Panel discussion: The church membership survey under discussion

with PD Dr. Martin Fritz (EZW Berlin) andProf. Dr. Isolde Karle (RU Bochum)
© Ifes

The Institute for Ethics and Associated Social Sciences (IfES) and the CRM cordially invite you to a panel discussion on the occasion of the 6th Church Membership Survey (SME) on the 3rd of July 2024, 6 pm c.t.

The results of the 6th SME will be examined from a systematic-theological perspective by PD Dr Martin Fritz (EZW Berlin) and from a practical-theological perspective by Prof Dr Isolde Karle (RU Bochum).

The panel discussion will take place on campus at the Faculty of Protestant Theology, Universitätsstr. 13-17, room 102.

Participation via Zoom is also possible. Please register for online participation by 2 July with Ms Martina Forstmann (