International Day of Mathematics 2025
The planning has started. You will find information on the activities in Münster in February 2025 on this webpage.
The planning has started. You will find information on the activities in Münster in February 2025 on this webpage.
The International Day of Mathematics (IDM) is a worldwide celebration led by the International Mathematical Union. Each year on 14 March schools, museums, libraries and other spaces in countries around the world will be invited to participate in the celebration through activities for both students and the general public. The International Day of Mathematics was declared by UNESCO during the 40th session of the General Conference, 26 November 2019, and the 14 March 2020 marked the first celebrations.
March 14 was chosen as the date for the IDM because some countries write it as 3/14 and the mathematical constant Pi is approximately 3.14.
General information about the International Day of Mathematics
The International Day of Mathematics is celebrated worldwide on March 14 - also in Münster! This year's theme is "Playing with math".
Discover various activities:
new: Maths Trail through Münster (German),
list of exciting and inspiring math games (online),
games event for children (in Münster)
and Creative Photo Gallery and other global IDM activities (online).
Have fun with maths!
Passend zum Tag der Mathematik haben wir eine Sightseeingtour der besonderen Art vorbereitet. Der Mathe Trail Münster gibt spannende Einblicke in die Stadtgeschichte – verknüpft mit mathematischen Rätseln.
Die Tour kann nicht nur heute gestartet werden, sondern individuell nach Lust und Laune - und Wetter! Alle Infos zur Teilnahme hier:
Here you can find a list of links to games and game ideas relating to maths. Some of the websites are in German (marked with "de"). Have fun!
Level 1 - for young children
Experiments with numbers and geometry (de) (Filter selection "Zahlen und Geometrie") [Stiftung-Kinder-forschen]
Level 2 - puzzles
The Bridges of Königsberg [Mathigon]
Planar Graphs [Mathigon]
Factris [Mathigon]
Hextris (de) [Matheretter]
Map Colouring [Mathigon]
Level 2 - Games with arithmetics
2048 (de) [Matheretter]
Cash game Money return (de) [Matheretter]
Level 2 - Games for groups
Tower of Hanoi, Art Gallery, mathematics scavenger hunt and many more []
Level 3
Game of Hex: two-player-game on a diamond-shaped board made up of hexagons, play here online [Wolfram Math World, Lutanho]
Waveforms [Pudding]
Seeing Theory - A visual introduction to probability and stochastics [Seeing-theory.brown]
27 Kinder von unterschiedlichen Schulen haben uns am Tag der Mathematik besucht. Gemeinsam mit den Mathematik-Studentinnen Lisa Daldrup und Greta Schonhofen sowie Katharina Harengel und Jule Kalbertod, Doktorandinnen am Exzellenzcluster Mathematik Münster, lernten sie an fünf Stationen spielerisch verschiedene Facetten der Mathematik kennen. Uns hat es viel Spaß gemacht - euch hoffentlich auch!
Passend zum Motto "Spiele mit Mathematik" bereiten wir viele spannende Stationen mit Mathe-Spielen für euch vor. Von Brückenbau bis Mathefußball und einem Western-Duell ist alles mit dabei. Außerdem wird eine Schlange der besonderen Art eine Rolle spielen. Neugierig geworden? Dann meldet euch an!
Wann? Donnerstag, 14.03.2024, von 16 bis 18 Uhr
Wo? Orléans-Ring 12, 48149 Münster
Für wen? Schüler:innen der 5. und 6. Klasse - aber auch wenn du etwas jünger oder älter bist, kannst du dich gerne anmelden.
Anmeldung: Anmeldephase abgeschlossen
Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos. Für Getränke und Snacks ist gesorgt.
Wir freuen uns auf euch!
The global IDM team invited everybody to participate in the Math Remix Creative Challenge, by combining an everyday object or place with mathematics.
Discover now the gallery of some of the most creative and inspiring remixes, and an interactive map to explore and discover creations from all over the world!
Live updates from IDM events taking place all over the world
Webinar on Playing with Mathematics for Society, 14 March, 2:00 pm
This year's motto is "Mathematics for everyone". That's why the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster has invited pupils in grades 5-7 who are not (yet) the biggest maths fans to a workshop. On 14 March 2023, they can discover new perspectives on mathematics during a creative scavenger hunt and other exciting activities.
read more on the workshop website
The global live celebration of the International Day of Mathematics will take place online and everybody is invited!
All through the 48 hours of celebration (from its start as March 14 begins in Oceania) there will be liveblogging of pictures and videos from IDM events worldwide, results of the Comic Challenge, announcements and more.
2023 Global Online Celebration Live stream
The main event in the online celebration will be a series of short talks for a general audience.
This year there will be two sessions, one with guest mathematicians and one with the 2022 winners of the Fields Medal (one of the highest honors a mathematician can receive).
The talks will be conducted in the mathematicians' own languages, with English subtitles. Full schedule and access
All talks will be streamed through the idm314 website, completely free and without any need to sign up.
