Goals, Tasks, Statute
Research in the humanities faces a variety of challenges, but also a whole range of new opportunities, as digitization advances and new techniques and methods are developed. Digital Humanities is a highly dynamic field of research that combines humanities and social science epistemological interests with computational methods. The Center for Digital Humanities (CDH), as a cross-disciplinary network of interests, pursues a threefold goal:
- Identifying, bundling, and strengthening the interests and competencies associated with the Digital Humanities at the University of Münster
- Establishment and strategic further development of a service infrastructure oriented towards the academic research objectives of the humanities
- Providing impetus for the use of digital tools and working methods in the areas of research and teaching
Specifically, these goals result in the following tasks:
- Identification and prioritization of requirements and formulation of recommendations for the development of the Service Center for Digital Humanities (SCDH) service portfolio
- Developing guidelines and recommendations for the strategic direction of the Digital Humanities at the University of Münster
- Sharpening the scientific profile of the Digital Humanities, in particular by promoting awareness of the potential of the Digital Humanities in research and the visibility of related activities at the University of Münster
- Unlocking and coordinating the mutual use of distributed competencies in the field of Digital Humanities within the University of Münster
- Promoting and coordinating the establishment of a Digital Humanities program in teaching and professional training
- Participation in personnel decisions for the Service Center for Digital Humanities (SCDH)
The statute regulates the tasks and the organizational form of the CDH.
Download the statute of the CDH here: