© MM

"Bridging the _Gap_" Oberseminar Analysis

This seminar will further intensify the exchange between the research fields of Pure and Applied Analysis. It will take place on Wednesdays, 11:00 am, via Zoom. Professors, postdocs, PhD students andmaster's students are welcome. The next talk will be held on 3 February 2021. Please contact the organizer Dr. Sebastian Throm if you are interested to join and give a talk.

© Kleinrensing/Messerschmidt/Schmidtchen

New Topical Program on Cell Dynamics and Mathematical Modelling

Prof. Dr. Angela Stevens und Prof. Dr. Erez Raz aim to strengthen exchange

Prof. Dr. Erez Raz, a cell biologist, and Prof. Dr. Angela Stevens, a mathematician, aim to further strengthen and deepen the exchange between experimental biology and mathematics in their new project "Cell Dynamics and Mathematical Modelling". It is one of eleven "Topical Programs" that have recently been funded by the University of Münster.

© MM

Research topics of our new members

Postdocs and PhD students introduce themselves

Since it was not possible to meet each other in our "Common Room", especially in autumn and winter, some of the postdocs and PhD students who started in October and November are now introducing themselves on a digital "blackboard" by posting a short insight into their research.

Gabriele BenomioGabriele Benomio
© MM/vl

New Young Research Fellow: Gabriele Benomio (Princeton)

Dr. Gabriele Benomio joins Mathematics Münster as a Young Research Fellow. He is a Research Scholar (postdoc) at the Princeton Gravity Initiative. In Münster, he is part of Prof. Dr. Gustav Holzegel’s group for four months until 15 February 2021. Welcome!

© Uni MS

A beautiful Pre-Christmas period - with science and maths

If you have fun solving questions with a scientific background during Advent, you should click on the WWU Online Advent Calendar [de]. There is also a maths question included! For children, teenagers and school classes there are several online math advent calendars, which offer a new tricky puzzle every day.

© Uni MS / AG Kiefer/AG Schäfers

DFG provides funding for new Collaborative Research Centre (CRC) “inSight”

A cooperation between medicine, natural sciences, mathematics and computer science

In the research project “inSight – Multiscale imaging of organ-specific inflammation” that receives approximately ten million euros in funding, scientists focus on the question of how the body regulates inflammation in different organs and, to this end, develop a specific imaging methodology. Prof. Dr. Benedikt Wirth, investigator of Mathematics Münster, is involved as principal investigator.

© MM/vl
© AvH

Exceptional award strengthens Mathematics Münster

Mathematician Gustav Holzegel awarded a prestigious Humboldt professorship

Prof. Gustav Holzegel, one of the world’s leading experts on the General Theory of Relativity, is appointed to a prestigious Humboldt professorship. The renowned research prize includes funding of 3.5 million euros for five years. At the beginning of November the scientist moved from Imperial College London to our Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science.

© MM

Maths until midnight

First virtual "Mathenacht" on 13 November

Last Friday the virtual "Mathenacht" of our Cluster of Excellence and the "Hausdorff Center for Mathematics" (University of Bonn) took place for the first time. Many participants followed the workshops and lectures via Zoom. [de]

Online event
© MM/vl

Opening colloquium

CRC Geometry: Deformations and Rigidity

The CRC opening colloquium will take place on Thursday, 5 November 2020, at 4:15 pm via Zoom. There will be two talks: "The Langlands Program" by Prof. Dr. Urs Hartl and "Deformation spaces of Galois representations - and their interplay with representation theory" by Prof. Dr. Eugen Hellmann.

Aleksandra KwiatkowksaAleksandra Kwiatkowksa
© MM/vl

New MATHRIX Professor: Aleksandra Kwiatkowska

We welcome Aleksandra Kwiatkowska to the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science and the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster. She commenced her appointment as a MATHRIX Juniorprofessorin on 1st of October 2020. She works on the structure and dynamics of separable completely metrizable topological groups.

© MM

O-Minimality and the André-Oort Conjecture

"Bridging the Gap" seminar in winter semester 2020/21

Prof. Dr. Urs Hartl and Prof. Dr. Martin Hils organize the "Bridging the Gap" seminar "O-Minimality and the André-Oort Conjecture" which connects Model Theory and Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry. It will be held on Tuesdays, 2-4 pm. PhD students and master's students may enroll. The seminar will start in the first week of November. HIS-LSF

Online event
© MM

A night full of mathematics

13 November 2020 - from 3 pm to midnight

Scientists of our Cluster of Excellence and the "Hausdorff Center for Mathematics" of the University of Bonn will show in workshops and lectures (in German) the fascination of mathematics.

© Shutterstock

Supporting a good start at Mathematics Münster

31 new PhD students and postdocs from more than 15 countries are currently starting at Mathematics Münster. Welcome! To ensure a good start despite the current pandemic situation, there will be various offers: On Wednesday, 7 October, 1:15 pm, the "Welcome Centre" of the University of Münster will present its services and answer questions at a hybrid event. Further information events will follow. Another new offer is the Buddy Programme.

Public lecture "Brücken in der Mathematik"
© MM

First virtual edition of “Brücken in der Mathematik”

Video recording online available

In September, we organized the first virtual edition of the public lecture series "Brücken in der Mathematik". Around 200 participants watched the livestream with Prof. Dr. Martin Hils and Prof. Dr. Matthias Löwe talking about paradoxical phenomena in mathematics. If you have missed the livestream or would like to listen to the lecture again, you will find the video recording (in German) on our website.

Online event
Martin Hils und Matthias LöweMartin Hils und Matthias Löwe
© MM/vl

Virtual edition of “Brücken in der Mathematik”

Online lecture on paradoxical phenomena in mathematics on 29 September

The world - especially the world of mathematics - is full of mysteries. Particularly interesting and exciting are those that yield unexpected results that run counter to our intuition. Such thought experiments are the subject of the lecture "Paradoxe Phänomene in der Mathematik" which will be held online on 29 September 2020, 7:30 pm, in German. The Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster invites everyone who is interested.


New perspectives on K- and L-theory

21 - 25 September 2020

Hermitian K-theory is the study of unimodular forms through the eyes of K-theory. In work of B. Calmès, E. Dotto, Y. Harpaz, F. Hebestreit, M. Land, K. Moi, D. Nardin, T. Nikolaus and W. Steimle, it was recently shown that there is a fibre sequence relating ordinary algebraic K-theory, hermitian K-theory (aka Grothendieck-Witt theory) and L-theory in a very general context. The lectures will focus on these results. One lecture series focuses on Grothendieck-Witt theoretic aspects and one focuses on L-theoretic aspects.

© wwu/bantje

First retreat of our graduate school MMGS

The first retreat of our graduate school MMGS recently took place in Duisburg. The event contributes to networking among MMGS members - especially during the Covid 19 pandemic. The retreat focused on the participants' personal future planning.

© MM

Open calls for two professorships

We invite applications for a MATHRIX Assistant Professorship in Applied Mathematics (W1) and a Associate Professorship in Theoretical Mathematics (W2). Deadline is 30 September 2020. The next application round for PhDs and Postdocs will start in October.

© MFO/Renate Schmid

One more year Münster Research Fellow: Prof. Dr. Stephan Luckhaus

We are pleased that Prof. Dr. Stephan Luckhaus will enrich our Cluster for another year as a Münster Research Fellow. The well-known mathematician, whose research combines various mathematical fields, will contribute to the 2021 focus program "Geometry and PDEs: from theory to applications".

updated 08-09-2020
© Shutterstock

Ready for the next step

Completed dissertations in summer semester 2020

Congratulations to all PhD students of Mathematics Münster who completed their dissertation this semester. All the best for your future: Federico Calderón, Tim Clausen, Christopher Eick, Fjedor Gaede, Philipp Godland, Alexander Hock, Nils Leder, Martin Maiwald, Romain Zakaria Pascalie, Raphael Reinauer, Alexander Volker Schroer and Pierre Touchard!

