Public event
© LWL/Christoph Steinweg

Vom Klima, der Jagd nach einer Million und James Bonds Martini-Kult

Abschlussveranstaltung "Mathematik der Klimakrise" am 11. Januar

Zum Abschluss des Rahmenprogramms "Mathematik der Klimakrise" lädt der Exzellenzcluster Mathematik Münster alle Interessierten am 11.01.2024 um 18 Uhr zu einem Abend rund um Mathematik-Forschung ins LWL-Museum für Naturkunde ein. Prof. Dr. Christian Seis nimmt in seinem Vortrag "Vom Klima, der Jagd nach einer Million und James Bonds Martini-Kult" mit vielen anschaulichen Beispielen die Navier-Stokes-Gleichungen unter die Lupe. Prof. Dr. Anna Gusakova, Prof. Dr. Gustav Holzegel und Prof. Dr. Benedikt Wirth geben unter dem Motto "Meet the scientists" Einblicke in ihre Forschungsgebiete. Die Veranstaltung ist bereits ausgebucht, Warteliste möglich.

Webbild Kolloquium Wilhelm Killing Entwurf 3Webbild Kolloquium Wilhelm Killing

CRC Colloquium

7 December 2023, 2 pm

Prof. Dr. Christopher Deninger (University of Münster) will give a talk entitled "Special values of Hasse-Weil and Ruelle zeta functions" at the CRC Colloquium on 7 December 2023. The talk takes place at 2:00 pm in lecture hall M5. 

© MM/Mario Ohlberger

New Münster Research Fellow: Martin J. Gander

We welcome Prof. Dr. Martin J. Gander (University of Geneva) as a Münster Research Fellow. He is a renowned mathematician in numerical analysis and scientific computing. During his stay at our Cluster in October and 04 - 08 December 2023 he will continue his collaborations with Prof. Dr. Mario Ohlberger and with Dr. Stephan Rave on localized model order reduction and domain decomposition methods and will plan new projects with further members of Mathematics Münster.

© Uni MS/Michael C. Möller

University of Münster honours the best doctoral graduates

The University of Münster's Rectorate has honoured the best doctoral theses of 2023. 125 young scientists received the best rating "summa cum laude" for their dissertation - including Dr. Andreas Lietz and Dr. Jeroen Winkel who have finished their doctorates at Mathematics Münster. Dr. Julian Kranz was also awarded a dissertation prize endowed with 3,500 euros. Congratulations!

Public online event
© MM

A night full of mathematics

1 December 2023, via Zoom

Scientists from our Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster, the "Hausdorff Center for Mathematics" (Bonn) and "MATH+" (Berlin) will show in digital workshops and lectures the fascination of mathematics - from 3 pm to midnight.

© MM/Kristina Wensing

Cluster welcomes new MM members

This year, 15 postdocs and 20 doctoral students from 10 nations started at Mathematics Münster. At a Welcome Event they got some helpful information and the opportunity to get together.

Public talk
© Shutterstock / Anja Randecker

Die faszinierenden Brücken zwischen Geometrie und Topologie

Vortrag der Reihe "Brücken in der Mathematik"

Der Exzellenzcluster Mathematik Münster lädt alle Interessierten herzlich zur nächsten Ausgabe der öffentlichen Vortragsreihe "Brücken in der Mathematik" ein. Prof. Dr. Sebastian Hensel (LMU München) gibt am 21.11.2023 um 18:30 Uhr im Hörsaal M2 mit vielen Bildern und Beispielen Einblicke, welche Verbindungen es zwischen Geometrie und Topologie gibt - angefangen mit klassischen Resultaten von Gauß und Euler, bis hin zu moderner Forschung.

© MM/vl

Workshop on Cell Dynamics and Mathematical Modeling

27 November - 1 December 2023

This workshop is part of the Topical Program "Cell Dynamics and Mathematical Modeling" which aims at an intensive interaction of biology and mathematics. Biomechanical properties and dynamic shape changes of cells are closely related to their respective state and cellular function. This can be observed, among other things, in the migration of primordial germ cells. Such processes can be well described mathematically, and the influence of important parameters can thus also be analyzed theoretically.

© MM/vl

Scientific postdoc presentations

Four new postdocs of Mathematics Münster introduced themselves at the MM Postdoc Colloquium on 9 November 2023. Benjamin Brück, Dmitry Kabanov, Catherine Ray and Markus Tempelmayr gave an insight into their fields of research.

© Stochastic Geometry and Point Processes

Stochastic Geometry and Point Processes

15 November 2023

This meeting is part of the Priority Programme "Random Geometric Systems" (SPP 2265: "Zufällige geometrische Systeme") which is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG, deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) and is devoted to the mathematical analysis of effects and phenomena that emerge from an interplay between randomness and geometry.

