News and Press Releases

Interview: Of demons and devil’s grimaces

‘Religious education concerns us all’

Council of Nicaea 1700 years ago: ‘Images of God turned upside down’

Cluster of Excellence mourns the passing of contemporary historian Thomas Großbölting

‘Asking the Pope for Help’: Researchers present initial findings in Rome on Jewish petitions

Selected exhibits from the exhibition “Body. Cult. Religion.”

Video of the lecture “Ensouling Hunger” by US anthropologist Naveeda Khan

"Religions are important for dealing with climate change and hunger"

Conference on antisemitism and political Islamism

Konferenz in Katowice – Christianity in Europe

Demons: Spirituality – Manifestation – Materiality

Body. Cult. Religion. Perspectives from antiquity to the present

Places still available: only training programme in Germany in “Journalism on Religion”

Continuation of “Journalism on Religion” training programme

Support for “Asking the Pope for Help”

Cluster of Excellence presents its work in Düsseldorf state parliament

Afternoon of the graduate school

300 years of Kant – thought-provoking ideas in the anniversary year featuring the Cluster of Excellence

New videos: International conference and panel on political Islamism, nationalism and antisemitism

About digital methods in research on religious texts from the colonial period – Interview with Ines Weinrich and Felicity Jensz

New video: Scientific excellence and social responsibility

Algerian writer Boualem Sansal opens new reading series at the Cluster of Excellence

New Year’s reception – Teaching prize for Cluster of Excellence members