Dr. Ricardo Römhild
Postdoctoral Researcher and Lecturer
Ricardo Römhild completed his studies of English, Geography, and Educational Studies at Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena in 2015. He has gained experience as an educator for English (as a foreign language), Geography, and German (as a second/foreign language), teaching at secondary and tertiary levels in Germany and in the USA, including as a Fulbright Teaching Assistant at Lycoming College, Williamsport, PA.
Ricardo joined the English Language Education team at the University of Münster in October 2018 and completed his PhD project (title: Documentaries for a Change – Cultivating Global Citizenship Education through Eco-Documentaries in the English Language Classroom).
His research interests include cultural learning & global citizenship education, language education for sustainable development, hopeful approaches to language pedagogy, teaching and learning with media & (documentary) film as well as Global Englishes Language Teaching.
Ricardo serves as a coordinator for the German branch of the ELINET network.
Please note that Ricardo currently serves as acting professor at the chair of English language education at the University of Passau. e-mail: ricardo.roemhild@uni-passau.de; link to website
Johannisstraße 12-20, Room ES 329
48143 Münster
Phone: +49 251 83 23985
Mail: ricardo.roemhild
office hours: appointment via email

Research interests
- cultural learning & global citizenship education
- critical theories of (language) education
- hopeful language pedagogy
- language education for sustainable development
- teaching and learning with media and (documentary) film
- Global Englishes in ELT
- theoretical/conceptual research in language education and pedagogy
Current Projects and Memberships
- Erasmus + : ADiBE (CLIL for ALL: Attention to Diversity in Bilingual Education) [completed]
- Global Englishes in ELT in Germany
- CIRCE: Counteracting accent discrimination practices in Education
- ANGEL – Academic Network on Global Education & Learning
- Comparative and International Education Society (CIES)
- ELINET – Education, languages, and internationalisation network
- German Association for American Studies (GAAS / DGfA)
- German Association for Foreign Language Research (DGFF)
- International Association for Human Rights Education (IAHRE)
Professional Development
2024 - presentActing Professor, Chair of English Language Education, University of Passau 2022 - 2024Postdoctoral Researcher, Lecturer at Chair of English Language Education, English Department, University of Münster
- 09/2024 – Research & Cooperation Trip to University of California Los Angeles, Soka University of the Americas, University of San Francisco, University of California Berkeley, and Columbia University, USA
- 03/2024 – Visiting Researcher and Lecturer at UNESCO Chair for Global Citizenship Education in Higher Education, University of Bologna, Italy
2018 - 2022PhD Student (dissertation title: Documentaries for a Change – Cultivating Global Citizenship Education through Eco-Documentaries in the English Language Classroom; Prof. Dr. Frauke Matz, University of Münster; Prof. Dr. Laurenz Volkmann, FSU Jena), Research Assistant, Lecturer at Chair of English Language Education, English Department, University of Münster
- 08/2021 - 12/2021 – Research Fellow at College of Education, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, USA
- 05/2022 – Visiting Researcher and Lecturer at English Department, University of Klagenfurt, Austria
2018Teacher for German as a Second Language, Werner-Heisenberg-Gymnasium Neuwied 2016 - 2018Teacher Trainee for English, Geography, and CLIL; Second State Exam; Studienseminar Koblenz / Werner-Heisenberg-Gymnasium Neuwied 2015 - 2016Fulbright German Teaching Assistant; Lycoming College, Williamsport, PA, USA 2010 - 2015Student of English/American Studies, Geography, and Educational Studies; First State Exam [M.Ed.]; Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena Publications
Römhild, R. (2024). Global Citizenship Education im Fremdsprachenunterricht. Tübingen: Narr Verlag. (Link to website)
Römhild, R. (2023). Global Citizenship, Ecomedia, and English Language Education. London/Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-44674-0
Edited volumes / special issues
Römhild, R., Marxl, A., Matz, F. & Siepmann, P. (Eds.) (2023). Rethinking Cultural Learning – Cosmopolitan Perspectives on Language Education. Trier: WVT. (Link to website)
Peer reviewed journal articles
