- News
- Annual themes
- Dossiers
- 375 years of the Peace of Westphalia
- Epidemics in Past and Present
- Epidemics. Perspectives from cultural studies
- Religion and conspiracy theories in the time of the corona epidemic
- Religious interpretations of epidemics
- How individuals deal with the corona crisis
- Conspiracy theories in competition with religion and science
- The intrusion of reality into discourse
- Conspiracy theories as narratives
- Conspiracy theories as criticism of elites: on the long history of a current phenomenon
- The belief in conspiracy theories: On the role of country contexts and the specific nature of conspiracy theories
- The Joker of conspiracy – conspiracy theories as negative belief
- Ausstellung Welt.Weit.Unverzichtbar. Kleine Fächer – Große Potenziale
- Dossier Peace
- Dossier Divided Societies
- Dossier series Research Projects in Focus
- Hagia Sophia – religious buildings and the history of their conversion
- Research
- Outline
- Publications
- Academic Plan
- Research projects
- Field of Research A: Transcultural entanglement and disentanglement
- Field of Research B: Religious diversity and legal-political unity
- Field of Research C: Criticism of religion and apologetics
- Research 2007-2018
- Normativity
- A2-1 - The Materialistic Worldview in the European Context of the 18th and 19th Centuries
- A2-2 - The Reappraisal of the Past and Reconciliation in Questions of Historical Guilt
- A2-3 - Religiöse Einflüsse auf das Wirtschaftsrecht
- A2-4 - The Implementation of Written Norms in the Early Middle Ages Between Religion and Politics
- A2-5 - Marital Conflicts between Crime and Sin: On the Relationship between Secular and Clerical Penal Power in the County of Lippe during the Confessional Age
- A2-6 - Religiöse Akteure in der Global Governance
- A2-7 - Pluralism and the Justification of Norms in the Modern Age
- A2-8 Die Restitutionslehre der Spanischen Spätscholastik
- A2-9 - Normative Crisis and Religious Affiliation in Italy in the 1960s and 1970s
- A2-10 - The Jewish Nomos between Normativity and Identity using the Example of Alexandria in the 1st-3rd Centuries A.D.
- A2-11 - The Influence of Platonism in the Justification of Norms in German Idealism and Natural Law
- A2-12 - Die Maximenliteratur im islamischen Recht: Normengestaltung zwischen theologisch-epistemologischen und juristisch-pragmatischen Anforderungen
- A2-13 Geschichte der Rechtsdurchsetzung
- A2-14 - The Industriousness Revolution and the Differentiation of Church Policy in the Second Half of the 18th Century
- A2-15 - Philosophical Anthropology as the Basis for a Secular Foundation of Norms
- A2-16 - Religiöse Traditionen der Kapitalismuskritik in Deutschland im 20. Jahrhundert
- A2-17 - Anthropologie, Autonomie und Individualismus als normative Grundlagen der Idee des Rechtsstaates
- A2-18 Das Verhältnis von Moral und Religion bei Johann Michael Sailer und Immanuel Kant. Ein Beitrag zur Debatte um das Profil philosophischer Theologie und theologischer Ethik in der säkularen Welt
- A2-19 - Transnational Religious Actors in Global Biopolitics
- A2-20 - Rechts- und Gerichtspluralismus als Antwort auf normative Krisen
- A2-22 - Islam und Gender in Deutschland. Zur (De-)Konstruktion säkular und religiös legitimierter Geschlechterordnungen
- A2-23 - Religiös radizierte Wirtschaftsordnungen unter dem Grundgesetz
- A2-24 - Ausländische Staaten und internationale Organisationen in der Wahrnehmung arabischer Öffentlichkeiten
- A2-25 - Im Dienste der Götter und des Königs – Politische, ökonomische und soziale Interaktion im Bereich kultisch-religiöser Institutionen in Mesopotamien im ausgehenden 3. und frühen 2. Jt. v. Chr.