© MM/vl

Vivid insight: videos of investigators' talks

In the "Research" section of our website we provide a lot of information about the mathematical research areas of our cluster. You will also find links to recent videos of talks given by our investigators. This new offer should give you a vivid insight into the researchers’ work.

© MM

MM now on YouTube

Mathematics Münster now has its own YouTube channel! The episodes from our inspiring interview series "Behind the Science" can now be found there. More videos will follow. Subscribe to the channel and spread the word!

© Uni MS/Peter Leßmann

Support for early career researchers

"Mohnkuchen" interview with Dr. Imke Franzmeier

During the PhD and postdoctoral period, the professors are responsible for the scientific content. Dr. Imke Franzmeier takes care of many other aspects that are important for the early career researchers. In the current issue of the university newspaper wissenIleben, she talks about the early career support at our Cluster of Excellence. [de]

© FB 10

New master’s programme M.Sc. Mathematics Münster

Starting in winter semester 2020/21, the new Master of Science Mathematics Münster replaces the previous master’s programme in mathematics at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science. It will be taught completely in English, offers a lot of flexibility and a broad variety of courses. Application deadline is 20 August.


Gianluigi Rozza (SISSA): Reduced order methods in computational fluid dynamics

Colloquium Wilhelm Killing on 10 June 2020 via ZOOM

Prof. Dr. Gianluigi Rozza will give a talk entitled "State of the art and perspectives for reduced order methods in computational fluid dynamics" on Wednesday, 10 June 2020, via Zoom. The talk starts at 4:30 pm. The virtual tea time starts at 4:15 pm. Zoom-ID: 94121190906

© Uni MS/Judith Kraft

Clusters of Excellence: plans and perspectives

Interview with the Cluster spokepersons in the University of Münster's Yearbook

In the recently published Yearbook of the University of Münster, our spokespersons, Prof. Christopher Deninger and Prof. Mario Ohlberger, and Prof. Nils Jansen, spokesperson for the Cluster "Religion and Politics" since the beginning of 2019, talk
about the plans and perspectives which the two Clusters have.

© MM/vl

Great success: DFG funds new CRC "Geometry: Deformations and Rigidity"

The German Research Foundation (DFG) will be providing 6.5 million euros to fund a new Collaborative Research Centre at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science. The large-scale project, “Geometry: Deformations and Rigidity”, aims to develop geometry both as a subject in its own right and as a tool for other mathematical fields. The Centre has been funded for four years and will open on 1 July.

© Uni MS/Robert Matzke

Making research easy to understand

Informing the public, in an easy-to-understand way, about developments and results in the area of research has long been an integral part of knowledge transfer at universities, including the University of Münster. The current issue of the university newspaper wissenIleben deals with faculties and multipliers who are themselves undertaking science communication - for example our Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster.

© MM

Portraits of Mathematics Münster's professors

International Women in Maths Day

Meet Mathematics Münster's female professors! In short texts and interviews, you will learn more about their research, their careers and which aspects of being a mathematician they find particularly beautiful.

© ZALA films

Invitation to online film event

International Women in Maths Day

We are participating in the worldwide celebrations in a digital way: Gain interesting insights into the work of our female professors, postdocs and PhD students of Mathematics Münster and take part in the online film event "Secrets of the Surface" about the life of Fields medalist Maryam Mirzakhani.

© Bildarchiv des Mathematischen Forschungsinstituts Oberwolfach

New professor of theoretical mathematics: Anna Siffert

We welcome Prof Anna Siffert to the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science and the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster. She was appointed a professor of theoretical mathematics and commenced on 1 April 2020. Prof Siffert’s primary research interests lie in the field of global differential geometry and its interactions with topology, analysis and complex geometry.

© Uni MS/Jan Lehmann

Digital teaching until 31 May

Faculty buildings and Cluster rooms still closed

The University of Münster has decided to divide the summer semester into two phases. The first phase starts today and will run until Whitsun, during which most teaching activities will take place in digital form. The University will re-evaluate the situation before the Whitsun holidays begin. The employees of the Faculty and the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster will continue teleworking from home. Please contact the staff by phone or e-mail.