Matz, F., & Römhild, R. (2024). Critical Language Education for Peace: On the Significance of Communicative Agency for Education for Human Rights, Peace, and Sustainable Development. International Journal of Human Rights Education, 8(1), 1-26.Open Access
Reckermann, J., Römhild, R. & Schildhauer, P. (2024). Englisch und Französisch als globale Sprachen: Die Bildungsstandards zwischen Tradition und Innovation. Zeitschrift für Fremdsprachenforschung, 35(1), 23-38. (plus open access Anhang unter https://www.doi.org/10.17879/57998429006)
Römhild, R. (2024). Concepts of Film Literacies in (English) Language Education: A Critical Discourse Overview. Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik, 49(1), 107-137. https://doi.org/10.24053/AAA-2024-0005
Römhild, R. (2024): The Sound of Curricular Silence – A Critical Review of Germany's Foreign Language Curriculum. Policy & Practice: A Development Education Review, 39, 101-116. Open Access
Römhild, R. & Weik von Mossner, A. (2024): The Case for Hope in Language Education: Exploring Solarpunk for the English Language Classroom. World Futures, 1-19. http://doi.org/10.1080/02604027.2024.2417042
Römhild, R. (2023). Learning languages of hope and advocacy – human rights perspectives in language education for sustainable development. Human Rights Education Review 6(1), 9-29. http://doi.org/10.7577/hrer.5192
Marxl, A. & Römhild, R. (2023). Kritische Diskursfähigkeit im Fremdsprachenunterricht – Ein Beitrag zur Ausdifferenzierung eines Leitkonzepts schulischer Bildung. Fremdsprachen Lehren Und Lernen (FLuL) 52/1, 102-117. https://doi.org/10.24053/FLuL-2023-0008
Siepmann, P., Rumlich, D., Matz, F. & Römhild, R. (2021). Attention to diversity in German CLIL classrooms: multi-perspective research on students’ and teachers’ perceptions. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism. https://doi.org/10.1080/13670050.2021.1981821
Further articles
Römhild, R. (2025). Sustainability and English Language Education: Taking Action for Socio-Environmental Justice. In: Biel, A. & Esleben, F. (Eds.). Social Justice in Language Education: Taking Action. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.
Wu, M., Römhild, R. & Nishizaki, M. (2025): Teaching English as an International Language for Global Citizenship. In: Galloway, N. & Selvi, A.F. (eds.): The Routledge Handbook of English as an International Language. New York: Routledge, 346-360.
Becker, D., Matz, F., & Römhild, R. (2024). Teachers as "Change Agents" in a world of uncertainty: Designing a "Resilient Path" for the education of (foreign language) teachers. In S. Braselmann, L. Eibensteiner, & L. Volkmann (Eds.), Teacher education in (post-)pandemic and (post-)digital times - International perspectives on intercultural learning, diversity, and equity. Peter Lang, 41-57.
Matz, F. & Römhild, R. (2024). Courage, Defiance and Resistance: Children's Rights Education Through (Non-)Fictional YA Radical Texts in the English Language Classroom. In Matz, F. & Norrick-Rühl, C. (Eds.). Focus on Reading Young Adult (YA) Literature in the EFL Classroom and Beyond. Anglistik: International Journal of English Studies 35.2. Winter, 115-131. https://doi.org/10.33675/ANGL/2024/2/11
Marxl, A. & Römhild, R. (2023). Cosmopolitan Minds, Global Discourses, and the Significance of Language Education. In: Römhild, R., Marxl, A., Matz, F. & Siepmann, P. (Eds.). Rethinking Cultural Learning – Cosmopolitan Perspectives on Language Education. WVT, 81-98.
Reckermann, J. & Römhild, R. (2023). Observation Research – Systematische Beobachtung als praxisnahe Empirie im Praxissemester Anglistik. In Peuker, B., Busker, M., Rautenstrauch H. & Winkel, J. (Eds.). Forschendes Lernen in der fach- und fachrichtungsbezogenen, universitären Lehrkräftebildung (pp. 16-25). wbg. Open Access
Römhild, R. & Meer, P. (2023). Global Englishes and Cosmopolitan Citizenship Education. Current Trajectories and Alternative Perspectives. In Römhild, R., Marxl, A., Matz, F. & Siepmann, P. (Eds.), Rethinking Cultural Learning – Cosmopolitan Perspectives on Language Education. WVT, 137-153.
Römhild, R., Siepmann, P. & Bruns, J. (2023). English Language Education for Sustainable Development. In Römhild, R., Marxl, A., Matz, F. & Siepmann, P. (Eds.), Rethinking Cultural Learning – Cosmopolitan Perspectives on Language Education. WVT, 209-227.
Siepmann, P., Römhild, R., Marxl, A., Becker, D. & Matz, F. (2023). (Re-)Discovering Cosmopolitanism for Language Education: An Introduction. In Römhild, R., Marxl, A., Matz, F. & Siepmann, P. (Eds.), Rethinking Cultural Learning – Cosmopolitan Perspectives on Language Education. WVT, 1-18.
