Representation theory's hidden motives
27 September - 1 October 2021
In recent years, motivic techniques have been applied in several branches of representation theory, for example in geometric and modular representation theory. The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers in these areas in order to foster new synergies in topics such as foundational aspects of the theory of motives, Tate motives on varieties of representation-theoretic origin, motivic aspects of the Langlands program, and motives of classifying spaces.
All participants are required to confirm their immunisation status (via vaccination or convalescence) or present a negative test result obtained from a certified testing centre within the last 48 hours ("3 G rule").
Speakers and Titles
Angeltveit, Vigleik: The Picard group of Equivariant Stable Homotopy Theory and the Slice Spectral Sequence
Cass, Robert: Perverse mod p sheaves on the affine Grassmannian
Coulembier, Kevin: Frobenius exact tensor categories
Eberhardt, Jens: Motivic Springer Theory
Fu, Lie: Multiplicative McKay correspondence for surfaces.
Hoskins, Victoria: Motives of stacks of sheaves and bundles on curves
Hoyois, Marc: Hilbert schemes in motivic homotopy theory
Kamgarpour, Masoud: Langlands correspondence for hypergeometric motives
Kelly, Shane: Motives with modulus over a general base
Lanini, Martina: Totally nonnegative Grassmannians, Grassmann necklaces and quiver Grassmannians
Levine, Marc: Atiyah-Bott localization for Witt sheaf cohomology, with applications
Richarz, Timo: Motivic Satake equivalence
Semenov, Nikita: Hopf-theoretic approach to motives of twisted flag varieties
Soergel, Wolfgang: Geometric interpretation of the homotopy category of special bimodules through mixed Tate motives
Spitzweck, Markus: A representation theorem for integral étale abelian motives
Treumann, David: G-spectra of cyclic defect
Vilonen, Kari: Mixed Hodge modules and representation theory
Xue, Ting: Character sheaves, Hecke algebras and Hessenberg varieties
Yang, Yaping: The perverse coherent sheaves on toric Calabi-Yau 3-folds and Cohomological Hall algebras
Zhao, Gufang: Frobenii on Morava E-theoretical quantum groups
Zhong, Changlong: K-theory stable bases of Springer resolutions
Nora Ganter (Melbourne)
Jakob Scholbach (Münster)
Matthias Wendt (Wuppertal)
Geordie Williamson (Sydney)
Schedule and video recordings
All talks will be broadcast live using zoom. Recordings of talks will be posted at the youtube channel of the Sydney Mathematical Research Institute.
Registered participants of the workshop will be sent zoom meeting IDs for the talks, and also a link to download video recordings prior to their publication on youtube.
Local organisational information
The workshop takes place parallely at the University of Münster and at the University of Sydney. It can also be attended online.
The workshop takes place in room SRZ 217 on the second floor of the seminar building located at
Orléans-Ring 12
48149 Münster
GermanyTravel Information
The University of Münster is located in Münster in Westphalia. The address of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science is Einsteinstrasse 62 and is listed on all common route planners.
You can find the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster in the annex:
Orléans-Ring 10
ground floor
48149 MünsterThe conferences and workshops take place at the:
Seminar room center (SRZ)
Orléans-Ring 12
2nd floor
48149 MünsterDirections can be found on openstreetmap or on the Campus map of the University of Münster. Detailed travel information can be found on the MM websites.
Download: Information for conference guests / Informationsblatt für TagungsteilnehmerInnen [de|en]
Support and child care
The Cluster of Excellence offers limited support for PhD students and early PostDocs. Child care is available free of charge for all participants of the workshop.
Because of the lockdown in Sydney, the Sydney venue has been closed. We will facilitate the exchange between all people attending the conference using a dedicated chat room called gather town. See the schedule sent to participants for details.
You are welcome to download the conference poster and display it at your institution.
Jakob Scholbach jakob.scholbach@uni-muenster.de +49 251 83 33735
Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster
Sydney Mathematical Research Institute
DFG Priority Programme 1786 Homotopy Theory and Algebraic Geometry