Doctoral students

The Cluster of Excellence offers doctoral positions to investigate themes in the field of religion and politics across all the disciplines that participate in the Cluster. The Graduate School provides doctoral students with excellent working conditions and offers them support on their path towards the next stage in their career, be it within or outside the university. The Early Career Support team is on hand to support them.

Structured doctorate

Doctoral students at the Cluster of Excellence are members of the Cluster of Excellence’s Graduate School and receive closer supervision than would be possible within an individual doctorate. A specially tailored interdisciplinary curriculum introduces them to the difficulties of defining the relationship between religion and politics and trains them in methods of academic work. Read more

Doctoral students and equity

Supporting early-career researchers and measures to promote equality are closely intertwined at the Cluster of Excellence. Doctoral students from an underrepresented group or who are at risk of discrimination can benefit from the programmes offered by the Cluster of Excellence and the University of Münster. Read more

Networking within the Cluster of Excellence

Since doctoral students participate in all the cross-project working units in the Cluster of Excellence, they often meet researchers from a wide range of disciplines. This helps them develop networks that they can draw on when it comes to future projects or career paths.

Representation in decision-making structures

Doctoral students are involved in all Cluster of Excellence committees. They send peer representatives to the Cluster of Excellence’s Board of Directors, General Assembly and the Graduate School’s Directorial Board, while also electing a member for the Commission for Equal Opportunities and Diversity.

Field research and conference trips

Funding is provided for doctoral students at the Cluster of Excellence for the purposes of field research, stays abroad and conference trips.


The Cluster of Excellence has created a mentoring programme for doctoral students that helps them reflect on career issues and provides them with advice. Special attention is paid to equality issues. Read more

Workshops on non-academic career paths

Career support does not necessarily have to be aimed at a university career. The Graduate School’s curriculum includes workshops with external partners that offer contacts in work areas outside the university.

University of Münster support for doctoral students

The University of Münster offers extensive support for German and international doctoral students. The Münster Centre for Emerging Researchers (CERes) offers targeted advice for doctoral students and a comprehensive programme of workshops, information events and lectures. This is supplemented by the Career Service, the International Office and the Student Advice and Counselling Centre. Doctoral students can also take courses in teaching at university and acquire accreditation at the Centre for University Teaching (ZHL). Read more