Marxl, A. & Römhild, R. (2022). Kritische fremdsprachliche Diskursfähigkeit – Ein Beitrag zur Standortbestimmung und -erweiterung eines Kernziels fremdsprachlicher Bildung. In E. Wilden, L. Alfes, K. Cantone-Altintas, S. Cikrikci, & D. Reimann (Eds.), Standortbestimmungen. 29. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Fremdsprachenforschung in Essen. 22.-24. September 2021. Kongressband. Reihe Beiträge zur Fremdsprachenforschung (pp. 212-227). WBV, 212-227.
Römhild, R. (2022). Agency, Interactivity, Participation – Creating Hybrid Learning Spaces with Interactive Documentaries.In Becker, D. & Matz, F. (Eds.). Video Games and English Language Education / Designing Hybrid Learning Spaces. Anglistik: International Journal of English Studies 33.1. Winter, 223-239. https://doi.org/10.33675/ANGL/2022/1/17
Römhild, R. & Gaudelli, W. (2022). Target Country, Target Culture – Rethinking Cultural Learning in Language Education for Sustainable Development. In Bartosch, R. & Ludwig, C. (Eds.). English for Sustainability. Anglistik: International Journal of English Studies 33.3. Winter, 15-32. https://doi.org/10.33675/ANGL/2022/3/5
Römhild, R. (2021). Climate-Change as Quality Education. In Bartosch, R. (Ed.). Cultivating Sustainability in Language and Literature Pedagogy. Steps to an Educational Ecology (pp. 13-26). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9780429328985
Roemhild, R. & Gaudelli, W. (2021). Climate-Change as Quality Education. Global Citizenship Education as a Pathway to Meaningful Change. In Iyengar, R. & Kwauk, C. (Eds.). Curriculum and Learning for Climate Action: Toward an SDG 4.7 Roadmap for Systems Change (pp. 104-119). UNESCO-IBE Book Series. Brill. https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004471818_007
Römhild, R. & Matz, F. (2021). Cultural Learning for and through Global Englishes. In Callies, M. / Hehner, S. / Meer, P. / Westphal, M. (Eds.). Glocalising Teaching English as an International Language: New perspectives for teaching and teacher education in Germany (pp. 139-157). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003090106
Teaching Practice
Edited issues
Römhild, R. (Ed.) (2025). Englisch 5-10: Documentaries (70).
Römhild, R. & Surkamp, C. (Eds.) (2024). Der Fremdsprachliche Unterricht Englisch (FUE): Language of hope & advocacy (191). (Link to website)
König, L., Römhild, R. & Schildhauer, P. (Eds.). (2023). Der Fremdsprachliche Unterricht Englisch (FUE): Global Englishes (183). (Link to website)
Römhild, R. & Matz, F. (2021) (Eds.). Der Fremdsprachliche Unterricht Englisch (FUE): Black Lives Matter (173). (Link to website)
Römhild, R. & Surkamp, C. (2024): "Languages of hope and advocacy. Sprachliches, literarisches und kulturelles Lernen fördern, Zukunft gestalten“. In: Der Fremdsprachliche Unterricht Englisch: Language of hope & advocacy (191), 2-7.
Römhild, R. & Surkamp, C. (2024): „Solarpunk futures and how to get there. Mit einem Mystery Leerstellen in einer Solarpunk short story füllen“. In: Der Fremdsprachliche Unterricht Englisch: Language of hope & advocacy(191), 38-47.
Römhild, R. (2024): „How, if we act now, we can yet put it right. Erzähl- und Argumentationsstrategien im Dokumentarfilm A Life on Our Planet analysieren“. In: Der Fremdsprachliche Unterricht Englisch: Language of hope & advocacy (191), 26-30.
Reckermann, J. & Römhild, R. (2024). English as Lingua Franca in Sports and Beyond. Mit Kindern über Englisch als Lingua franca sprechen. Grundschule Englisch, 88, 28-29.
Römhild, R. (2023). "AI for the Greater Good. Mit einer KI Titelbilder für Sustainable Development Goal 18 erstellen“. In: Der Fremdsprachliche Unterricht Englisch: Assessment (186), 46-48.
Römhild, R. (2023). Advocating Animal Rights – Mit dem Format 13 Questions eine strukturierte Debatte zum Thema Tierrechte führen. In: Der Fremdsprachliche Unterricht Englisch: Animals (185), 24-30.
