DH Day 2024

5 July 2024 - Creating knowledge

Humanities workflows between manual work and automation

On July 5, the University of Münster's DH Day 2024 was dedicated to exploring innovative workflows in the humanities in the area of tension between manual work and automation under the motto "Creating knowledge". In a time of increasing digitalization of work processes, researchers from the humanities were invited to discuss the challenges and potential of digital research methods. The interdisciplinary approach typical of the DH Day enabled participants with different levels of knowledge to learn about basic concepts through to advanced technologies. Discussions focused on effective strategies for integrating manual and automated processes in humanities research projects: Which work steps can be replaced or supplemented by Large Language Models (LLMs)? Where is manual groundwork or correction needed? Through the exchange of best practices and the presentation of innovative approaches, a space was created that bridges the gap between tradition and technology and thus promotes the further development of humanities research.

The DH Day once again took place in JO101, Johannisstraße 4. After the welcoming speeches, there was a hybrid keynote lecture by Christopher Pollin followed by a discussion (see below). In the afternoon, an open space provided for informal and spontaneous exchange among each other.

An article about DH Day 2024 in the DH blog is in preparation.

The DH Day 2024 is documented via zenodo.org.




Frame presentation: doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12699384




Christopher Pollin (University of Graz): "Create knowledge / Let knowledge be created?! Workflows with Generative AI in the Digital Humanities"


The rapid development of generative AI technologies represents a significant change for research practice not only in the Digital Humanities. This talk examines the use of GPT-4-Tier LLM (Gemini Advanced and Claude 3) as well as their possibilities and limitations in various research projects in the Digital Humanities. The focus is on workflows such as data acquisition, transcription, translation, data modelling, data generation or analysis as well as the visualization of humanities data. Selected case studies are used to illustrate the integration of generative AI into these processes, focusing on both the automation of standard tasks and the support of more complex, analytical and demanding activities such as data modeling. Do generative AI models, when used in accordance with human expertise and complementary systems, have the potential to increase the efficiency and depth of (digital) humanities research? The study also emphasizes the need to critically question the limitations and challenges, such as the dependence on large technology companies, when using generative AI in the Digital Humanities.


Christopher Pollin holds a Master's degree in History and a Joint Master's degree in Digital Heritage. He is currently a PhD student in Digital Humanities. Since 2016 he has been working in various positions at the Center for Information Modeling (ZIM) at the University of Graz. His work includes technical development and data modeling in various projects such as "STEFAN ZWEIG DIGITAL", "Open Access Database Adjective-Adverb Interfaces in Romance" or "Digital Edition Publishing Cooperative for Historical Accounts". His work focuses on semantic web technologies, digital editions, web programming and generative AI. In addition to his teaching activities in these areas, his dissertation project deals with the modeling and utilization of historical information. He is co-founder of Digital Humanities Craft and Prompt Engineer.


Presentations of the working groups of the DH circle at the University of Münster

Presentation slides: doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12699691

  • 3D
  • GIS
  • Data Models
  • Programming
  • TEI
  • Text Analysis with LLMs
  • Text Recognition
  • Research Communication DH
11:45-12:45 Membership Meeting of the Center for Digital Humanities Münster
12:45-14:00 Lunch break

Open Space

open discussion format with thematic tables

15:00-15:15 Synopsis and Farewell