- A2-26 - Aequitas als Legitimationstopos zwischen Religion, Recht und Politik
- A2-27 - Aequitas as a topos of legitimation between religion, law and politics
- A1 - Legal and Theological Doctrines (“Dogmatics”) as Symbolic Staging of Normativity
- A2- The Culture of Ambiguity
- A3 - The Grounding of Norms in the Pluralistic State
- A4 - Religion and Bio-Politics
- A5 - The State as Worldly Absolute
- A6 - Kantian and Post-Kantian Normativity in Intercultural Human Rights Discourse
- A7 - Religion, Values, and the Welfare State: The Significance of Religious Communities to the Normative Background of European Welfare States
- A9 - The Decalogue as a Religious, Ethical and Political Base Text
- A10 - Framing the Religious within Important Current Sociological Narratives of Modernity
- A12 - Local Elites between Denomination-Bound Citizens’ Commitment and Party Politics – Multifunctional Players under Conditions of Normative Positioning and Positioning Focused on Interests
- A13 - Religiös motivierte Geldanlage: vom Zinsverbot zum Islamic Finance
- A14 - Politische Moderne und Katholische Kirche in der „ersten Republik“ Italiens: Die politische und kulturelle Debatte um die Novellierung des Konkordates
- A15 - Inter Faith Relations
- A16 - The Ethos of Religious Liberty. Political-Ethical and Theological Dimensions
- A17 - Constellations of Religious and State Criticism in Left Hegelianism
- Mediality
- B2-1 - Exemplarisches Handeln mit res divinae und res humanae – Diskursformation in den Personendarstellungen der römischen Literatur (Brief, Biographie und Rhetorik)
- B2-2 - The Voice as a medium of popular religiosity in India: Religious Pluralism and Practices of Social Distinction
- B2-3 - At the Intersection of Discourses. Ibn Nubata al-Misri (1286-1366) and the Culture of Ambiguity
- B2-4 - The Ukrainian Bastion
- B2-5 - The Neo-Latin Emblem Literature
- B2-6 - Political-Religious Interdependence in Sacred Spaces. Epigraphic Texts in the Context of Ancient Greek Shrines
- B2-7 - The Power of the Medium: Spiritism in the Second Half of the 19th Century
- B2-8 - Moses and David: Ambiguous Prototypes for Patriarch and Emperor in Byzantium
- B2-9 - Politico-National Material in a Spiritual Religious Form – Oratorio Composition from the 18th to the 20th Century
- B2-10 - The Heavenly Jerusalem as Space of Religious-Political Imagination
- B2-11 - Educating the ‘Natives’: Schools, missions, and governments in the British colonial world
- B2-12 - Semantik der Veränderung. Vergewisserung, Inszenierung und Magie in der Bildsprache Ägyptens im frühen 1. Jt. v. Chr.
- B2-14 - Holiness and Demands for Political Participation in the Media of Vita, Letter, and Prophecy
- B2-15 - Conversion in the Middle Ages: On the Ordering Function of a Cultural Narrative
- B2-16 - Media Strategies of Cities and Rulers in Multi-Religious Societies of Antiquity: “Foreign“ Cults in the Light of Material Evidence
- B2-18 - Conversio, oder: Du musst Dein Leben ändern. Figurationen – Szenen – Medien
- B2-19 - Funktionen der Fiktionalität. Landschaft, öffentlicher Raum und Autorschaft
- B2-20 - Mediale Repräsentation und „religiöser Markt“: Sichtbarkeit, Selbstdarstellung und Rezeption syrischer Kulte im Westen des Imperium Romanum
- B2-21 - Politics in Cult Performance – Religious Services in Politics: The Sacred Laws (leges sacrae) of the Greek City-States as a Source of Awareness of Religious-Political Interdependence in Antiquity
- B2-22 - Beyond Confessional Clarity: On the Discursive Formation of Heterodox Groups in the Early Modern Period
- B2-23 - Mediale Figurationen im Spannungsfeld von Religion und Politik: Sakralbau und öffentliches Monument um 1700 in Mittel- und Nordeuropa
- B2-24 - From Manuscript to Printing Press: The Illustrated Book in Jewish Culture (Fourteenth–Sixteenth Centuries)
- B1 - Religion and Politics in the Oldest Mass Medium of Humanity: Royal Coin Portraits from the Iberian Penninsula to the Hundu Kush
- B2 - Figures of Distinction. Authorship in Post-Revolutionary France
- B4 - Blessings for the Mighty: The Legitimacy and Legitimizing of Political Rulership in Late Medieval and Modern City Processions
- B5 - Political-National Material in a Spiritual-Religious Form – Oratorio Composition in the Nineteenth Century as an Example of a German “National Religion of Art”
- B6 - Utopia, Political Religion and Violence in the Twentieth Century
- B7 - Genealogies of the Community in Modern Romantic Discourse
- B8 - The Staging of Political Authorship in the Augustan Age
