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Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science celebrated doctoral graduates
All doctoral graduates who completed their doctoral thesis at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science in the field of mathematics, mathematics didactics or computer science in the past semester were invited to the ceremony.
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All doctoral and master graduates who completed their theses in the past semester were invited to the graduation ceremony (Promotionsfeier) of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science on 6 February 2023 in the "Schloss". They had the opportunity to give brief insights into their theses - illustrating the broad variety of topics at the faculty.

After the vow, the Dean Prof. Dr. Xiaoyi Jiang presented the certificates. Prof. Dr. Benedikt Wirth, who played pieces by Bach and Beethoven on the grand piano, provided the festive musical framework.

We congratulate all graduates and wish them all the best for the future! Special congratulations go to the members of Mathematics Münster who graduated in the winter semester 2022/23:

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Blaise Marius Rémy Boissonneau: Combinatorial Complexity in Henselian Valued Fields - Pushing Anscombe-Jahnke up the Ladder
Supervisor: Franziska Jahnke

Johannes Branahl: The Recursive Structure of the Quartic Kontsevich Model
Supervisor: Raimar Wulkenhaar

Maria Theresia Petra Lünnemann: A geometric approach to the relative de Rham-Witt complex
Supervisor: Christopher Deninger

Jonas Bastian Vedersø McCandless: TR and its relation to algebraic K-theory
Supervisor: Thomas Nikolaus

Jan Nienhaus: An improved four-periodicity Theorem and a conjecture of Hopf with symmetry
Supervisor: Burkhard Wilking

Kevin Poljsak: Towards Finding the Second Best Einstein Metric in Low Dimensions
Supervisor: Burkhard Wilking

Jonas Potthoff: Two cases in compliance minimization with perimeter regularization
Supervisor: Benedikt Wirth

Marie-Christin Zumbülte: A Multi-Stage Model Order Reduction Framework for Efficient Simulations of Parametrized Lithium-Ion Battery Cells
Supervisor: Mario Ohlberger

Full presentation of the doctoral and master's ceremony
Matheamtics Münster Graduate School

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