Public event
Hst-logo-main-datum-2021-online Kopie-quadratHst-logo-main-datum-2021-online Kopie
© Hochschultag

Insights for prospective students

"Hochschultag" on 9 November

At the "Hochschultag Münster" all universities of Münster will open their doors for high school students. Some members of Mathematics Münster will offer first insights into mathematical topics. JProf. Dr. Marlies Pirner, Prof. Dr. Ursula Ludwig, Prof. Dr. Martin Huesmann und Prof. Dr. Martin Hils will present short lectures (in German).

© MM/Melina Aggelidakis

The first full-time scholarship holders have finished their master’s studies

The first scholarship holders have made it: Anupam Datta, Zhuang Kang and Shervin Sorouri, who were supported by Mathematics Münster with a full-time scholarship during their master's studies, have finished their studies in Münster and received their certificates. The international students have had many valuable experiences in Münster over the past two years, as they report here themselves.

© MM/vl

Joint Seminar on Complex Algebraic Geometry and Complex Analysis

27 October 2023

The "Joint Seminar on Complex Algebraic Geometry and Complex Analysis" is a research seminar, organised by the algebraic and complex geometry research groups in Bochum, Essen, Cologne, Münster, and Wuppertal. The seminar meets roughly twice per semester for a full day at one of the participating departments. There are three talks per meeting, both by invited guests and by speakers from the organising universities.

© MM/vl

"Mathematics helped me overcome boredom"

Portrait of Christopher Deninger in the university newspaper

He discovered his love of mathematics in Tokyo when he was about twelve years old. He later studied mathematics and earned his doctorate at the age of only 23. On the occasion of his 65th birthday this year, the university newspaper "wissen|leben" presents a portrait of our Cluster spokesperson Prof. Dr. Christopher Deninger. It's about mathematics - but also about metal concerts.

© Unsplash/Bruno Thethe

Mathematics Münster starts cooperation with Brazilian research institute

Two strong research institutions have now agreed on an intensive cooperation: Mathematicians from the University of Münster and researchers from the "Instituto de Matemática e Estatística" of the "Universidade de São Paulo" (IME-USP) will cooperate in the field of geometry for twelve months as part of the FAPESP-SPRINT funding programme.


Totally disconnected locally compact groups: local to global

9 - 13 October 2023

Part of the Focus Programme: Actions of totally disconnected, locally compact groups on discrete structures

This workshop studies the relationship between local, or small-scale, and global, or large-scale, properties of t.d.l.c. groups, which is more subtle than for Lie groups. Small-scale structure, which manifests both in the topological group structure and the objects on which the groups act, interacts with large-scale properties such as simplicity, amenability and quasi-isometry type.

© Uni Bonn

Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry

2 - 6 October 2023

A conference on the occasion of Michael Rapoport's 75th birthday

The geometry of moduli spaces related to the Langlands programme is a rapidly evolving field. We bring together both experts and young researchers to foster these developments.

Event for students
© Alfred-Wegener-Institut/Martin Künsting

Mathematisches Modellieren anschaulich erklärt

Vortrag für Bachelor- und Masterstudierende am 18.10.

Unter dem Titel "Damit habe ich nicht gerechnet!" bringt Prof. Dietmar Kröner (Uni Freiburg) in seinem Vortrag am 18.10.2023 um 16 Uhr mit vielen anschaulichen Beispielen für Anwendungen das Mathematische Modellieren näher. Im Anschluss können die Teilnehmenden kostenlos die Klima-Ausstellung und das "10-Minuten Museum Mathematik der Klimakrise" im LWL-Naturkundemuseum besuchen. Jetzt übers Learnweb anmelden!

Open Call
© MM

Apply now: doctoral and postdoctoral positions

From 4 October to 1 November 2023 you can apply for a doctoral or postdoctoral position at the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster and the Mathematical Institutes. Benefit from the stimulating research environment at Mathematics Münster!

Public event
© MM/vl

Jetzt anmelden: Die Mathematik des Klimas

Workshop für Schüler:innen ab der 10. Klasse

Für Schüler:innen ab der 10. Klasse an bieten wir den Workshop "Die Mathematik des Klimas" an. Für den Workshop-Termin am Dienstag, 28.11.2023, 15:30 - 17:30 Uhr sind noch Plätze frei - jetzt anmelden! Der Workshop ist Teil des Rahmenprogramms zum "10-Minuten Museum Mathematik der Klimakrise".

© MM/vl

Model theory and groups

25 - 29 September 2023

A conference on the occasion of Katrin Tent's 60th birthday

The aim of this conference is to bring together researchers working in model theory and group theory, with a particular view towards geometric group theory.

© DMV/TU Ilmenau

Plenary Talk of Mario Ohlberger at DMV annual meeting

The annual meeting of the German Mathematical Society (DMV) 2023 will take place from 25 - 28 September 2023 in Ilmenau. Prof. Dr. Mario Ohlberger, speaker of our Cluster, will give one of the plenary talks on 28. September at 10:30 am, entitled: "Model Order Reduction and Learning for PDE Constrained Optimization and Inverse Problems".

© Busch/IHK Nord Westfalen

Successful new event "Mathematics meets Business"

IHK Nord Westfalen and Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster intensify knowledge transfer

16 early career researchers from our Cluster and other institutes of the University of Münster met managing directors of technology-leading companies from the Münsterland region on 14 September 2023 for the premiere of "Mathematics meets Business". This event is a first step towards a long-term transfer of knowledge from which companies in the Münsterland and the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster are to benefit equally. [de]

© MM/vl

"ERC Starting Grant" for Rudolf Zeidler

Our member Dr. Rudolf Zeidler has been awarded an "ERC Starting Grant". The grant of 1.4 million euros will enable him to set up his own research group in the field of scalar curvature. He has also been accepted by the DFG to the Heisenberg Programme. Congratulations, Rudi!

© MM/vl

Totally disconnected locally compact groups from a geometric perspective

11 - 15 September 2023

Part of the Focus Programme: Actions of totally disconnected locally compact groups on discrete structures

Many discrete geometric structures admit symmetries that are not determined by a finite substructure. This phenomenon is reflected in the non-discreteness of their automorphism group. Conversely, sufficiently non-discrete t.d.l.c. groups admit geometric actions on such structures. This workshop focuses on the above approaches and their interplay.

© MM/vl

Exhibition: concepts for the new Campus Mathematics and Computer Science

A first step towards the further development of the university locations in Münster is the new Mathematics and Computer Science Campus, for which the BLB NRW had launched an architectural competition. The submitted concepts will be presented to the public in an exhibition in the foyer of the "Studiobühne" in the "Philosophikum", Domplatz 23 in Münster, until 21 September 2023. [de]

© Tamara Kidd / George Willis

Humboldt Research Awards for MM guests

Two of our future long-term guests will be sponsored by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation: Prof. George Willis will be awarded the Humboldt Research Award and Dr. Colin Reid the Bessel Research Award. The renowned mathematicians from the University of Newcastle, Australia, are co-organisers of our Focus Programme this fall and will spend several months at Mathematics Münster to collaborate with various MM members.

© MM/vl

Meeting on H² conforming methods for the dune-functions research software

29 - 31 August 2023

The purpose of the meeting is to discuss suitable abstractions of mathematical concepts used in numerical methods for PDEs and how to derive adequate interfaces for Numerical Software. Experts and young researchers collaborating on the development of the research software framework DUNE met in Münster to discuss challenges and possible solutions in particular for interfaces for high-regularity Finite-Element discretizations, like H² conforming elements.

© MM/vl

"NRW-Schülerakademie Mathematik und Informatik" visits Münster University

In order to give particularly talented high school students an insight into study programmes and research, the University of Münster has been a cooperation partner of the "Schülerakademie für Mathematik und Informatik NRW" (SMIMS) since 2022. Last week, the young maths talents visited our Faculty and our Cluster of Excellence to listen to short lectures and receive individual advice on study programmes and careers in science.

© MM/vl

New Münster Research Fellow: Duong H. Phong

We welcome Prof. Dr. Duong H. Phong (Columbia University) as a Münster Research Fellow. He is known for his research on complex analysis, partial differential equations, string theory and complex geometry. During his stay at our Cluster from 30 July to 30 August 2023 he is collaborating with Dr. Bianca Santoro, Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Hein and other members of the complex geometry group in Mathematics Münster.

© LWL/Christoph Steinweg

Volles Haus bei der Eröffnung des "10-Minuten Museums"

Vortrag von Prof. Rupert Klein: Wie Mathematik zur Klimadebatte beitragen kann

Wir freuen uns sehr, dass mehr als 220 Interessierte bei unserer Eröffnungsfeier des "10-Minuten Museums Mathematik der Klimakrise" dabei waren! Alle Plätze im Planetarium des LWL-Museums für Naturkunde waren belegt. Die Teilnehmer:innen hörten einen anschaulichen Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Rupert Klein aus Berlin, der darlegte, wie die Mathematik zur Klimadebatte beiträgt. Die Veranstaltung bildete den Auftakt zu einem Rahmenprogramm, das bis Mitte Januar läuft.

© WIRE/Nikolaus Urban

"Women in Research" interview with Priyanga Ganesan

Dr. Priyanga Ganesan, current Young Research Fellow at our Cluster and WiRE Fellow at Münster University, answered 33 questions on her research, challenges and funny moments in science, and her experiences at Mathematics Münster.

© MM/vl

Workshop on Stability, Mixing and Fluid Dynamics

14 - 16 August 2023

Mixing phenomena and the evolution and stability of coherent vortex structures and interfaces play an essential role in the dynamics of fluids. Their study has a direct impact on the understanding of turbulent flows with real-world applications in oceanography, atmospheric dynamics, industrial processes and beyond. The Workshop will explore stability and mixing phenomena from a broad intradisciplinary perspective, including PDE techniques, stochastic differential equations, harmonic analysis, optimal transport,  numerical analysis and modeling aspects.

© MM/vl

Analytic Methods in Complex Geometry

7 - 11 August 2023

In the past two years, we have seen spectacular developments in elliptic PDE methods applied to complex geometry. Highlights include the L-infinity estimates for solutions to complex Monge-Ampere equations due to Guo-Phong-Tong and Li's proof of the SYZ conjecture for Fermat hypersurfaces. This conference aims to provide an exciting opportunity for the field to come together (for the first time in Germany!) and discuss and disseminate these recent advances.

Public event
© MFO / AWI/Martin Künsting

Wie die Mathematik zur Klimadebatte beitragen kann

15. August: Vortrag von Rupert Klein zur Eröffnung des "10-Minuten Museums"

Auf Initiative unseres Clusters ergänzt das "10-Minuten Museum Mathematik der Klimakrise" vom 8. August 2023 bis 14. Januar 2024 die Sonderausstellung DAS KLIMA im LWL-Museum für Naturkunde in Münster. Alle Interessierten sind herzlich zur Eröffnungfeier am 15. August 2023 um 18:30 Uhr eingeladen. Zu Gast: Prof. Dr. Rupert Klein (FU Berlin) mit dem Vortrag "Wie die Mathematik zur Klimadebatte beitragen kann".

© Shutterstock.com/Quardia // Lynn Quiroz

Arnulf Jentzen awarded as Lamarr Fellow

Our investigator Arnulf Jentzen has been accepted into the "Lamarr Fellow Network", funded by the Ministry for Culture and Science North Rhine-Westphalia. The programme aims to foster research on artificial intelligence.

© MM/vl

New Young Research Fellow: Francesco Pediconi

We are delighted that Francesco Pediconi joins our Cluster as a new Young Research Fellow. He is a Junior Assistant Professor ("RTD-a" in the Italian system) at the Università di Firenze, working in real and complex differential geometry. During his stay at Mathematics Münster from 16 July to 13 August 2023 he is collaborating with Dr. Anusha Krishnan and other scientists of Mathematics Münster.

© MM/vl

Workshop on Curvature and Global Shape

31 July - 04 August 2023

The purpose of the meeting is to study relationships between local and global invariants in Riemannian Geometry. Our intention is to bring together experts in the field as well as young mathematicians. The programme of the workshop is structured so that beyond the lectures there will be many opportunities for intensive discussions.

© MM/vl

New Young Research Fellow: Izar Alonso Lorenzo

We welcome Izar Alonso Lorenzo as a new Young Research Fellow at our Cluster. She is a fourth year DPhil student at the University of Oxford. Her research interests are in differential geometry. During her stay at Mathematics Münster from 17 July to 11 August 2023 she is collaborating with Prof. Dr. Christoph Böhm and other scientists of Mathematics Münster.

© ICBS 2023

Best Paper Awards for Thomas Nikolaus and Ralf Schindler

Congratulations to our Mathematics Münster researchers Prof. Dr. Thomas Nikolaus and Prof. Dr. Ralf Schindler: Together with co-authors, they received Frontiers of Science Awards for their outstanding papers at the International Congress of Basic Science (ICBS) in Beijing on 16 July 2023.

© MaRDI / Peter Leßmann

"Making MaRDI" interview with Mario Ohlberger

"Awareness and recognition for FAIR data culture must be increased." says Mario Ohlberger, Mathematics Münster's spokesperson, in the "Making MaRDI" interview, a series of the Mathematical Research Data Initiative. To learn about his role in establishing a FAIR culture for mathematical research data, read this interesting interview.

© Hartwin Schleuß

Ready for the next step

Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science celebrated doctoral graduates

Last week, all doctoral researchers who completed their theses in the past semester were invited to the graduation ceremony of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science. We congratulate all graduates of Mathematics Münster and wish them all the best for their future: Anna-Maria Ammer, Jannes Bantje, Ulrich Böttcher, Martin Brückerhoff, Antje Dabeler, Leon Hendrian, Viêt Húng Hoáng, Julian Kranz, Andreas Lietz, Julius Lohmann, Julia Schleuß, Jeroen Winkel and Dennis Wulle!

© MM/vl

New Young Research Fellow: Christian Bönicke

We welcome Dr. Christian Bönicke (University of Newcastle) as a Young Research Fellow at our Cluster. He is an expert on K-theory and Homology theory for (C*-algebras) of groupoids and their applications. During his stay at Mathematics Münster from 5 June to 21 July 2023 he is collaborating with several members of the C*-algebra group.

© MM/vl

C*-Algebras: Tensor Products, Approximation & Classification

17 - 21 July 2023

Since Elliotts classification of approximately finite C*-algebras it is well known that there are strong ties between classification theory and approximation theory for C*-algebras. The full depth of this relation became clear only after the groundbreaking work of Eberhard Kirchberg on tensor products and approximation properties of C*-algebras with astounding applications to (on first sight unrelated) important problems: the Connes embedding problem and the classification of (purely infinite) C*-algebras. The meeting will focus on breathtaking recent advances in these topics due to several young rising stars.

© Ricky Chan Kin-ming, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

ERC Consolidator Grant for Arnulf Jentzen

Prof Arnulf Jentzen has been awarded a Consolidator Grant by the European Research Council (ERC). The mathematician who carries out research at our Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster is working on the mathematical fundamentals of deep learning. For his ERC project, starting in July, he will be receiving around 1.4 million euros for the next five years.

© Uni MS

Strategic Collaboration Grant for Stephan Rave

Dr. Stephan Rave, member of Mathematics Münster, and Prof. Dr. Thomas Weinhart (University of Twente) have been awarded with the so-called "Collaboration Grant" - an intern funding instrument of the universities of Münster and Twente in order to finance existing research collaborations between Münster and Twente. The project named "Model Order Reduction for Discrete Particle Systems" which should simulate the behavior of granular materials, gains 80,000 euros.



Peter Topping: PDE Aspects of Geometric Flows

29 June 2023, 2:15 pm, M4 and Zoom

Prof. Dr. Peter Topping (University of Warwick) will give a talk entitled "PDE Aspects of Geometric Flows" at the Colloquium Wilhelm Killing on 29 June 2023. The talk takes place at 2:15 pm in lecture hall M4 and via Zoom. Tea time starts at 3:15 pm in the Cluster Common Room.

© AWK NRW/Bettina Engel-Albustin

Humboldt Foundation accepts Franziska Jahnke as a Henriette Herz Scout

We are delighted that the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation has accepted Franziska Jahnke, MATHRIX professor at Mathematics Münster, as a new Henriette Herz Scout. She has now the opportunity to recommend three postdocs from abroad for a renowned Humboldt Research Fellowship which can be granted directly.

Public lecture
© MM/vl

Mathematik und Physik schwarzer Löcher

Fachvortrag von Gustav Holzegel beim Alumni-Tag am 24. Juni

In seinem Vortrag beschreibt Prof. Dr. Gustav Holzegel, Forscher an unserem Cluster, warum sich Mathematiker für schwarze Löcher interessieren, welche geometrischen und analytischen Fragen dabei auftreten und welche Methoden entwickelt worden sind, um diese zu beantworten. Der Vortrag findet am 24. Juni 2023 um 16 Uhr in Hörsaal M4 statt und richtet sich an alle mathematisch interessierten Alumni.


David Broadhurst: Taming unsummable series

15 June 2023, 2:15 pm, M5 and Zoom

Prof. Dr. David Broadhurst (Open University, UK) will give a talk entitled "Taming unsummable series" at the Colloquium Wilhelm Killing on 15 June 2023. The talk takes place at 2:15 pm in lecture hall M5 and via Zoom. Tea time starts at 3:15 pm in the Cluster Common Room.

© Uni MS

Best Paper Prize for Benedikt Wirth and team

Combining mathematical depth with biological impact: A research team from Münster, led by Cluster investigator Benedikt Wirth, has just been awarded the IMA Mathematical Medicine & Biology Best Paper Prize 2021. A belated but no less beautiful honor!

© MM/vl

New Münster Research Fellow: Ilijas Farah

We welcome Prof. Dr. Ilijas Farah (York University, Toronto) as a Münster Research Fellow. He is a world leading expert working on the interface of set theory, model theory, and operator algebras. During his stay at our Cluster from 1 June to 22 July 2023 he will collaborate with Prof. Dr. Ralf Schindler and Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Winter and will contribute to the conference "C*-Algebras: Tensor Products, Approximation & Classification".

© MM/vl

Young Set Theory Workshop

29 May - 3 June 2023

Set theory is a broad area of mathematics, with many interconnecting themes, and our knowledge is developing rapidly. This international workshop will bring together young mathematicians, providing in depth introductions to various topics in set theory, leading to questions at the forefront of research. Tutorials and talks will be given by both experienced researchers and postdocs, and will be primarily aimed at advanced PhD students and early career researchers.

© MM/vl

New Young Research Fellow: Priyanga Ganesan

We welcome Dr. Priyanga Ganesan as a new Young Research Fellow at our Cluster. She holds a prestigious President’s Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of California San Diego. Her research interest revolves around operator algebras and their connections with quantum information theory. During her stay at Mathematics Münster during the 2023 summer semester, she will collaborate with JProf. Dr. Kristin Courtney.

© MM/vl

Scientific postdoc presentations

Five new postdocs of Mathematics Münster introduced themselves at the MM Postdoc Colloquium in April. Athanasios Chatzikaleas, Lukas Niebel, João Nuno Pereira Lourenço, Andrea Vaccaro and Zhixiang Wu gave an insight into their fields of research.

© MM/12may initiative

Looking back: May12 at Mathematics Münster

We took 12 May - the International Women in Maths Day - as an opportunity to celebrate gender diversity in mathematics! Many MM members participated in the film screening, discussions, talks and digital activities last week. Here you can find some impressions. 

© MM/May12 initiative

Celebrating May 12 at Mathematics Münster

Programme 8 - 12 May 2023

We are celebrating gender diversity with several events and digital activities throughout the week from 8-12 May in the context of the May12 initiative. Learn more about the outstanding mathematician Olga Alexandrovna Ladyzhenskaya at a film screening, join a discussion on "Achieving gender balance in science" and attend scientific talks of MATHRIX professors at "MM Connect meets Women in Maths"!

Girls Day 2022
© MM/vl

Girls Day 2023: Insights for high school students

On 27 April 2023, the participants of the "Girls' Day" gained many insights into the world of mathematicians and everyday life of students at Münster University. The faculty and the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster had prepared a varied programme with a rally, a short lecture and puzzles. [de]


CRC Colloquium

4 May 2023, 2:00 pm, M4 and Zoom

The CRC 1442 Geometry: Deformations and Rigidity invites you to the CRC Colloquium on 4 May 2023 at 2:00 pm. Prof. Dr. Gustav Holzegel will speak about "Geometric non-linear wave equations". Dr. Christopher Kauffman will give a talk entitled "Perturbed wave equations on black hole spacetimes". These two lectures will take place in the context of the Wilhelm Killing Colloquium in lecture hall M4 and via Zoom. Get-together afterwards in the Cluster Common Room.

Open Calls
© MM/vl

Doctoral positions and Ada Lovelace Fellowships

Apply now: deadline 1 May 2023!

Benefit from the stimulating atmosphere at Mathematics Münster and use the invaluable opportunity to learn from faculty and visitors, to collaborate and network! Apply until 1st May 2023 for a doctoral position. There are  Ada Lovelace Fellowships available for exceptionally strong candidates. With the Fellowships we support underrepresented groups and aim to increase gender equality in mathematics.

© MM/vl

In search of model structures for non-equilibrium systems

24 - 28 April 2023

The workshop focuses on the availability, derivation and discovery of variational principles for non-equilibrium systems, in particular, those which connect model structures on different lengths and time scales via microscopic derivations, such as hydrodynamic limits. We bring together physicists and mathematicians to discuss recent progress for specific systems as well as regarding general principles.


Jean-Pierre Tignol: Linkage of quaternion algebras and systems of quadratic equations over number fields

in memoriam Winfried Scharlau, 27 April 2023, 2:15 pm, M4 and Zoom

Prof. Dr. Jean-Pierre Tignol (UCLouvain) will give a talk entitled "Linkage of quaternion algebras and systems of quadratic equations over number fields" at the Colloquium Wilhelm Killing on 27 April 2023. The talk takes place at 2:15 pm in lecture hall M4 and via Zoom. Tea time starts at 3:15 pm in the Cluster Common Room.

Public lecture
© Shutterstock/MM/vl

Matchings und Optimaler Transport

"Brücken in der Mathematik"-Vortrag von Martin Huesmann am 27. April

Der Exzellenzcluster Mathematik Münster lädt alle Interessierten herzlich zur nächsten Ausgabe der öffentlichen Vortragsreihe "Brücken in der Mathematik" ein. Prof. Dr. Martin Huesmann wird am 27.04.2023 um 18:30 Uhr im Schloss, Hörsaal S8, eine anschauliche Einführung in die Theorie des Matchings und Optimalen Transports geben und erklären, warum sie sich zu einem nützlichen Werkzeug in verschiedenen Bereichen der Mathematik entwickelt hat.

© Uni MS/Michael C. Möller

“Learning from one another means we arrive at findings faster”

Interview with Hendrik Weber and Raimar Wulkenhaar

Collaboration across the boundaries between mathematical fields can lead to new approaches and insights. In this interview, the Cluster investigators Prof. Dr. Hendrik Weber and Prof. Dr. Raimar Wulkenhaar explain why even collaborations within one dicipline are challenging - and which opportunities it provides for their research.

© MM

Scientific postdoc presentations

13 April 2023, 2:15 pm, M4

Get an insight into the research of five new postdoctoral researchers of Mathematics Münster. In short scientific presentations they will introduce their topics on 13 April 2023. The talks take place at 2:15 pm in lecture hall M4. After the talks, there will be the opportunity to exchange ideas while enjoying tea, coffee and cake in the Common Room.

© MM/vl

New Young Research Fellow: Agatha Atkarskaya

The Cluster welcomes Dr. Agatha Atkarskaya as a Young Research Fellow. She is a postdoc at the Einstein Institute of Mathematics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and specialises in group and ring theory. She is one of the driving forces in the construction of infinite Burnside groups via small cancellation theory. During her stay at Münster from 1 April to 30 June 2023 she will collaborate with Prof. Dr. Dr. Katrin Tent.

© MM/vl

Random discrete structures

20 - 24 March 2023

The workshop centers around two topics: "Random graphs and stochastic geometry" and "Branching and mathematical biology". The aim is to provide an opportunity of exchange between the different groups and to attract young researchers to the field. All members of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science are invited to join the "Bridge Plenary Talk" by Remco van der Hofstad (TU Eindhoven) on Thursday, 23 March 2023, 4:30 pm in lecture hall M2, title: "Critical percolation on scale-free random graphs". The conference is part of the Focus Programme "Effective and dynamic behaviour of random structures".

© MM/vl

New Münster Research Fellow: Oleksandr Iksanov

We welcome Prof. Dr. Oleksandr Iksanov (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv) as a Münster Research Fellow. He is one of the most prolific and distinguished probabilists in Ukraine. During his stay at our Cluster from 18 March to 8 April 2023 he will continue his existing collaboration with Prof. Dr. Gerold Alsmeyer and Prof. Dr. Zakhar Kabluchko and will contribute to the Cluster’s Focus Programme "Effective and dynamic behaviour of random structures".

© Uni MS/Sophie Pieper

Video portrait of MATHRIX professor Theresa Simon

In a new series of videos, the Communication and Public Relations department of the University of Münster presents six academics from a variety of disciplines who are either junior professors or who head a group of junior researchers. A video portrait of out investigator Dr. Theresa Simon was recently published. As a junior professor at the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster, she studies patterns in magnets.

Public event
© MM/vl

"Mathe mal anders" für Schülerinnen und Schüler

Nächster Workshop-Termin: 18. April 2023 / Jetzt anmelden!

Schüler:innen der Klassen 5-7 sind eingeladen, Mathe aus einer neuen Perspektive zu entdecken. Beim Workshop "Mathe mal anders!" am 18. April 2023 können sie sich bei einer kreativen Schnitzeljagd und anderen spannenden Aktionen überzeugen, dass Mathe viel mehr ist als nur ein Schulfach. 22 Kinder hatten am 14. März 2023, dem Internationalen Tag der Mathematik, an der "Premiere" des Workshops teilgenommen.

© International Mathematical Union

International Day of Mathematics

14 March 2023

This year's motto is "Mathematics for everyone". That's why the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster has invited pupils in grades 5-7 who are not (yet) the biggest maths fans to a inspiring workshop. Everybody is invited to join the global live celebration online. Take part in many interesting talks via livestream and check out the blog!

Public event
© MM

Mathe mal anders - Workshop für Schüler:innen

Angebot zum Internationalen Tag der Mathematik am 14. März 2023

Schüler:innen der Klassen 5-7, die (noch) nicht die größten Mathe-Fans sind, sind eingeladen, am 14. März 2023, dem Internationalen Tag der Mathematik, Mathe aus einer neuen Perspektive zu entdecken! Bei einem Workshop am Exzellenzcluster Mathematik Münster können sie sich bei einer kreativen Schnitzeljagd und anderen spannenden Aktionen überzeugen, dass Mathe viel mehr ist als nur ein Schulfach. Workshop ist bereits ausgebucht - Warteliste vorhanden.

© MM/vl

Young Geometric Group Theory XI

13 - 17 February 2023

The eleventh edition of the Young Geometric Group Theory (YGGT) workshop focuses on four mini-courses which present a panoramic overview over some important developments in the research fields. Besides the four main lecture series a number of plenary presentations are organised to broaden the scope of the workshop, and to encourage the participants to explore the boundaries of the subject.

Public event
© Kompetenzzentrum Technik-Diversity-Chancengleichheit e. V.
© Kompetenzzentrum Technik-Diversity-Chancengleichheit e. V.

Girls go Mathematics!

Event for female high school students on 27 April 2023

The Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster and the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science invite female high school students to gain insights into university and the work of mathematicians. [de]

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Ready for the next step

Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science celebrated doctoral graduates

On Monday, all doctoral researchers who completed their theses in the past semester were invited to the graduation ceremony of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science. We congratulate all graduates of Mathematics Münster and wish them all the best for their future: Blaise Boissonneau, Johannes Branahl, Maria Lünnemann, Jonas McCandless, Jan Nienhaus, Kevin Poljsak, Jonas Potthoff and Marie-Christin Zumbülte!

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New Münster Research Fellow: Alcides Buss

We welcome Prof. Dr. Alcides Buss (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil) as a Münster Research Fellow. He is an excellent researcher in the field of Operator Algebras. During his stay at our Cluster from February to December 2023 he will collaborate with Prof. Dr. Siegfried Echterhoff and other scientists from Mathematics Münster.

© MM/vl

Bielefeld-Münster Seminar on Groups, Geometry and Topology

8 February 2023

Bielefeld-Münster Seminar on Groups, Geometry and Topology with talks by Daniel Keppeler (Münster), Amandine Escalier (Münster), Jonas Flechsig (Bielefeld) and Bianca Marchionna (Bielefeld). All lectures take place in room SRZ 216, Orléans-Ring 12.

© MM/vl

MM Connect with Dr. Dieter Wemmer

"MM Special" about career opportunities for mathematicians in the private sector

Dr. Dieter Wemmer joined us at our series "MM Connect" for early career researchers to present a special talk. He briefly outlined his own career path and, based on his decades of experience as a CFO and CEO of several big companies, offered advice on how to approach making decisions about career paths and which important factors need to be considered.

© MM/vl

New "Bridging the Gaps" professor for Mathematics Münster

Prof. Dr. Hendrik Weber - a portrait

The Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster has established special professorships for mathematicians who bring together a variety of fields in their research – such as Prof. Hendrik Weber. Recently, Hendrik Weber, an expert on stochastic analysis, moved from the University of Bath to Münster. He brought with him an ERC Consolidator Grant, approved in 2022.

Logo CRCLogo CRC

CRC Colloquium

26 January 2023, 4:15 pm, lecture hall M2

The CRC 1442 Geometry: Deformations and Rigidity invites you to the CRC Colloquium on Thursday, 26 January 2023, at 4:15 pm. Prof. Dr. Dr. Katrin Tent will speak about "Simplicity of automorphism groups of homogeneous structures". Prof. Dr. Aleksandra Kwiatkowska will give a talk entitled "Compact connected one-dimensional spaces". These two lectures will take place in the context of the Wilhelm Killing Colloquium in lecture hall M2. Get-togehter afterwards in the SRZ building, 2nd floor.

© Uni Bonn/Thoralf Räsch

Postdoc receives the Hausdorff Memorial Award

Dr. Lucas Mann was awarded for his doctoral thesis on Poincaré duality and p-adic geometry

Congratulations to Mathematics Münster's postdoc Dr. Lucas Mann! He was awarded the Hausdorff Memorial Award for the best dissertation 2021/2022 in mathematics at the University of Bonn. In his PhD thesis, he proves a Poicaré duality in the case of p-adic geometry. His supervisor Prof. Dr. Peter Scholze was highly impressed by the technical level and the importance beyond the statement to be proved: "This PhD thesis is an extraordinary contribution to p-adic geometry, and it will take some years to digest the statements from this thesis."

© MM

Set theory is a broad area of mathematics, with many interconnecting themes, and our knowledge is developing rapidly. This international workshop will bring together young mathematicians, providing in depth introductions to various topics in set theory, leading to questions at the forefront of research. Tutorials and talks will be given by both experienced researchers and postdocs, and will be primarily aimed at advanced PhD students and early career researchers.