- B9 - The Agency of the Author and the Staging of Authorship in the High Middle Ages and Renaissance
- B10 - Authorship as Scandal: Strategies of Staging, Political and Religious Subtexts
- B11 - Emperor and Patriarch in Byzantium
- B12 - Religion and „Civil Religion“
- B13 - Autorisierung, Legitimierung und Wissensvermittlung in der neulateinischen Literatur
- B14 - Religion in Court Novels
- B15 - The Ukrainian Bastion
- Integration
- C2-1 - Religionspolitik im antiken Perserreich. Kulturvergleichende und rechtsgeschichtliche Studien zur Situation der Juden in der multireligiösen Gesellschaft der Achämenidenzeit
- C2-2 - Religiöse Pluralität in der Gründungsurkunde Israels
- C2-3 - Transzendente Gemeinschaftsstiftung in einer multireligiösen Gesellschaft: Die USA 1945-2005
- C2-4 - Monarchische Herrschaft und religiöse Vergemeinschaftung
- C2-5 - Freie kirchliche Schulen als organisierte Handlungsträger im Spannungsfeld von kirchlicher Eigenlogik, gesellschaftlichem Bildungsdiskurs und staatlicher Bildungspolitik
- C2-6 - The Dialectic of Processes of Differentiation: Catholicism in the Differentiating Societies of the 19th Century
- C2-8 - New Social Movements and Religious Social Forms after Modernity: A Comparison of Germany and North America
- C2-9 - Historisch kritischer Korankommentar unter Berücksichtigung von Aneignungs-, Transformations- und Abgrenzungsprozessen zwischen Islam und der jüdisch-christlichen Tradition
- C2-10 - Critique from Within: Models of Social Change in the Catholic Church
- C2-11 - Beyond the Centres: Religion and Enlightenment Based on the Examples of Islam and of Greek and Arabic Christianity in South-Eastern Europe and the Levant
- C2-12 - Mitgliedschaft und Zugehörigkeit: Verein, Stadt und Reichsreligion in der Antike
- C 2-14 - Fromme Fürsten. Differenzierung und Entdifferenzierung von Funktionssystemen und Akteursrollen im konfessionellen Zeitalter
- C2-15 - Between Desire and Reality: Cultural and Social Integration in the Self-Image of Muslims of Turkish Origin in Germany
- C2-16 - Interreligiöse Theologie
- C2-17 Universal Claims and National Identities: The Vatican Stance on Ethnic Conflicts in the Period Between the World Wars
- C2-19 Traditional Religions and Mobile Religiosity as Motors of Socio-Political Movements c. 1900
- C2-20 Kosmopolitische Spiritualität und Hindu-Nationalismus – Die Chinmaya Mission in Indien und weltweit
- C2-21 The Episcopacy and Socio-Political Change before the Investiture Contest. A Comparative Study of Dioceses along the Franco-Imperial Border, c. 950 - c. 1050
- C2-22 Traditionstransfer im Yalqut Shimoni und Midrash ha-Gadol
- C2-23 - Topographie des Multireligiösen. Gemeindeausbau und neue Gotteshäuser in Großstädten des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts
- C2-24 - Integration and Diversification in the Judaism of Palestine during the Hellenistic-Early Roman Period (300 BCE–135 CE)
- C2-25 - Zur Dynamik der Übersetzungsverhältnisse zwischen Politik, Religion und Recht auf dem Weg in die „Moderne“
- C2-26 - Der Ultramontanismus als transnationales und transatlantisches Phänomen 1819-1918
- C2-27 - Integration at first sight: the role of religion for first mutual impressions of refugees and Germans
- C2-30
- C1 - Distinction and Integration in the Foundational Document of Israel
- C2 - Partisan Gods – Competing Gods: The Role of Cults and Shrines in Ancient International Treaties
- C3 - Initiation – Circumcision – Identity
- C4 -The Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction of Religious Minorities − Factor of Integration or Segregation
- C5 - Heresy and Politics: The Establishment of Norms and Forms of Procedure in Large-scale Ecclesiastical Controversies, 12th – 14th Centuries.
- C6 - Political Office and Religious Dissimulation: Confessional Ambiguity at German Princely Courts in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
- C7 - The Change in Religious Mentalities and Confessional Conflicts in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries: A Structural Analysis
- C8 - Procedures for Enforcing Secular and Church Law in Territories Ruled by Members of the Clergy
- C9 - Akbar and His “Divine Faith” – A Method of Trans-Religious Integration
- C11 - The Renunciation of Violence in Religious Traditions: Modern Catholicism in the Field of Tension between Distinction and Integration
- C12 - Performing Power: Mental Health, Religious Pluralism, and Cultural Models of Political Legitimacy in Malawi
- C13 - Integration of Muslims as a Factor of Transformation for the Relationship between Church and State in Great Britain?