Römhild, R. (2023). Methode im Fokus: Mediale Repräsentationen von Tieren analysieren. In: Der Fremdsprachliche Unterricht Englisch: Animals (185), 7-9.
Römhild, R. (2023). Why is the sky blue? Wortschatzarbeit: Sachverhalte adressatengerecht erklären. Der Fremdsprachliche Unterricht Englisch: Digitale Aufgaben, Lernprozesse und -produkte (184), 47-48.
König, L., Reckermann, J., Römhild, R. & Schildhauer, P. (2023). Global Englishes Language Teaching. Diskursfähigkeit, Sprachbewusstheit und Kommunikationsstrategien für den Umgang mit Varieties of English erwerben. In: Der Fremdsprachliche Unterricht Englisch: Global Englishes (183), 2-7.
Römhild, R. (2021). Methode im Fokus: Einen Zeitstrahl verlebendigen. In: Der Fremdsprachliche Unterricht Englisch: Black Lives Matter (173), 8-12.
Römhild, R. & Matz, F. (2021). This is not a moment, it’s a movement - Kritische Diskursfähigkeit am Thema Black Lives Matter fördern. In: Der Fremdsprachliche Unterricht Englisch: Black Lives Matter (173), 2-7.
Matz, F. & Römhild, R. (2021). A letter to my future self. Video-Performances zu Umweltproblemen Impulse für persönliche Reflexionen entnehmen. Englisch 5-10 (03/55), 12-15.
Römhild, R. (2021). Experience, interact, immerse yourself! 360°-Filme zu sustainable development-Fragen in Nigeria reflektieren. Der Fremdsprachliche Unterricht Englisch 169 [Documentaries], 33-39.
Römhild, R. (2021). The growing giant - describing and explaining the demographic development of Nigeria." In Siepmann, P. & Matz, F. (Eds.). AbiBox - Voices from the African continent: Focus on Nigeria. Hannover: Brinkmann Meyhöfer, 24-31.
Marxl, A. & Römhild, R. (2021): An oil spill disaster - a mediation tutorial. In Siepmann, P. & Matz, F. (Eds.). AbiBox - Voices from the African continent: Focus on Nigeria. Hannover: Brinkmann Meyhöfer, 44-60.
Römhild, R. (2020). #FridaysForFun. Den eigenen Standpunkt in einem Interview zum Fridays for Future-Streik vertreten. Englisch 5-10, 49, 20-23.
Römhild, R. (2020). Cue Cards: Good Morning, Good Night. Englisch 5-10, 49.
Römhild, R. (2020). Just Food: Coping with the Crisis. Exploring Nigeria through a 360° i-Documentary. Englisch betrifft uns, 2/2020, 21-25.
Marxl, A. & Römhild, R. (2020). 'The Deniers‘? - Reading Websites Critically: www.beforetheflood.com. Englisch betrifft uns, 1/2020, 21-25.
Römhild, R. (2019). #fakenews. Information Flow in the Virtual Universe. Englisch betrifft uns, 6/2019, 21-25.
Römhild, R. (2019). Picking up Rocks. Englisch betrifft uns, 5/2019, 7-12.
Römhild, R. (2019). Changing Perspectives. From husband to wife in M. Bail's 'The Drover's Wife'. Englisch betrifft uns, 4/2019, 7-12.
Ernst, J. & Römhild, R. (2019). Getting to Know a Human Rights Activist: Rosa Parks. From Adolescence to Adulthood. Englisch betrifft uns, 3/2019, 1-6.
Römhild, R. (2019). The $20 Bill Debate. Forming an opinion based on internet research. Englisch betrifft uns, 3/2019, 21-25.
Reviews, encyclopedia entries, etc.
Römhild, R. (2025): Literacy. In: Surkamp, C. (Ed.): Metzler Lexikon Fremdsprachendidaktik. Ansätze – Methoden – Grundbegriffe, 3. Auflage.
Römhild, R. (2025): Global Citizenship Education. In: Surkamp, C.(Ed.): Metzler Lexikon Fremdsprachendidaktik. Ansätze – Methoden – Grundbegriffe, 3. Auflage.
Römhild, R. (2024): Illustrating how it might be done: the whole school approach [Review of the book Global Citizenship Education in Praxis, by A. Schultz & M. Blom (eds.)]. Human Rights Education Review, 1-3. https://doi.org/10.1080/25355406.2024.2439185
Römhild, R. (2022). Review of the book Ökologische Diskurse im Fremdsprachenunterricht, by C. Freudenthal. Germanistik 63/1-2, 100-101.
Edited volumes / special Issues
Gaudelli, W. & Römhild, R. (Eds.) (forthcoming, 2026). Elgar Handbook of Global Citizenship Education. Cheltenham: Edgar Elgar Publishing.
Reckermann, J. & Römhild, R. (Eds.) (forthcoming, 2026): Advances and Current Research in Global Englishes Language Teaching: Austria, Germany, and Switzerland. London: Bloomsbury Academics.
Römhild, R. & Sgolik, J. (Eds.) (forthcoming, 2025). Media Literacy in Language (Teacher) Education. Special Issue of Journal of Media Literacy Education, 17(3).
Peer reviewed articles
Römhild, R. & Misiaszek, G. (forthcoming, 2025): “Are human rights enough? – Extending the HRE framework through ecopedagogical perspectives.“ In: Human Rights Education Review.
Further articles
Basseler, M., Braselmann, S. & Römhild, R. (forthcoming). Fremdsprachliche Literatur- und Kulturdidaktik im Spannungsfeld zwischen Discomfort, Hope und Gutem Leben: Ein dreistimmiger Debattenbeitrag. In: König, L., Schädlich, B. & Surkamp, C. (eds.). unterricht_kultur_theorie II. Kulturelles Lernen interdisziplinär weiterdenken: Fremdsprachenforschung, Kulturwissenschaften, Erziehungswissenschaften. Likus. Berlin: J.B. Metzler.
Römhild, R. (forthcoming). Nigeria on Screen. Teaching and Learning with Documentaries in the Digital Age. In: Matz, F., Stein, M., & K. Stierstorfer (Eds.). Reading Nigeria. Learning with Nigerian Literature in the EFL Classroom. Stuttgart: Narr Verlag.
Römhild, R. (forthcoming, 2025): Dokumentarfilme im Sprachunterricht: Von der Aufhebung der Grenze zwischen Fiktionalem und Non-Fiktionalem hin zu einer Didaktik des Faktionalen. In: Mentz, O., Raith, T. & Kulovics, N. (Hrsg.): Kongressband des 30. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Fremdsprachenforschung.
Reviews, encyclopedia entries, etc.
Römhild, R. (forthcoming, 2025): Beiträge zu einer Sprachbildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung (Bericht über Symposium). In: Mentz, O., Raith, T. & Kulovics, N. (eds.): Kongressband des 30. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Fremdsprachenforschung.
Presentations, Guest Lectures, Workshops
07/2025 Are human rights enough? – Extending HRE frameworks through ecopedagogical perspectives. 5th ISA Forum of Sociology: Knowing Justice in the Anthropocene, Rabat, Morocco [with Greg W. Misiaszek] 01/2025 To live without hope is to cease to live – Transformative Language Education between Hope & Despair. Keynote presentation at ELTx 4.0, Private Pädagogische Hochschule Burgenland, Paris-Lodron-Universität Salzburg, Pädagogische Hochschule Wien, Universität Wien, Universität Münster 10/2024 Global Citizenship Education and Global Englishes Language Teaching. 2nd Annual ELINET Conference: Global Voices, Local Impact: Education, Language, and Diversity, Bragança, Brazil. [with Manfred Man-fat Wu & Mona Nishizaki]
Let's be punks! – Working towards a better future with solarpunk fiction in the ELT classroom. 2nd Annual ELINET Conference: Global Voices, Local Impact: Education, Language, and Diversity, Bragança, Brazil.
06/2024 Looking at the Bright Side – Insights from a teacher education seminar on Hopeful Pedagogies in the Language Classroom. Reimagining Teachers and Teacher Education for Our Futures Conference, University of Helsinki, Helsinki.
Why teach/learn EFL? – (Re-)considering the primary goal of English language education. ARDAA 2024, Didactique de l'anglais langue étrangère en contexte éducatif: enieux et spécificités, Université Sorbonne-Nouvelle, Paris. [with Anika Marxl]
The power of language. Why GCE won’t work without a revised language curriculum. ANGEL Network ECR Conference: New Voices in Global Education & Learning, online.
Global Englishes Language Teaching. Forschungstag Fachbereich 09, Universität Münster. [with Julia Reckermann]
04/2024 Reporting from Germany: Current approaches to Global Englishes in the language classroom. TESOL International Convention and English Language Expo, Tampa, FL, USA.
On the Dialogical Relationship between Human Rights and Language Education. 15th ICEDC annual conference: Extending human rights education. World Education Research Association (WERA), International Research Network (IRN) in Human Rights Education (HRE), UCL London. [with F. Matz]
03/2024 Language Pedagogy of Hope: Idealistic Dream or Viable Path towards Transformation? Lunch Time Seminars, UNESCO Chair for Global Citizenship Education in Higher Education, University of Bologna 02/2024 Sprachliches als kulturelles Lernen: Sprachen der Hoffnung – Idealistische Träumerei oder tragfähige Fremdsprachenpädagogik? unterricht_kultur_theorie II, Universität Bielefeld. 11/2023 Human rights perspectives in language education for sustainable development. HRER & WERA IRN Webinar. (Link to Youtube Video)
Sprachbildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung: Konturen und unterrichtliche Erprobung eines konzeptionellen Rahmens. Unterricht auf einem bedrohten Planeten – Perspektiven und Herausforderungen einer Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung im Unterricht der sprachlichen Fächer, Universität Duisburg-Essen. [with Philipp Siepmann & Janine Bruns]
10/2023 AI for the Greater Good – Critical Media Literacy, Narratives of Hope, and the Language Classroom. 4th Annual Critical Media Literacy Conference of the Americas, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina.
Ökodiskurse und Sprachbildung – Transformative Pädagogik an der Schnittstelle von Linguistik, Bildung und Ökologie. Exploring Eco-Discourses – eine interdisziplinäre Research School, TU Darmstadt.
09/2023 Entgrenzung der Kulturdidaktik? – Warum GELT Global Citizenship Education braucht. 30th Congress of DGFF, PH Freiburg.
Dokumentarfilme im Sprachunterricht: Von der Aufhebung der Grenze zwischen Fiktionalem und Non-Fiktionalem hin zu einer Didaktik des Faktionalen. 30th Congress of DGFF, PH Freiburg.
08/2023 Own it! – Global Englishes, Language Ownership, and Classroom Practice. Keynote presentation at 1st Academic Saturday MEXTESOL Hidalgo "Global Englishes & the Decolonization of ELT", Pachuca, Mexico. 06/2023 Children’s Rights Education in and for the Language Classroom: Moving beyond Cross-Sectional Responsibility. 2023 International on Education and Democratic Citizenship Conference - Human Rights & Education: Past, Present & Future, UCD Dublin. [with Frauke Matz]
05/2023 Global Englishes and Cosmopolitan Language Education: Current Trajectories and Alternative Perspectives. Global Englishes Language Teaching, Symposium at University of Münster. [with Philipp Meer] 04/2023 Zooming in on the Global in GE – How Cosmopolitan Perspectives Can Enrich GELT Research and Practice. 1st Annual ELINET Conference, University of Glasgow. [with Frauke Matz] (Link to Youtube Video)
Future English Teachers' Opinions towards GELT – a Pre-Post-Questionnaire Study. 1st Annual ELINET Conference, University of Glasgow. [with Julia Reckermann] (Link to Youtube Video)
03/2023 Documentaries for a Change – Cultivating Active Global Citizenship with Eco-Documentaries. Global Media Education Summit 2023, Vancouver. 02/2023 Learning Languages of Advocacy and Hope – Perspectives on Language Education for Sustainablity. CIES 2023: Improving Education for a More Equitable World, Washington, D.C. 09/2022 Teaching critical discourse literacies– (re)considering the primary goal of the English language classroom. Second Language Teacher Education: Challenges and New Horizons. University of Vienna. [with Anika Marxl] 07/2022 Towards a more Inclusive Approach to Bilingual Education? - Teachers' and
Students' Perspectives on Diversity in German CLIL Classrooms. World CLIL Conference 2022, Den Haag. [with Philipp Siepmann & Dominik Rumlich]05/2022 Courage, Defiance, and Resistance: (Non-)Fictional YA Activist Texts in English Language Education. Reading Young Adult (YA) Literature in the EFL Classroom and Beyond, WWU Münster. [with Frauke Matz] 02/2022 English Language Education for Socio-Environmental Justice. Taking Action! Conference on Social Justice in Language Classrooms and Teacher Education, TU Dortmund. 11/2021 'Our beloved humanity' – Children's Rights Education through Antiracist YA Literature. Rassismuskritischer Fremdsprachenunterricht. Aktuelle Perspektiven und Herausforderungen, Friedrich Schiller University Jena. [with Frauke Matz] 09/2021 Critical Discourse Competence – Examining a Central Goal of Foreign Language Education. 29th Congress of DGFF, University of Duisburg-Essen. [with Anika Marxl]
