
Mathematics Münster: Dynamics – Geometry – Structure is funded as a "Cluster of Excellence" (Exzellenzcluster) at the University of Münster as part of the Excellence Strategy. The Cluster is embedded in an outstanding research environment:

  • The Collaborative Research Centre "Geometry: Deformations and Rigidity" (CRC 1442) has been funded since 2020 and builds on the previous research of CRCs 878 and CRC 478.
  • The establishment of the Centre of Mathematics Münster (CMM) in a new research building has received a budget of 39.4 million euros as part of the 2022 application phase of the federal-state program "Forschungsbauten." Operations are set to begin in 2026.

Awards and Honors

The excellence of the researchers is documented by numerous awards, including six Leibniz Prizes, two Alexander von Humboldt Professorships, six ERC Grants, a Karl Georg Christian von Staudt Award, an Alfried Krupp Sponsorship Award, a Max Planck Research Award and a Felix Klein Prize.

Leibniz Prizes

Eva Viehmann, Burkhard Wilking, Wolfgang Lück, Joachim Cuntz, Christopher Deninger, Peter Schneider
© MM

The Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize is the most prestigious award for top-level research in Germany. It is awarded annually by the German Research Foundation to outstanding researchers and supports innovative projects with up to €2.5 million. The prize recognises excellence across all disciplines. Six mathematicians from the University of Münster have already received this award, most recently in 2024.

ERC Grants

Rudolf Zeidler, Arnulf Jentzen, Hendrik Weber, Wilhelm Winter, Eva Viehmann, Gustav Holzegel
© MM

Since 2018, six scientists of Mathematics Münster have received one of the prestigious ERC (European Research Council) grants. This funding is awarded to outstanding researchers in Europe to enable groundbreaking, innovative research at the highest level in their field of research. The recipients are selected based on the excellence of their research project and their previous achievements.

Collection of awards and honours from 2018.


© Uni MS/Peter Leßmann

Dov Gabbay Prize for Logic and Foundations 2024 for Ralf Schindler

We are delighted that Ralf Schindler, investigator of Mathematics Münster, and David Asperó (University of East Anglia) were awarded the Dov Gabbay Prize for Logic and Foundations 2024. The jury of the international research prize rewards their work in the foundations of set theory, and in particular their work connecting determinacy principles and so-called strong forcing axioms, both impinging on the nature of the continuum hypothesis.

© ICBS 2024

Best Paper Award for Arnulf Jentzen

We are delighted to announce that Professor Dr Arnulf Jentzen from Mathematik Münster, together with together with Jiequn Han and Weinan E, has received the prestigious Frontiers of Science Award for the outstanding publication at the International Congress of Basic Science (ICBS) in Beijing on 14 July 2024.

© MM/vl

DFG extends Collaborative Research Centre "Geometry: Deformations and Rigidity"

Great news for Mathematics Münster: The German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG) has approved the extension of the Collaborative Research Centre (CRC) "Geometry: Deformations and Rigidity". The researchers will receive a funding of 8.5 million euros for another four years in order to further develop geometry both as a discipline in its own right and and as a tool for other mathematical areas.

© Ralf Schindler

Sacks Prize for Andreas Lietz

The Association for Symbolic Logic (ASL) has awarded Dr. Andreas Lietz the Sacks Prize for the most outstanding doctoral dissertation in mathematical logic in 2023. He is currently a postdoc at TU Wien. He received his PhD in 2023 under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Ralf Schindler at Mathematics Münster. Congratulations, Andreas!


© MM/vl

Leibniz prize for Eva Viehmann

Congratulations! Prof. Dr. Eva Viehmann, investigator at our Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster, has been awarded the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize 2024 by the German Research Foundation (DFG), the most highly endowed German research prize. "The prize is a great honour for me," she says. She has found an "ideal research environment" at the University of Münster, in mathematics in general and in her research group for arithmetic geometry. "The prize makes these good conditions even more perfect."

© MM/vl

"ERC Starting Grant" for Rudolf Zeidler

Our member Dr. Rudolf Zeidler has been awarded an "ERC Starting Grant". The grant of 1.4 million euros will enable him to set up his own research group in the field of scalar curvature. He has also been accepted by the DFG to the Heisenberg Programme. Congratulations, Rudi!