- C14 - Transnational Networks in the Pentecostal Movement
- C15 - The Coordination Council of Muslims in Germany: A Political Steering Tool or a Way Towards Integration?
- C16 - Religious Plurality and Interreligious Transformation Process in the Pancasila-Based State
- C17 - The Role of the Christian Churches in Public
- C18 - Green Danger? Colonial Anti-Islam and its Integrative Consequences for the German Society
- C19 - Between Religion and Politics: Language Confessionalisation in the Early Modern Period?
- C20 - From Expulsion to Social Death
- C21 - The Legitimacy of Religious Pluralism: Perception and Acceptance of Religious Diversity among the European Population
- C22 - Transcendental Bestowment of Meaning and Religious Collectivisation in Postmodern Europe
- C23 - Religion in a legalised society
- Violence
- D2-1 - Die Rolle der Kirche bei der politischen Willensbildung im Früh- und Hochmittelalter
- D2-2 - Local Martyrs of the ‘Third Reich’: The Funerals and Veneration of the ‘Old Fighters’ in Westphalia and of the July Putschists in Upper Austria
- D2-3 Marginal prophets and sacred sites. Translocality of religious concepts in Uganda
- D2-4 - Martyrium und Martyriumsdiskurse im 4. Jahrhundert n. Chr.
- D2-5 - The Catholic Church between Reform and Dictatorship: Argentina and Chile in the Second Half of the 20th Century
- D2-7 - Indescribable Violence: Visual Worlds of Martyrdom in the Modern Period
- D2-8 - Das Buch als Waffe in religiös-politischen Konflikten: Gewaltdiskurse und ihre Vermittlung in England im 15. und 16. Jahrhundert
- D2-9 - Die Rezeption des Danielbuches bei Thomas Müntzer
- D2-10 - The Experience of Violence and the Wrath of God: Religious-Historical and Reception-Hermeneutic Analyses of Old Testament Laments
- D2-11 - Islamic Concepts of Jihâd in the Past and Present
- D2-12 - Altorientalische und biblische Geschichtsmythen und ihre Rezeptionsgeschichte
- D2-13 - „Höhere Gewalt“ und öffentliches Handeln. Politik im Zeichen der Pest
- D1 - Divine Violence: Religious-Historical and Reception-Hermeneutical Analyses of the Images of God in the Hebrew Bible
- D2 - Revelation’s Violent Visions and Spectacles of Violence in the Roman Empire
- D3 - The Destruction of Sanctuaries in Late Antiquity: Events and Discourse
- D4 - Images of the Other: Analyses of the Rhetoric of Violence in Late Antiquity
- D5 - “Blessed Are Those Who Practice Persecution for the Sake of Righteousness”: On the Uses of Tradition in the Era of Gregory VII
- D6 - The Censorship and Destruction of Books in Late Medieval and Early Modern England: The Example of the Lollard Heresy and the Reformation1
- D8 - Images of the Wound / The Wound as Image: Conceptions of the Passion in Pre-Modern Christendom and the Visual Art of the Modern Period
- D9 - The Vatican and the Legitimisation of Physical Violence: The Example of the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939)
- D10 - Between Support for Authoritarian Regimes and the Defence of Human Rights: The Catholic Church in Chile and Argentina during the Military Dictatorships of the 1970s and 1980s
- D11 - The Lord’s Resistance Army: Violence and Christianity in East Africa
- D12 - A Comparative Study of Strategies for the Pacification of Religious Legitimacy Claims
- D13 - Violence Against Oneself and Against Others in Ancient Judaism
- D14 - Islamische Dschihad-Konzeptionen in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart
- Interconnetcting Platforms (2013-2018)
- Normativity
- Early-career researchers
- Research programme
- Fields of Research
- Theory platforms
- Research Clouds
- Research cloud Ambiguity and decision
- Research cloud Theological doctrine and lived religiosity
- Research cloud Digital Humanities
- Research cloud Migration and diaspora
- Research cloud Memory and Forgetting
- Research cloud Competitive Social Forms of Religion: A driving force in the History of Religion?
- Research cloud Conflict and violence
- Research cloud Epidemics
- Research cloud Localism
- Research cloud Islam and politics
- Research cloud Religious Landscapes and Environmental Devotion
- Expansion of Research on Religion
- Cooperations
- Early-career researchers
- Organisation
- Persons
- Transfer
- Outline
- Press Releases
- Press Review
- Training Programme Journalism on Religion
- Social Media
- Events
- Team Research Communication
- Publications