Bachelor theses completed
- B. Sc. Jan Gesenhues: Coulomb potential and form invariance in supersymmetric quantum mechanics
- B. Sc. Friedrich Bach: The Pauli equation as non-relativistic limit of the Dirac equation in supersymmetric quantum mechanics
- B. Sc. Semir Vrana: The double well potential and the tunnel effect in supersymmetric quantum mechanics
- B. Sc. Thorsten Schimannek: Applications of the Rayleigh-Ritz method with the help of supersymmetry
- B. Sc. Jens Alexander Tiebert: Harmonic oscillator and recursion relations in higher-dimensional quantum mechanics
- B. Sc. Daniel Schwartländer: The Coulomb potential in nicht-relativistic higher-dimensional quantum mechanics
- B. Sc. Michael Wigard: The Coulomb potential in relativistic higher-dimensional quantum mechanics
- B. Sc. Mirko Gabski: Constraints of supersymmetric models with LHC data and direct search for dark matter
- B. Sc. Alberto Marin Gonzalez: Spin and colour correlations for prompt-photon production in heavy-ion collisions
- B. Sc. Michèle Pinkernell: Theoretical investigation of the Kratzer and Morse potentials in higher-dimensional quantum mechanics
- B. Sc. Philip Rüter: FeynRules implementation of minimal dark matter and neutrino masses
- B. Sc. Lasse Kiesow: Delta expansion in supersymmetric quantum mechanics
- B. Sc. Lucie Lücke: Hulthén potential and 1/N expansion in supersymmetric quantum mechanics
- B. Sc. F. Javier Moreno Gonzalez: Neutralino annihilation into fermion pairs
- B. Sc. Oliver Smith: CPU and GPU aided methods of solving problems in QCD
- B. Sc. Daniel Schache: Production of supersymmetric dark matter at the LHC
- B. Sc. Daniel Groll: Production and hadronic decay of new gauge bosons at the LHC
- B. Sc. Johannes Branahl: Stau coannihilation into light and heavy quarks
- B. Sc. Florian Fabry: Solution of DGLAP equations in Mellin space
- B. Sc. Peter Risse: Monte Carlo generation of weak fermionic processes ( .html, .ipynb)
- B. Sc. Gisbert Hetkamp: Monte Carlo generation of top-quark decays
- B. Sc. Thede de Boer: Partial wave analysis of dark matter annihilations
- B. Sc. Alexander Neuwirth: Monte Carlo generation of 3-jet events in electron-positron annihilation
- B. Sc. Anthony Pietz: Description of parton distribution functions with DGLAP equations
- B. Sc. Luca Wiggering: Monte Carlo generators for ttbar production
- B. Sc. Nils Antary: Produktion identifizierter Pionen bei Proton-Proton-Kollisionen
- B. Sc. Carlson Büth: Deep inelastic ep scattering with boson exchange and interference
- B. Sc. Alexander Epping: Gluino-Annihilation in ein Quark-Antiquark-Paar im MSSM
- B. Sc. Siddha Hill: Identified kaon production in hadron-hadron collisions
- B. Sc. Bastian Ottensmann: Gluino-stop coannihilations in the MSSM
- B. Sc. Anne Poppe: Gluino-Annihilation in Gluonen im MSSM
- B.Sc. Lukas Bremer: Direct photon production in proton-proton collisions
- B.Sc. Alexander Feike: The Drell-Yan process in the Standard Model and beyond
- B.Sc. Jorin Overwiening: Neutralino-gluino coannihilation in the MSSM
- B.Sc. Jan Wissmann: The anomalous moment of the muon in the scotogenic model
- B.Sc. Yonghao Liu (Shanghai Jiao Tong U): Temperature and number density evolution in a feebly coupled dark sector
- B.Sc. Janik Rausch (TU Berlin): Numerical evalution of non-linear corrections to the DGLAP equations for nuclear PDFs
- B.Sc. Katrin Greve: Dimuon production in deep-inelastic scattering
- B.Sc. Tim Huesmann: Produktion von Top- und Antitop-Quark-Paaren am LHC
- B.Sc. Adrian Finke: Neutrinoloser Doppelbeta-Zerfall jenseits des Standardmodells
B.Sc. Robin Strahler: Produktion von Heavy-Quark-Paaren am LHC
B.Sc. Lambert Thüner: A neutrinophilic dark matter model with a scalar portal
B.Sc. Lea Ziemons: Direct Photon Production at the LHC
B.Sc. Marty Decker: A Neutrinophilic Dark Matter Model with a Vector Portal
B.Sc. Jannis Brirup: The Anomalous Magnetic Moment of the Muon in the Two-Higgs-Doublet Model
B.Sc. Daniel Christian Woitaschek: One-Loop Contributions to the Muon (g − 2) Anomaly in the Two-Higgs-Doublet Model
B.Sc. Jost Niehues: Jet Production at the LHC
Master theses completed
- M. Sc. David Regalado Lamprea: Resummation predictions for new electroweak gauge boson production at the LHC