© // Lynn Quiroz

Arnulf Jentzen awarded as Lamarr Fellow

Our investigator Arnulf Jentzen has been accepted into the "Lamarr Fellow Network", funded by the Ministry for Culture and Science North Rhine-Westphalia. The programme aims to foster research on artificial intelligence.

© ICBS 2023

Best Paper Awards for Thomas Nikolaus and Ralf Schindler

Congratulations to our Mathematics Münster researchers Prof. Dr. Thomas Nikolaus and Prof. Dr. Ralf Schindler: Together with co-authors, they received Frontiers of Science Awards for their outstanding papers at the International Congress of Basic Science (ICBS) in Beijing on 16 July 2023.

© Ricky Chan Kin-ming, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

ERC Consolidator Grant for Arnulf Jentzen

Prof Arnulf Jentzen has been awarded a Consolidator Grant by the European Research Council (ERC). The mathematician who carries out research at our Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster is working on the mathematical fundamentals of deep learning. For his ERC project, starting in July, he will be receiving around 1.4 million euros for the next five years.

© Uni MS

Strategic Collaboration Grant for Stephan Rave

Dr. Stephan Rave, member of Mathematics Münster, and Prof. Dr. Thomas Weinhart (University of Twente) have been awarded with the so-called "Collaboration Grant" - an intern funding instrument of the universities of Münster and Twente in order to finance existing research collaborations between Münster and Twente. The project named "Model Order Reduction for Discrete Particle Systems" which should simulate the behavior of granular materials, gains 80,000 euros.


© AWK NRW/Bettina Engel-Albustin

Humboldt Foundation accepts Franziska Jahnke as a Henriette Herz Scout

We are delighted that the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation has accepted Franziska Jahnke, MATHRIX professor at Mathematics Münster, as a new Henriette Herz Scout. She has now the opportunity to recommend three postdocs from abroad for a renowned Humboldt Research Fellowship which can be granted directly.

© Uni MS

Best Paper Prize for Benedikt Wirth and team

Combining mathematical depth with biological impact: A research team from Münster, led by Cluster investigator Benedikt Wirth, has just been awarded the IMA Mathematical Medicine & Biology Best Paper Prize 2021. A belated but no less beautiful honor!

© MM/vl

New "Bridging the Gaps" professor for Mathematics Münster

Prof. Dr. Hendrik Weber - a portrait

The Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster has established special professorships for mathematicians who bring together a variety of fields in their research – such as Prof. Hendrik Weber. Recently, Hendrik Weber, an expert on stochastic analysis, moved from the University of Bath to Münster. He brought with him an ERC Consolidator Grant, approved in 2022.

© Uni Bonn/Thoralf Räsch

Postdoc receives the Hausdorff Memorial Award

Dr. Lucas Mann was awarded for his doctoral thesis on Poincaré duality and p-adic geometry

Congratulations to Mathematics Münster's postdoc Dr. Lucas Mann! He was awarded the Hausdorff Memorial Award for the best dissertation 2021/2022 in mathematics at the University of Bonn. In his PhD thesis, he proves a Poicaré duality in the case of p-adic geometry. His supervisor Prof. Dr. Peter Scholze was highly impressed by the technical level and the importance beyond the statement to be proved: "This PhD thesis is an extraordinary contribution to p-adic geometry, and it will take some years to digest the statements from this thesis."


© MM/vl

ERC Starting Grant for Giles Gardam

We are delighted that the European Research Council has awarded Prof. Dr. Giles Gardam, investigator of Mathematics Münster, an "ERC Starting Grant". With the help of this EU funding of 1.2 million euros over the next five years, the scientist plans to carry out his research project "Satisfiability and group rings" (SATURN). The research grant is among the most prestigious awards of its kind in Europe.

© MM/vl

Leonard Kreutz receives Emmy Noether funding

The German Research Foundation (DFG) is providing around 1.2 million euros of funding for mathematician Dr. Leonard Kreutz under the Emmy Noether Programme. Leonard Kreutz – who has been working as a postdoc at Mathematics Münster in the last years – will use the money to set up his own research group at the Technical University (TU) Munich to work on "Variational Methods in Materials Sciences".