Target Country, Target Culture. Rethinking Cultural Learning in English Language Education. 29th Congress of DGFF, University of Duisburg-Essen. [with William Gaudelli]Stop Teaching Them to Think Like Nation States. A Critical Perspective on the Status Quo of Cultural Learning in German EFL Classrooms. Annual Conference of the German Association for English Studies, University of Passau. [with William Gaudelli]
08/2021 Attention to diversity in German CLIL classrooms: Multi-perspective research on students’ and teachers’ perceptions of diversity-sensitive teaching practices. Symposium: CLIL for all? Catering to diversity in bilingual education at AILA 2021 – World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Groningen, the Netherlands, online. [with Frauke Matz, Philipp Siepmann & Dominik Rumlich]
Gained in Translation: A Reflection on Transnational Comparative Research in Foreign Language Education in the ADiBE Project. Symposium: CLIL for all? Catering to diversity in bilingual education at AILA 2021 – World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Groningen, the Netherlands, online. [with Helen Heaney, Frauke Matz & Philipp Siepmann]
06/2021 ADiBE Video Guides. Vortrag im Rahmen der SIOE 3rd Biannual Conference CLIL 2021: The ADiBE Project. Addressing Diversity in Bilingual Education. Sheffield Hallam University, online. [with Frauke Matz, Dominik Rumlich, Philipp Siepmann & in cooperation with Christiane Dalton-Puffer, Ute Smith & Lena Katzinger] 04/2021 Panelist at Book Launching Event. Charting an SDG 4.7 roadmap for radical, transformative change in the midst of climate breakdown. vCIES 2021, 65th Annual Meeting: Social Responsibility within Changing Contexts 03/2021 CLIL for all? Bericht aus dem internationalen ADiBE-Projekt zur Differenzierung im bilingualen Unterricht [Reporting on the International ADiBE Project on Diversity in Bilingual Education]. Bilingual AG NRW Spring Conference. [with Philipp Siepmann] 01/2021 A Film Studies Perspective on Documentaries. Hotspots in Literary/Cultural Studies, Book Studies and Linguistics, WWU Münster, Germany. 06/2019 'Immigrants, We Get The Job Done' - Cultural Learning through Hamilton. 66th Annual Meeting of the German Association for American Studies: U.S. American Culture as Popular Culture, University Hamburg. 03/2019 Documentaries(,) for a Change? - Cultivating Global Citizenship Education through Eco-Documentaries." International Conference Educating the Global Citizen - International Perspectives on Foreign Language Teaching in the Digital Age, LMU Munich.
[Poster with Anika Marxl] Reading Websites Critically - A Guide towards Global Digital Citizenship. International Conference Educating the Global Citizen - International Perspectives on Foreign Language Teaching in the Digital Age, LMU Munich. (winner of conference poster prize)
Documentaries (,) for a Change? - Der Einsatz von eco-documentaries als Beitrag zur Global Citizenship Education" [Employing eco-documentaries for Fostering Global Citizenship Education]. DGFF Youth Conference, University Gießen.
02/2019 How (Not) To Create Empathy - A Critical Look at the Depiction of Environmental Injustice in Before the Flood. Workshop Teaching for Environmental Justice: Environmental Education and the EFL Classroom, University Würzburg, Germany. 01/2018 Documentaries(,) for a Change?. Hotspots in Literary / Cultural Studies, Book Studies and Linguistics, WWU Münster, Germany. 10/2018 The Didactical Potential of Eco-Documentaries. International Conference: Cultivating Sustainability – Education and the Environmental Humanities, University of Cologne, Germany. 03/2016 Overcoming the Mental Wall - Heritage of German Partition. Guest Speaker Scholars Program, Lycoming College, Williamsport, PA, USA. 12/2015 Optimal Use of Communicative Approaches in Foreign Language Teaching. US Department of State Fulbright Mid-Year Conference, Washington, D.C., USA. Guest Lectures
07/2024 If Children Ruled the World – Language Education for Sustainability in the Primary School Classroom. Current Perspectives in ELT at Primary School, TU Dortmund
From Cowspiracy to A Life on Our Planet: Reimagining language education through the lens of ecomedia. Current Research / Environmental Literacy – Lecture Series, University of Tübingen
Pedagogies of Hope and Despair. Selected Aspects in ELT/SLA – Lecture Series, University of Münster
05/2022 'Our Beloved Humanity' – Children's Rights Education through Anti-Racist Young Adult Literature. Guest Lecture Series Current Issues in the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language, University Bonn. 06/2021 Ecology and Documentary. Climate Crisis: Teaching Fiction and Philosophy at the End of the World, FSU Jena / Georgia College.
