New Topical Program on Cell Dynamics and Mathematical Modelling
Research topics of our new members
Prof. Dr. Carolyn Gordon: Can you hear the shape of a manifold?
Prof. Dr. Carolyn Gordon (Dartmouth College) will give a talk entitled "Can you hear the shape of a manifold?" on 14 January 2021, via Zoom. The talk takes place at 4:30 pm. The virtual tea time starts at 4:15 pm.
DFG provides funding for new Collaborative Research Centre (CRC) “inSight”
Prof. Dr. Ilaria Perugia: Problem-oriented finite elements
Prof. Dr. Ilaria Perugia (Universität Wien) will give a talk entitled "Problem-oriented finite elements" on 10 December 2020, via Zoom. The talk takes place at 4:30 pm. The virtual tea time starts at 4:15 pm.
Prof. Dr. Leif Döring: On individualisation strategies in university education in mathematics
Prof. Dr. Leif Döring (Universität Mannheim) will give a talk entitled "On individualisation strategies in university education in mathematics" on 3 December 2020, via Zoom. The talk takes place at 4:30 pm. The virtual tea time starts at 4:15 pm.
Exceptional award strengthens Mathematics Münster
Prof. Dr. Gilles Francfort: Plasticity, a template for dissipation in solids
Prof. Dr. Gilles Francfort (Université Paris XIII) will give a talk entitled "Plasticity, a template for dissipation in solids" on 26 November 2020, via Zoom. The talk takes place at 4:30 pm. The virtual tea time starts at 4:15 pm.
Nicolas Perkowski (FU Berlin): Infinite regularization by noise
Prof. Dr.Nicolas Perkowski (FU Berlin) will give a talk entitled "Infinite regularization by noise" on 19 November 2020, via Zoom. The talk takes place at 4:30 pm. The virtual tea time starts at 4:15 pm.
Maths until midnight
Colloquium Wilhelm Killing starts with Prof. Dr. Jacob Bedrossian (Maryland)
Prof. Dr. Jacob Bedrossian (Maryland) will give a talk entitled "Almost-sure exponential mixing for stochastic Navier-Stokes with applications to passive scalar turbulence" on 12 November 2020, via Zoom. The talk takes place at 4:30 pm. The virtual tea time starts at 4:15 pm.
Opening colloquium
O-Minimality and the André-Oort Conjecture
A night full of mathematics
First virtual edition of “Brücken in der Mathematik”
Virtual edition of “Brücken in der Mathematik”
Ready for the next step
Prof. Dr. Hannah Markwig (Tübingen): Curve counting and tropical geometry
Prof. Dr. Hannah Markwig will give a talk entitled "Curve counting and tropical geometry " on 16 July 2020, via Zoom. The talk starts at 4:30 pm. The virtual tea time starts at 4:15 pm. Zoom-ID: 91691193801
Support for early career researchers
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Lück (Bonn): Groups meet C*-algebras: an appetizer
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Lück will give a talk entitled "Groups meet C*-algebras: an appetizer " on 18 June 2020, via Zoom. The talk starts at 4:30 pm. The virtual tea time starts at 4:15 pm. Zoom-ID: 91691193801
Gianluigi Rozza (SISSA): Reduced order methods in computational fluid dynamics
Prof. Dr. Gianluigi Rozza will give a talk entitled "State of the art and perspectives for reduced order methods in computational fluid dynamics" on Wednesday, 10 June 2020, via Zoom. The talk starts at 4:30 pm. The virtual tea time starts at 4:15 pm. Zoom-ID: 94121190906