© University of Turin

Hausdorff medal for David Asperó and Ralf Schindler

Congratulations! The 5th Hausdorff Medal was awarded to Prof. David Asperó (University of East Anglia) and Prof. Ralf Schindler (Mathematics Münster) at the European Set Theory Conference in Turin. The prize is awarded every two years for the most influential work in set theory published in the five years preceding the medal.

© Uni MS/Peter Leßmann

Universitätsgesellschaft awards Förderpreis to physician and mathematician

Award for Maximilian Kückelhaus and Giles Gardam endowed with 10,000 euros

Every year, the "Universitätsgesellschaft Münster" honors young scientists at the WWU for their excellent research achievements with the "Förderpreis". This year, the award goes to the mathematician Dr. Giles Gardam and the physician Dr. Maximilian Kückelhaus. The prize is endowed with 10,000 euros.

© MM/vl

Giles Gardam receives Emmy Noether funding

Dr. Giles Gardam, postdoc at Mathematics Münster, convinced the German Research Foundation (DFG) with his project: The DFG is providing funding from the Emmy Noether Programme of just over one million euros for the mathematician. This means that he can build up his own research group at the Mathematical Institute in the coming six years. The aim of the Emmy Noether Programme is to offer outstanding junior researchers scientific independence and qualify them for a university professorship.

© privat

IBC Prize for Arnulf Jentzen

Congratulations to Prof Arnulf Jentzen! He is the winner of the 2022 Joseph F. Traub Prize. This annual prize is given by the Journal of Complexity for outstanding contributions to information-based complexity.

© MM/vl

Staudt Prize 2022 is awarded to Burkhard Wilking

We are very happy to announce that our Cluster member Burkhard Wilking has been awarded the Karl Georg Christian von Staudt Prize 2022 for his outstanding work in the field of theoretical mathematics. The Scientific Commission of the Society of Mathematical Research emphasised not only his contribution to the construction of metrics of non-negative sectional curvature, as well as to rigidity theorems for manifolds of positive curvature, but also his creative use of the Ricci flow.

© MM, ICM 2022

Two researchers from Mathematics Münster at ICM 2022

Talks by Gustav Holzegel and Thomas Nikolaus

++ Update 26.02.2022: The Executive Committee of the International Mathematical Union (IMU) has decided that the ICM 2022 will take place as a fully virtual event, hosted outside Russia. ++

Prof Gustav Holzegel and Prof Thomas Nikolaus, both members of the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster, have been invited to talk about their research at the International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM). The ICM takes place every four years and is the oldest, largest and – scientifically speaking – most important event in the field of mathematics.


Awk Jk Jahnke Franziska Foto Engel-albustinAwk Jk Jahnke Franziska Foto Engel-albustin
© AWK NRW/Bettina Engel-Albustin

NRW academy accepted Franziska Jahnke into "Junges Kolleg"

Congratulations, Franziska Jahnke! The North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences and Arts has accepted her as a new member of the "Junges Kolleg" for young uprising scientists. She is a junior professor at the Mathematical Institute and the Institute for Mathematical Logic and Foundational Research and a member of our Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster. [de]

Forschungsbau CMMForschungsbau CMM
© BLB NRW, Niederlassung Münster

Funding for "Centre of Mathematics Münster" has been approved

Construction work will start in 2022

The members of the "Gemeinsame Wissenschaftskonferenz" (Joint Science Conference) have been convinced by the innovative concept for the research building "Centre of Mathematics Münster". After the "Wissenschaftsrat" (Science Council) recommended funding in April, it is now assured. The federal government and the state of North Rhine-Westphalia will support the project with around 31 million euros. Construction work will begin in spring 2022. [de]

Gustav Holzegel
© Uni MS/Peter Leßmann

Patience and perseverance

A portrait of Gustav Holzegel, mathematician and Humboldt professor

To be world chess champion – that was the plan when he was just eight years old. Although Gustav Holzegel did not achieve his aim, he can still be satisfied. The mathematician is a recognised expert in the field of General Relativity and has undertaken research at leading international institutes. Since November he has been a professor at the University of Münster supported by a recently awarded a Humboldt professorship, the most valuable research award in Germany.

