© ULB Münster


At the University of Münster, research projects with relevance for DH in terms of content and methodology have been running for many years. We would like to present a number of examples here.

Material from the School of Münster
© ULB Münster

Heinrich Scholz and the School of Münster – Mathematical Logic and Foundational Research

Project lead: Prof. Dr Niko Strobach
Faculty and department: Faculty 08 History/Philosophy – Department of Philosophy


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© "Job" von Léon Bonnat (1880), Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons (bearbeiteter Ausschnitt)

Digital Edition of Ancient Textual Witnesses of the Book of Job with Presentation of the Method of Translation

Project lead: Prof. Dr. Johannes Schnocks
Faculty and Department: Faculty 02 Catholic Theology - Institute for Biblical Exegesis and Theology

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© Philipp Meer

The phonology of Nigerian English – national and transnational patterns of variation

Project lead: Prof. Dr. Ulrike Gut
Faculty and Department: Faculty 09 Philology – English Department



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Hebrew Collection of Origin Legends, 1781
© Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Columbia University Libraries (bearbeitet)

Hindu-Muslim-Jewish Origin Legends in Circulation between the Malabar Coast and the Mediterranean, 1400s–1800s

Project Lead: Dr. Ines Weinrich & Dr. Ophira Gamliel
Faculty and Department: Faculty 09 Philology – Institut für Arabistik und Islamwissenschaft

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© National Library of Australia

Global Bible: British and German Bible Societies Translating Colonialism

Project Lead: PD Dr. Felicity Jensz & Prof. Hilary Carey
Institution: Center for Religion and Modernity



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© Deutsches Apotheken-Museum

Through the artifact to the infra structura – The drug prescription as access to the design of social infrastructure

Project Lead: Dr. Stefan Schellhammer
Faculty and Department: Faculty 04 Business and Economics – Institute for Business Information Systems

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© Jens Rohde, Peshdar Plain Projekt

Lifeworlds of the early 1st millennium B.C. in the western Zagrosrand Mountains on the Lower Zab before and after the Assyrian annexation

Project Lead: Prof. Dr. Florian Janoscha Kreppner
Faculty and Department: Faculty 09 Philology – Institute for Ancient Oriental Studies and Near Eastern Archaeology

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© ÖAW-ÖAI/N. Gail

Written Culture and Economic Life in Late Antique Ephesus: New Ostraka and Inscriptions on Utility Pottery

Project Lead: Prof. Dr. Patrick Sänger
Faculty and Department: Faculty 08 History/ Philosophy – Ancient History Seminar



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© Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin / Preußischer Kulturbesitz

Indexing and digitization of German-language oratorio libretti from the 17th to the 20th century

Project Lead: Apl. Prof. Dr. J. Cornelis de Vos
Faculty and Department: Faculty 01 Protestant Theology – Institutum Judaicum Delitzschianum

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© Wikimedia Commons

The Collegium Americanum at St. Mauritz near Münster

Project Lead: Dr. Andreas Oberdorf
Faculty and Department: Faculty 06 Educational and Social Sciences – Institute of Educational Science


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© Ehrenpreis Institut für Swift Studien

Online.Swift – Open-Access Critical Online Edition of the Prose Works of Jonathan Swift

Project Lead: Prof. Dr. Hermann J. Real
Faculty and Department: Faculty 09 Philology – Honorary Award Institute for Swift Studies

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© Ruth Federman Stein/Rita Schlautmann-Overmeyer (Ausschnitt)

Exile-Letters Friedeman-Waldeck

Project Lead: Dr. Angelika Lampen
Department: Institute for Comparative Urban History


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