be analyzed theoretically.

Conference programme 2022

Giant pool ballsGiant pool balls
© MM/Martina Pfeifer

European Conference on Interdisciplinary Model Theory - ECIMT

7 - 11 March 2022

ECIMT is a week-long conference happening in Münster, aiming to bring together young researchers interested in Model Theory, and to explore interactions between Model Theory and other mathematical fields, most notably Combinatorics, Algebra and Number Theory.

© MM/vl

Inspiring and motivating: Mathematics Münster's 2nd Advisory Board Meeting

We were pleased to welcome the scientists of our Advisory Board and all members of Mathematics Münster to our second Advisory Board Meeting last week - in person and digitally. It was an intense and fruitful exchange about past and future activities of the Cluster, with many helpful hints from the advisors.

© Uni MS/Jan Lehmann

Joint Seminar on Complex Algebraic Geometry and Complex Analysis

27 May 2022

The "Joint Seminar on Complex Algebraic Geometry and Complex Analysis" is a research seminar, organised by the algebraic and complex geometry research groups in Bochum, Essen, Cologne, Münster, and Wuppertal. The next meeting will take place next Friday, 27 May 2022, for the first time at Münster University. There will be talks by Markus Banagl (Heidelberg), Francesco Bei (Sapienza) and Nicolina Istrati (Marburg).

© MM/vl

M²A² Mathematical Modeling and Analysis

7 - 9 June 2022

In honor of Angela Stevens' Πk=1,2,3(k+2)th birthday this conference covers various mathematical topics she has been working on: Mathematical modeling, analysis of PDEs, dynamical systems and stochastic many particle systems. A leitmotif will be the emergence and evolution of patterns. Speakers are scientists Angela Stevens has been working and sharing paths of her mathematical journey with.

© MM/Ralf Engbers

5th Münster conference on inner model theory

20 June 20 - 1 July 2022

Continuing a tradition, this conference will again draw together researchers and advanced students with an interest in inner model theory, in order to communicate and further explore recent work. There will be courses and single talks with additional ample time for problem sessions, informal seminars, and other interactions.

© Uni MS/Jan Lehmann

Quantum many body system and interacting particles

20-24 June 2022 - in honor of Herbert Spohn

The conference will focus on a broad range of topics which lie at the crossroads of mathematical physics and probability theory, where Herbert Spohn has made many fundamental contributions for several decades and has influenced entire generations of researchers.

© University of Copenhagen

Geometry and Topology, ICM sectional workshop

6-14 July 2022, University of Copenhagen

The ICM 2022 was recently reorganised as an online event, and this event will host some of the talks real life, and attempt to salvage, on a smaller scale, some of the usual spirit of an ICM. The focus of the event in Copenhagen will be the Geometry and Topology sections, though it will not be restricted to those.


Young Mathematicians in Model Order Reduction

18 - 22 July 2022

The Young Mathematicians in Model Order Reduction conference (YMMOR) aims at bringing together early career researchers that are working in the broad field of Model Order Reduction and related topics. Therefore, the focus of the conference is to foster scientific exchange and networking among PhD students, master students, and early postdocs.

© MM/vl

Summerschool on Analysis and Applied Mathematics

12 - 16 September 2022

The scope of the Summerschool is to offer an overview of modern themes in Applied Mathematics, ranging from modeling issues in physics and materials science to their mathematical analysis by means of advanced techniques in the theory of PDEs and the Calculus of Variations.

© MaRDi

1st MaRDI Workshop on Scientific Computing

26 - 28 October 2022

With this first MaRDI Workshop on Scientific Computing, we want to bring together researchers from the Scientific Computing community and related disciplines who are interested in the FAIRness of their research data. Apart from presentations on the current MaRDI projects and selected keynote talks, birds-of-a-feather sessions will leave room for discussions and hands-on tutorials.

© MM/vl

Group Actions: Dynamics, Measure, Topology

28 Nov - 2 Dec 2022

This meeting will focus on the measurable and topological dynamics of group actions, with emphasis on the cross-pollination of themes and techniques that have been driving these subjects in novel directions over the last few years, ranging in flavour from probability, symbolic dynamics, and combinatorics to Lie groups, representation theory, and operator algebras, and including new types of interactions at the boundary of measure and topology themselves.

