Doctoral studies programme during the Summer semester 2010

Introductory seminar for Graduate School members

Dr. Klaus Große-Kracht
Sessions: Mondays 14-16 h, Room: J 116, Johannisstraße 1-4
Start: Monday, 12th April 2010


Additional course offerings:

Seminar: Ritual Theories in the Study of Antiquity
PD Dr. Rüdiger Schmitt
Sessions: Mondays 14-16 h, Room: J 12, Johannisstraße 1-4
Start: Monday, 12th April 2010

Seminar: Alexis de Tocqueville - vom liberalen Demokratiekritiker zum Propheten des "Westens", 1830-1969

Dr. Christian Müller
Sessions: Tuesdays 16-18 h, Room: Fürstenberghaus, Übungsraum S029
Start: Tuesday, 20th April 2010

Seminar: Vertiefungsseminar zum Nationenbegriff

Dr. Christel Gärtner
Compact course, 26th to 29th April 2010, Room 116, Johannisstraße 1-4