
Insights into mathematical research and the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster
Public series
© MM/vl

Public lectures "Brücken in der Mathematik"

The public lecture series "Brücken in der Mathematik" (Bridges in Mathematics) focuses on questions and topics that are trend-setting in different mathematical areas and that connect these areas. Video recordings of past events are available (in German) - in case you missed the lecture or would like to listen to it again.


Annual public event
© MM

Digital Maths Night

Scientists from the three mathematical Clusters of Excellence from Berlin, Bonn and Münster demonstrate in online workshops and lectures the fascination of mathematics. The "Mathenacht" is for everyone who is interested in maths: children, teenagers and adults! Most of the contributions are in German. The next "Mathenacht" will be offered in winter 2025.

© MM/vl

Podcast "On a Tangent"

Welcome to "On A Tangent - Voices of Mathematics Münster", where we tell the stories behind the mathematics. In each episode, we meet a different early career mathematician from Mathematics Münster, and learn about their research, their path towards mathematics, and their hopes for the future.

© MM

Maths Trail Münster

The Maths Trail Münster offers fascinating insights into the city's history combined with mathematical puzzles (in German). The challenges are designed for students from grade 7 and up, but younger and older participants are warmly invited to join the adventure. The tour can be started at any time, tailored to your preferences—and the weather!

© MM

Portraits of Mathematics Münster's members

With the series "Portraits of MM members", we would like to introduce you to the scientists of Mathematics Münster. Through short texts and interviews, you will learn more about the main focus of their research, their careers and which aspects of mathematics they find particularly beautiful. The series is constantly being expanded.

© MM

Inspiring video series: "Behind the Science"

With the video series "Behind the Science" we take a look behind the scenes and learn more about outstanding mathematicians: How did they come to their scientific findings? In addition to all the genius, was there perhaps a little luck involved? Which ups and downs can research bring? The interviews provide inspiring and motivating insights.

© Uni MS/Peter Leßmann

For children and teenagers

Supporting young maths talents and offering insights into the study programme and work of mathematicians: The Cluster of Excellence in Mathematics Münster and the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science make this possible through offers such as workshops, a summer academy, videos and short lectures. Check out this overview of upcoming and past activities for children and teenagers!

© MM

Women in Maths

Gain interesting insight into the work of female mathematicians: We have compiled portraits, videos and further information about female professors, postdocs and PhD researchers.

© LWL/Christoph Steinweg

Mathematik und Klimaforschung

Mathematik ist unverzichtbar, um den Klimawandel zu verstehen und Zukunftsszenarien zu modellieren. Auf Initiative unseres Exzellenzclusters ergänzte das Pop-up-Museum 10-Minuten Museum Mathematik der Klimakrise von August 2023 bis Januar 2024 die Sonderausstellung DAS KLIMA im LWL-Museum für Naturkunde in Münster. Ein vielfältiges Rahmenprogramm ermöglichte großen und kleinen Interessierten, das Thema zu vertiefen. Hier finden Sie Videoaufzeichnungen von einigen Vorträgen und Foto-Impressionen.

Public lectures series
© Junge Akademie

Millennium problems

In 2022, the 7 greatest adventures in mathematics, the "millennium problems", were presented in a nationwide series of events and exciting insights into mathematical research were given. At the Münster research site,  we focused on the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture. Check out the video recordings of the talks.

Insights - interviews, videos and much more

Learn more about mathematical research in Münster!
© MM/Imke Franzmeier

New and final episode of ‘On a Tangent’

with Edith Hübner

In the final episode (for now) of our podcast series On a Tangent, we delve into the fascinating journey of Edith Hübner from physics to mathematics. The doctoral researcher in topology shares surprising lessons that gnomes can teach young children and takes us into the mysterious world of infinity categories.

Public online event
© MM/vl

A night full of mathematics

29 November 2024, via Zoom

Scientists from our Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster, the "Hausdorff Center for Mathematics" (Bonn) and "MATH+" (Berlin) will show in digital workshops and lectures the fascination of mathematics - from 3 pm to midnight. Don't miss Prof. Gustav Holzegel's talk "Die Mathematik schwarzer Löcher" at 10 pm.