First session: March 14, 2023, 13:00 (Mitteleuropäische Normalzeit)
Second session: March 14, 2023, 15:00 (Mitteleuropäische Normalzeit)
Happy International Day of Mathematics! This year’s theme “Mathematics unites” fits perfectly with the aim of our Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster. We have united scientists from 30 nations, who are conducting research in various mathematical fields.
In this video, meet six of Mathematics Münster's young researchers. Kristin Courtney, Anna Gusakova, Chun Yin Lam, Simone Ramello, Theresa Simon and Masoumeh Zarei will speak about their research topics in their native languages and will give insight into the diversity of mathematicians – united by their passion for mathematics!
The global live celebration of the International Day of Mathematics will take place online and everybody is invited!
All through the 48 hours of celebration (from its start as March 14 begins in Oceania) there will be liveblogging of pictures and videos from IDM events worldwide, posters, announcements and more.
Gallery: Mathematics Unites Photo Challenge
The main event in the online celebration will be a series of short talks for a general audience on mathematics and how it unites us.
This year there are sessions in five different languages: English, French, Spanish, and for the first time Arabic and Portuguese.
All talks will be streamed through the IDM site, completely free and without any need to sign up.
"Mathematics for a Better World" - this is the theme of this year's International Day of Mathematics. A good example is medical progress: mathematics makes important contributions, for example for medical imaging. We offer you some insights into this exciting research topic.
At first sight, mathematics and cancer treatment don’t have much to do with other. However, calculations play an important part in medical imaging. Marco Mauritz, PhD student in Applied Mathematics, works at this interface in an interdisciplinary team of researchers, helping not only to develop new forms of treatment in cancer research, but also to improve existing ones. [de]
video series “What’s Next? Junior Researchers at Münster University”
In this interview, Prof. Dr. Benedikt Wirth, Professor for Mathematical Optimisation, provides insights into the mathematical concepts that are fundamental to medical imaging.
He also describes research projects he is currently working on, together with scientists from biology, medicine, physics and other disciplines.
Moderne Technik erlaubt den Blick in den Körper, ohne ihn zu öffnen. Es wird sozusagen berechnet, wie der Mensch von innen aussieht. Um Technologien wie Computertomographie (CT), Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT) oder Ultraschall zu entwickeln, bedurfte es einiger fundamentaler mathematischer Erkenntnisse - die im Nachhinein gar nicht so kompliziert sind. Im Zentrum steht dabei der Begriff des oder der Inversen, was in etwa "Umkehrung" bedeutet.
In seinem Online-Vortrag gibt Prof. Dr. Benedikt Wirth einen Einblick in diese klassischen mathematischen Erkenntnisse.
Öffentliche Vortragsreihe "Brücken in der Mathematik"
The global live celebration of the International Day of Mathematics will take place online and everybody is invited!
All through the 48 hours of celebration (from its start as March 14 begins in Oceania) there will be liveblogging of pictures and videos from IDM events worldwide, posters, announcements and more.
The main event in the official online celebration will be a series of short talks for a general audience on mathematics and how it can make the world better. There will be sessions in three different languages:
English session : March 14, 14:00 — 15:00 UTC / GMT (London time)
French session : March 14, 15:30 — 16:35 UTC / GMT (London time)
Spanish session : March 14, 17:00 — 18:05 UTC / GMT (London time)
As the world faces the COVID-19 pandemic, mathematics provides its models and tools to help us understand, monitor, and control the spread of the virus. It is also used to create weather forecasts and prepare for natural disasters. It warns us of climate change and helps us to anticipate and mitigate its consequences.
Mathematics is central to the efficient organization of societies for the benefit of all citizens. It optimizes transportation and communication networks and enables smart planning and management of health, economic, and social systems. Science and mathematics have a crucial role in steering decisions to promote peace and social justice.
As a common language to the planet, mathematics is an essential part of humankind’s cultural heritage. It is present in arts, music, and games, for human enjoyment and well-being.
Discover lots of exciting and suprising examples: Official webpage "Mathematics for a better World"
Discover lots of exciting and suprising examples where you can find maths.
Theme 2020 "Mathematics is Everywhere": information and examples
Here you will find insights in celebrations that took place all over the world on 14 March 2020 and the new video "Mathematics is Everywhere".
This was planned:
When? Saturday, 14 March 2020, from 16:30 to 18:30
Where? Seminar room JO101, Johannisstr. 4, Münster City Centre
"Mathematics is Everywhere" is the theme of this year's International Day of Mathematics and also the title of an event to which the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster invites everyone who is interested. Using exciting examples, three professors will give short lectures (in German!) how mathematics shapes our everyday lives.
Mathematics and Architecture
Prof. Dr. Michael Joachim
Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence
Prof. Dr. Arnulf Jentzen
Mathematics and Magic
Prof. Dr. Martin Huesmann
This was planned:
There will be also an event for highschool students on 14 March 2020. Here you can compete and win great prizes! At the same time, an information and training programme will be offered to teachers. As in previous years, the competition will take place at the LVM-Versicherung.