- M. Sc. Marcel Rothering: Resummation predictions for slepton particle production at the LHC and implications for dark matter
- M. Sc. Patrick Steppeler: QCD corrections to dark matter annihilation in the Higgs funnel
- M. Sc. Markus Michael: NNLO contributions to jet photoproduction
- M. Sc. Matthias Brandt: Parton densities from LHC vector boson production at small and large transverse momenta
- M. Sc. Alberto Marin Gonzalez: Spin-3/2 top quark excitations and Higgs physics
- M. Sc. Sonja Esch: Fermionic singlet and two-component dark matter
- M. Sc. Semir Vrana: Comparison of jet quenching mechanisms in heavy-ion collisions
- M. Sc. Thomas Biekötter: NNLO contributions to jet production in deep-inelastic scattering
- M. Sc. Oleh Fedkevych: Neutralino annihilation into a pair of gluons in the MSSM
- M. Sc. Daniel Schwartländer: Reanalysis of CMS dilepton+dijet data from the LHC in left-right extensions of the Standard Model
- M. Sc. Florian Herrmann: Evolution of parton distribution functions
- M. Sc. Miguel Vargas: Direct detection of leptophilic dark matter through electron recoil processes with XENON100
- M. Sc. Saskia Schmiemann: Electroweak neutralino annihilation processes in DM@NLO
- M. Sc. Lasse Kiesow: Higher-order corrections for squark-gaugino production at the LHC
- M. Sc. Oliver Ledwig: Next-to-leading order QCD corrections to the Drell-Yan process
- M. Sc. Jonas Potthoff: Jet radius dependence in aNNLO in DIS and photoproduction
- M. Sc. Simon May: Minimal dark matter models with radiative neutrino masses
- M. Sc. Jan Honermann: Theoretical aspects of jet quenching in heavy-ion collisions
- M. Sc. Pit Duwentäster: Parton distribution functions from deep-inelastic scattering
- M. Sc. Johannes Branahl: QCD corrections to SUSY dark matter coannihilation processes
- M.Sc. Fabian Fabry: Deep-inelastic scattering with massive quarks at NLO in QCD
- M.Sc. Peter Risse: Markov Chain Monte Carlo studies of the proton structure
- M.Sc. Pablo Gonzalez: NLO BFKL and perturbative QCD predictions for Mueller-Tang jets at the LHC
- M.Sc. Thede de Boer: Verifiable dark matter with radiative neutrino masses
- M.Sc. Luca Wiggering: Squark annihilation into a pair of gluons in the MSSM
- M.Sc. Alexander Neuwirth: Resummation predictions for associated production of squarks and electroweakinos at the LHC
- M.Sc. Anne Poppe: Gluino annihilation into gluons at next-to-leading order
- M.Sc. Jan Wissmann: Heavy Quark Production at the LHC and its Impact on Parton Distribution Functions
- M.Sc. Alexander Epping: Global determination of parton distribution functions in the real photon at next-to-leading order in QCD including uncertainties
- M.Sc. Alexander Feike: Combination and Reinterpretation of LHC SUSY Searches
PhD theses completed
- Dr. Moritz Meinecke: SUSY-QCD corrections to the (co-)annihilation of neutralino dark matter within the MSSM
Now with BASF Coatings GmbH, Münster - Dr. Patrick Steppeler: Radiative corrections for the direct detection of neutralino dark matter and its relic density
Now with ZF Friedrichshafen AG, Düsseldorf - Dr. Florian König: Prompt photon production predictions at NLO and in POWHEG
Now with Shoogee GmbH & Co. KG, Münster - Dr. Marcel Rothering: Precise predictions for supersymmetric particle production at the LHC
Now with Siemens AG, Nürnberg - Dr. David Regalado Lamprea: Precision computations for gaugino and scalar dark matter
Now with eBay GmbH, Berlin - Dr. Sonja Esch: Dark matter, neutrino masses and lepton flavor violation in radiative seesaw models
Now with Kaitos GmbH, Münster - Dr. Saskia Schmiemann: Squark annihilation contributions to neutralino dark matter in NLO SUSY-QCD
Now with Gymnasium Dionysianum, Rheine - Dr. Sybrand Zeinstra: Minimal models for dark matter and neutrino masses
Now with Demcon, Enschede - Dr. Khoirul Faiq Muzakka: Global nuclear PDF analysis with neutrino DIS and LHC data
Now with FZ Jülich - Dr. Pit Duwentäster: Constraining nuclear parton distributions with data from light and heavy meson production
Now with U Jyväskylä - Dr. Luca Paolo Wiggering: Precise Theoretical Predictions for the Dark Matter Relic Density and Neutrino Dynamics in the Early Universe
- Dr. Alexander Puck Neuwirth: Precision computations for photons, jets and BSM-particles at the LHC