Ready for the next step

Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science celebrated doctoral graduates
All doctoral graduates who completed their doctoral thesis at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science in the field of mathematics, mathematics didactics or computer science in the past semester were invited to the ceremony.
© Hartwin Schleuß

All doctoral and master graduates who completed their theses in the past semester were invited to the graduation ceremony (Promotionsfeier) of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science on 17 July 2023 in the "Schloss". They had the opportunity to give brief insights into their theses - illustrating the broad variety of topics at the faculty.

After the vow, the new Dean Prof. Dr. Arthur Bartels presented the certificates. Maki Iisaka on the piano provided the festive musical framework.

We congratulate all graduates and wish them all the best for the future! Special congratulations go to the members of Mathematics Münster who graduated in the summer semester 2023:

Anna-Maria Irene Ammer: Model Theory of Free and Open Generalized Polygons
Supervisor: Katrin Tent

Jannes Bantje: Spaces of positive scalar curvature metrics and parametrised Morse theory
Supervisor: Johannes Ebert

Ulrich Böttcher: Imaging processing problems using functional lifting onto low-dimensional measures
Supervisor: Benedikt Wirth

Martin Brückerhoff: Properties, applications and modifications of the shadow
Supervisor: Martin Huesmann

Antje Dabeler: Exotic group C*-algebras of higher rank Lie groups
Supervisor: Tim de Laat

Leon Niklas Hendrian: Monoidal Structures in Orthogonal Calculus
Supervisor: Michael Weiss

Viêt Húng Hoáng: Discrete harmonic functions in a quadrat
Supervisor: Georg Alsmeyer

Julian Kranz: Amenable actions on C*-Algebras - General theory, examples, and applications to the classification of C*-algebras
Supervisor: Siegfried Echterhoff

Andreas Theodor Lietz: Forcing "NSω1 Is ω1-Dense" from Large Cardinals A Journey Guided by the Stars
Supervisor: Ralf Schindler

Julius Lohmann: On the branched transport problem - Reformulation as geometry optimization and calibration using convex duality
Supervisor: Benedikt Wirth

Julia Schleuß: Randomized Multiscale Methods for Parabolic Problems
Supervisor: Mario Ohlberger

Jeroen Lambert Winkel: Rigidity properties in coarse geometry
Supervisor: Tim de Laat

Dennis Wulle: Cohomogeneity one manifolds with quasipositive curvature
Supervisor: Burkhard Wilking


Full presentation of the doctoral and master's ceremony
Mathematics Münster Graduate School