Eugen Hellmann und RektorEugen Hellmann
© Uni MS/Peter Leßmann

WWU Research Prize for Prof. Dr. Eugen Hellmann

Eulogy at the digital New Year's Reception

Congratulations, Eugen Hellmann! He has been awarded the WWU Research Prize 2020 for his outstanding achievements. The mathematician, investigator at Mathematics Münter, is one of the world’s leading specialists in the field of arithmetic geometry. The eulogy and can be seen in the recording of the digital New Year's reception [de] on YouTube, as can find a video [de] with insights into Eugen Hellmann's research.


© Uni MS / AG Kiefer/AG Schäfers

DFG provides funding for new Collaborative Research Centre (CRC) “inSight”

A cooperation between medicine, natural sciences, mathematics and computer science

In the research project “inSight – Multiscale imaging of organ-specific inflammation” that receives approximately ten million euros in funding, scientists focus on the question of how the body regulates inflammation in different organs and, to this end, develop a specific imaging methodology. Prof. Dr. Benedikt Wirth, investigator of Mathematics Münster, is involved as principal investigator.

© MM/vl
© AvH

Exceptional award strengthens Mathematics Münster

Mathematician Gustav Holzegel awarded a prestigious Humboldt professorship

Prof. Gustav Holzegel, one of the world’s leading experts on the General Theory of Relativity, is appointed to a prestigious Humboldt professorship. The renowned research prize includes funding of 3.5 million euros for five years. At the beginning of November the scientist moved from Imperial College London to our Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science.

updated 08-09-2020
© Shutterstock

Ready for the next step

Completed dissertations in summer semester 2020

Congratulations to all PhD students of Mathematics Münster who completed their dissertation this semester. All the best for your future: Federico Calderón, Tim Clausen, Christopher Eick, Fjedor Gaede, Philipp Godland, Alexander Hock, Nils Leder, Martin Maiwald, Romain Zakaria Pascalie, Raphael Reinauer, Alexander Volker Schroer and Pierre Touchard!

© MM/vl

Great success: DFG funds new CRC "Geometry: Deformations and Rigidity"

The German Research Foundation (DFG) will be providing 6.5 million euros to fund a new Collaborative Research Centre at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science. The large-scale project, “Geometry: Deformations and Rigidity”, aims to develop geometry both as a subject in its own right and as a tool for other mathematical fields. The Centre has been funded for four years and will open on 1 July.

© Uni MS

Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science celebrated master's and doctoral graduates

This week, 79 master’s graduates and 13 candidates who completed their doctorates received their degree certificates. Seven of them wrote their theses in the field of mathematics. We congratulate and wish them all the best for the next steps: Eva-Maria Brinkmann, Carolin Maria Dirks, Marius Kley, André-Harald Schemaitat, Liesel Sommer, Sven Upgang und Matthias Simon Weirich.


© Uni MS/Peter Leßmann

WWU Dissertation Prize for Dr. Annika Bach

She was awarded for her thesis in the field of Calculus of Variations

The WWU University Management honoured the best doctors of the year 2019. The mathematician Annika Bach not only received the title "summa-cum-laude", but also a thesis prize which is endowed with 3,500 euros.

Prof. Dr. Wilhelm WinterProf. Dr. Wilhelm Winter
© Elke Enning

European Research Council award for Wilhelm Winter

"Advanced Grant": Münster mathematician receives funding of 1.6m euros

A great distinction for a mathematician from the University of Münster: the European Research Council (ERC) awards an Advanced Grant to Prof. Wilhelm Winter. The grant is one of the most important in Europe awarded for research purposes.


Great success
© Heiner Witte/MünsterView

Great success for mathematics: Cluster of Excellence approved

A decision has been reached in the first funding line, “Cluster of Excellence”, in the Excellence Strategy being pursued by the national and state governments in Germany. In the competition, the University of Münster was successful with two of the three Cluster applications it submitted. The following Clusters of Excellence will receive funding for a period of seven years, with effect from 1 January 2019: “Religion and Politics. Dynamics of Tradition and Innovation” and “Mathematics Münster. Dynamics – Geometry – Structure”.