Collage of transfer projects at the Cluster of Excellence
Transfer projects of the Cluster of Excellence (Copyrights here)
© Collage: exc

Research transfer

The Cluster of Excellence investigates since 2007 the complex relationship between religion and politics across eras and cultures, and attaches great importance to the transfer of its research findings to society. Its approximately 140 scholars contribute their expertise in dialogue on pressing issues of the future. The Centre for Research Communication uses formats specific to a particular theme to disseminate the Cluster of Excellence’s research from the humanities and social sciences to a large number of target groups in society. It promotes dialogue with representatives from the media, politics, educational institutions, culture, churches, and religious communities, as well as with the general public. The Centre is the first point of contact for all those interested in the Cluster of Excellence. Read more

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Contact Persons

The Centre is the first point of contact for all those interested in the Cluster of Excellence and answers questions about Germany's largest research network for interdisciplinary religious research.

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Annual themes

The annual themes give unity to the Cluster’s academic programme and sharpen its public profile by focusing on specific research themes and highlighting interdisciplinary strengths.

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Podcast and video

Researchers from the Cluster of Excellence report in podcasts and videos, mostly in German, on their work in the interdisciplinary study of religion in a way that is personal, topical, and accessible.

Journalism on Religion

The Cluster of Excellence and the ifp Catholic School of Journalism offer the first in-service training programme in Germany in “Journalism on Religion”. The programme qualifies media professionals to report on religions in pluralized societies in a nuanced and critical manner.

Transfer events

The Cluster of Excellence regularly invites scholars and the general public to conferences, workshops and lecture serires. Added to this are cultural and dialogue events, including exhibitions, cinema and concert series.

Social Media

On its social media channel, the Cluster of Excellence disseminates recent research results from projects, publications and events in the form of news, image videos, stories or sharepics.