© MM/vl

Workshop on the Bezrukavnikov equivalence

16 December 2022

The workshop is a joint activity of the Arithmetic Geometry research groups in Bonn, Essen and Münster. The aim of the workshop is to understand the work of Roman Bezrukavnikov about an equivalence between certain constructible sheaves on an affine flag variety and certain coherent sheaves on a variety related to the Springer resolution of the nilpotent cone.

Conference programme 2021


Virtual Winterschool on Analysis and Applied Mathematics

22-26 February 2021

The scope of the Winterschool is to offer an overview of modern themes in Applied Mathematics, ranging from modeling issues in physics and materials science to their mathematical analysis by means of advanced techniques in the theory of PDEs and the Calculus of Variations. Speakers are Andrea Braides (Rome), Lucia Scardia (Edinburgh) and Ulisse Stefanelli (Vienna).

Cuntz2021 KonferenzCuntz2021 Konferenz
© MM

Workshop Cuntz semigroups

12 - 16 July 2021

The Cuntz semigroup is a geometric refinement of K-theory that was introduced by Cuntz in the 1970s in his pioneering work on the structure of simple C*-algebras. This powerful invariant has seen many applications in the structure and classification theory of C*-algebras. Recently, it has also become clear that Cuntz semigroups are interesting objects of study in their own right. This workshop will bring together researchers that are interested in the different aspects of Cuntz semigroups in areas such as C*-algebras, dynamical systems, and model theory.

Ymca LogoYmca Logo
© MM/vl I YMC*A meeting

Young Mathematicians in C*-Algebras

2 - 13 August 2021

YMC*A is an annual conference organised for and by master/PhD students and postdocs in operator algebras and related areas, with the goal of fostering scientific and social interaction between young researchers. YMC*A 2021 has taken place in Münster in a hybrid format with online participation over Zoom and a limited number of participants present in Münster.

Ncg-meets-tr-dsc 0147Ncg-meets-tr-dsc 0147
© MM/vl - All persons tested negative for Covid-19.

Noncommutative geometry meets topological recursion

16 - 20 August 2021

This workshop intends to be a first meeting point for specialists and young researchers active in noncommutative geometry, free probability, and topological recursion. We plan to run the workshop in hybrid form with a considerable number of participants present in Münster and video transmission to the outside world.

© Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences

Bridging the gaps between theoretical and applied mathematics

Peter Schneider: Local p-adic analysis

Bridging the gaps between mathematical disciplines is a main goal of our Cluster. Prof. Dr. Peter Schneider, investigator at Mathematics Münster, is contributing to this strategic aim. At the conference "Branching from number theory: p-adics in the sciences" (30 August - 03 September 2021) of the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, he will give a mini-course on "Local p-adic analysis".

© MM

Representation theory's hidden motives

Conference at Münster and Sydney, 27 September - 1 October 2021

In recent years, motivic techniques have been applied in several branches of representation theory, for example in geometric and modular representation theory. The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers in these areas in order to foster new synergies in topics such as foundational aspects of the theory of motives, Tate motives on varieties of representation-theoretic origin, motivic aspects of the Langlands program, and motives of classifying spaces.

Fahrrad Vor SchlossFahrrad Vor Schloss
© MM/vl

pyMOR School

4 - 8 October 2021

This school is targeted at anyone interested to apply model order reduction in their work using pyMOR. The school will consist of both introductory lectures to model order reduction and pyMOR as well as programming sessions. Participants are encouraged to bring their own problems to work on. Basic knowledge of Python and packages from the SciPy stack (NumPy, SciPy, matplotlib) is assumed.

Conference programme 2020

Conference programme 2019

Opening ColloquiumOpening Colloquium
© MM

The Cluster of Excellence "Mathematics Münster" celebrates its official launch

Opening colloquium at the University of Münster with top-ranking international researchers

Last week the new Cluster of Excellence “Mathematics Münster: Dynamics – Geometry – Structure” staged its opening event at the University of Münster with a three-day colloquium. From 20 to 22 June, fifteen distinguished international scholars from nine countries held specialist lectures, providing insights into their current research.