Moving Pictures – Experiencing Eco-Documentaries. Teaching English with Film, FSU Jena
01/2021 Exploring Nigeria in 360° – Education for Sustainable Development through Digital Documentaries in the EFL Classroom. Guest Lecture Series Current Issues in the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language, University Bonn Workshops
03/2024 Listening to voices of the world - Hörverstehen und sprachliche Variation. 12. Nachmittag der Fremdsprachen, Englisches Seminar, Universität Münster 02/2024 Global Citizenship Education. Teach that! Thementag zur Oberstufe mit Ideen, Innovation und Inspiration; Bezirksregierung Münster 09/2023 Global Citizenship Education in the English Language Classroom. Landessprachentag FMF Niedersachsen 05/2023 That’s so German! – Is it, though? Approaching Cultural Contact Situations Differently. Graduiertenwoche Universität Paderborn 03/2023 Warum ist der Himmel blau? Wortschatzarbeit über und mit verschiedenen Expertise-Leveln. Nachmittag der Fremdsprachen: Wortschatzarbeit, Universität Münster. [with Daniel Becker] 11/2022 Moving Pictures in the English Language Classroom. Four Steps towards Film Literacy. Westermann Spotlight Webinar 11/2021 'Our beloved humanity' – Children's Rights Education through Antiracist Young Adult Literature. Rassismuskritischer Fremdsprachenunterricht. Aktuelle Perspektiven und Herausforderungen, FSU Jena. [with Frauke Matz] 10/2021 Exploring the World in 360° – Education for Sustainable Development Through Digital Documentaries in the English Language Classroom. Landessprachentag (FMF Niedersachsen) 03/2021 Sprachmittlung im Abitur. Spotlights in Foreign Language Education, WWU Münster. [with Anika Marxl] Nigeria im Abitur. Spotlights in Foreign Language Education, WWU Münster [with Philipp Siepmann]
Nigeria im Abitur - Perspectives & Suggestions. Städtisches Heribert Gymnasium Coesfeld [with Daniel Becker]
02/2020 Nigeria on Screen - Exploring Nigeria through Documentaries. Learning with Nigeria, WWU Münster Organisation
Conferences International Conference: Language Education for Sustainable Development; Münster; March 24-27, 2024 [with F. Matz]; Keynote Speakers: Kip Cates, Maria Hantzopoulos, Antonio López, Christiane Lütge, Greg Misiaszek, Jeff Share; visit the website
15th Early Career Researchers' Conference of the German Association for Foreign Language Research (DGFF) 2023; Münster; March 16-17, 2023 [with D. Becker, S. Campbell, J.-F. Folkerts, S. Gabel, A. Marxl, M. Ritter, R. Schlieckmann, P. Siepmann, C. Weber, K. Wirbatz, N. Zeineddine, F. Matz & J. Reckermann]; visit the website
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Amerikastudien (DGfA) /
German Association for American Studies (GAAS)
Sounding America: Current Perspectives on Soundscapes in Education, 70th Annual Meeting of GAAS, 2024 Oldenburg [with S. Braselmann & U. Küchler]
Ownership in Language, Literature, and Culture Education, 69th Annual Meeting of GAAS, 2023 Rostock [with S. Braselmann & U. Küchler]
The Political in Language, Literature, and Culture Education, 68th Annual Meeting of GAAS, 2022 Tübingen [with S. Braselmann & U. Küchler]
German Association for Foreign Language Research (DGFF) Beiträge zu einer Sprachbildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung [Contributions to Language Education for Sustainable Development], 30th Conference of DGFF, 2023 Freiburg Symposia Theoretische Forschung in der Fremdsprachendidaktik; Münster, July 5, 2024 [with F. Matz & T. Merse]; Keynote Speaker: Werner Delanoy; visit the website
Media Literacy in Language (Teacher) Education; Erfurt, November 24, 2023 [with J. Sgolik]; Keynote Speaker: Jeff Share; visit the website
Global Englishes Language Teaching; Münster, May 31, 2023 [with J. Reckermann]; Keynote Speakers: Nicola Galloway, Heath Rose; visit the website