Public event
© freepik.com

Abstand halten! Kooperative Regelungen in automatischen Fahrzeugen

"Brücken in der Mathematik" am 6. November

Wir laden alle Interessierten herzlich zur nächsten Ausgabe der öffentlichen Vortragsreihe "Brücken in der Mathematik" ein. Wie funktionieren Abstandsregler im Pkw? Wie verhindern Fahrerassistenzsysteme Kollisionen? Und welche Rolle spielen dabei sogenannte kooperative Regelungen, die auf einer mathematischen Analyse basieren? Auf diese und mehr Fragen geht Prof. Dr. Jan Lunze (Ruhr-Universität Bochum) am 6. November 2024 um 18:30 Uhr in seinem Vortrag im Planetarium des LWL-Naturkundemuseums ein. Jetzt anmelden!

© MM/vl

New episode "On a Tangent"

with Marjory Mwanza

In the latest episode of our podcast On A Tangent, we meet Marjory Mwanza, a Fellow of the Young African Mathematicians programme. She shares her journey into group theory and how she uncovers fascinating, deeper structures in seemingly simple objects.

© MM/vl

Interview with Franziska Jahnke

Franziska Jahnke has been a professor at the Mathematical Institute and the Institute for Mathematical Logic and Foundational Research since 1 September 2024. She conducts research in the field of model theory of fields. Her work combines mathematical logic with applications in algebra. In this interview, she provides insights into what she enjoys about mathematics and which moments in her career have been particularly important.

© MM/vl

New film on Mathematics Münster

We are excited to present a new film about Mathematics Münster that offers authentic insights into the work at our Cluster of Excellence. The film highlights the research approach of Mathematics Münster and shows why Münster is an attractive place to work and research, especially for young mathematicians.

© MM/Melina Aggelidakis

"NRW-Schülerakademie Mathematik und Informatik" visits Münster University

In order to give particularly talented high school students an insight into study programmes and research, the University of Münster has been a cooperation partner of the "Schülerakademie für Mathematik und Informatik NRW" (SMIMS) since 2022. Last week, the young maths talents visited our Faculty and our Cluster of Excellence to listen to short lectures and receive individual advice on study programmes and careers in science.

© Imke Franzmeier

New episode "On a Tangent"

with Rin Ray

In the latest episode of "On a Tangent", find out why a person full of inventiveness is drawn to maths and how bridges are built between fundamental mathematical questions in different fields.

© Rob Sullivan

New episode "On a Tangent"

with Rob Sullivan

Shortly before Rob Sullivan left Mathematics Münster, he answered some questions on our podcast. In the latest episode of "On a Tangent", find out how to entertain children at boring weddings and why ultrahomogeneous structures are difficult to understand.

© MM/Wiebke Haver

Nordseebrise, Strandblick und Mathematik

Schülerakademie auf Sylt

25 Mathematikbegeisterte Schülerinnen und Schüler der Jahrgangsstufen 10 und 11 aus Münster und dem Umland verbrachten vom 17. bis 22. Juni 2024 erlebnisreiche Tage bei der Mathematik-Sommerakademie auf Sylt. Prof. Dr. Michael Joachim und Prof. Dr. Matthias Löwe und die Doktorandinnen Isabel Lammers und Pia Dillmann hatten Workshops vorbereitet, die einen Blick in die Mathematik über den Schulstoff hinaus ermöglichte.

© MM/vl

New episode "On a Tangent"

with Azul Fatalini

In this episode of our podcast "On A Tangent", Simone is joined by Azul Fatalini, a doctoral researcher in Set Theory. Learn about how the Axiom of Choice transforms the universes it holds in, how logic is the mathematics of mathematics, and what’s the quickest path to ice cream.

© MM/vl

New episode of "On a Tangent"

with Mert Bastug

In the second episode of our Mathematics Münster podcast "On A Tangent", host Simone Ramello meets Mert Bastug, a doctoral researcher in PDEs and Calculus of Variations. They talk about Mert’s first meeting with mathematics, how it is possible to understand materials with the help of PDEs, and where they might take us next.