© Umicore AG & Co. KG

Evaluating and optimising catalytic filters

Collaborative research project "ML-MORE" launched

Scientists of the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster are coordinating the activities of the newly launched collaborative research project "ML-MORE". It aims to help industrial partners develop more efficient catalytic filters by using innovative methods from the fields of model reduction and machine learning.

© MM/vl

Cluster rooms and Faculty buildings closed

Due to the corona pandemic, the Faculty buildings including the cluster rooms will be closed (probably until 19 April). The Faculty and the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster will continue their work. Please contact the staff by phone or e-mail.

© IDM314.org

First International Day of Mathematics

Happy Pi-Day! Today the International Day of Mathematics is celebrated for the first time. Discover exciting information and videos about the theme „Mathematics is Everywhere”!

© may12.womeninmaths.org

"International Women in Maths Day 2020”

International Women's Day on 8 March

Today's International Women's Day is a good opportunity to give insights into our plans for the "International Women in Maths Day 2020". Around May 12th, the date of birth of Maryam Mirzakhani, the first and so far only female winner of the Fields Medal, a variety of activities will take place.

++ Update 18 March 2020: Due to the corona pandemic, the planned internal and public events unfortunately have to be postponed to next year. ++

© Uni MS/Jan Lehmann

Events cancelled: Day of Mathematics and Girls' Day

No public events on 14 March and 26 March

In order to reduce the risk of infection by the Corona Virus, the Rectorate of the University of Münster is cancelling external, non-curricular events until the end of March.These events of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science and the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster are affected: school competition "Day of Mathematics" and public event "Mathematics is everywhere" on 14 March and the Girls' Day on 26 March.


++ cancelled ++ Mathematics is Everywhere!

1st International Day of Mathematics: public events on 14 March 2020

We celebrate the 1st International Day of Mathematics with two events: In the morning there will be the competition "Tag der Mathematik" [de] for highschool students and teachers, in the afternoon we offer a public event in the City Centre of Münster: Using exciting examples, Prof. Dr. Michael Joachim, Prof. Dr. Arnulf Jentzen and Prof. Dr. Martin Huesmann will show in short lectures (in German!) how mathematics shapes our everyday lives. The event takes place at 16:30 to 18:30 in JO 101, Johannisstr. 4.

© Kompetenzzentrum Technik-Diversity-Chancengleichheit e. V.
© Kompetenzzentrum Technik-Diversity-Chancengleichheit e. V.

++ cancelled ++ Girls' Day on 26 March 2020

Girls go Mathematics! The Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster and the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science invite girls to gain insights into university and the work of mathematicians - a short lecture and lunch in the "Mensa" included. Register now! [de]

© Uni MS

Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science celebrated master's and doctoral graduates

This week, 79 master’s graduates and 13 candidates who completed their doctorates received their degree certificates. Seven of them wrote their theses in the field of mathematics. We congratulate and wish them all the best for the next steps: Eva-Maria Brinkmann, Carolin Maria Dirks, Marius Kley, André-Harald Schemaitat, Liesel Sommer, Sven Upgang und Matthias Simon Weirich.

© MM/vl

Prof. Dr. Roberto Longo (Rom): The information in a wave

Colloquium Wilhelm Killing on 16 January 2020

Prof. Dr. Roberto Longo (Rom) will give a talk entitled "The information in a wave" on 16 January 2020 in lecture hall M5. The talk starts at 4:30 pm. Tea will be served at 4 pm in the Common Room.

© MM/vl

A mathematical view of the universe

Second edition of the series "Brücken in der Mathematik" was very well attended

The public event on 7 January 2020 dealt with "Geometry, Analysis and Gravity". Prof. Dr. Gerhard Huisken (University of Tübingen) took more than 200 visitors on a journey through 2000 years of the history of science. [de]

© MM/vl

New Young Research Fellow: Tom Bachmann (MIT)

Tom Bachmann (MIT) joins Mathematics Münster as a Young Research Fellow and will spend the next two weeks doing research in Münster. He is a young, uprising researcher in motivic homotopy theory and K-theory. Welcome!