Foto Dr. Philipp Siepmann
© Sperlinger

Dr. Philipp Siepmann


Philipp Siepmann studied English and Geography at the Ruhr-University Bochum. After obtaining the degree of a Master of Education in 2010, he began working on his doctoral dissertation titled Inter- und transkulturelles Lernen im Englischunterricht der Sekundarstufe II: Das Modell der Transnational Cultural Studies, linking current trends in TEFL and American Studies. During this time, he was a tutor in the Horizonte program of the Gemeinnützige Hertie-Stiftung e.V. In 2015, he finished practical teacher training (second state examination) in Duisburg. During his time as a full-time teacher for English and CLIL geography at Maria-Wächtler-Gymnasium, Essen, he was involved in organizing the student exchange with two Dutch schools and worked in the European schools program.

His research is dedicated to an ongoing dialogue between the theory and practice of teaching EFL. He specializes in practice-oriented and design-based empirical research. His research interests comprise alternatives in assessment, oracy, teaching literature and culture.

Philipp Siepmann currently works on a postdoctoral dissertation on oral communication exams in the EFL classroom, which follows a design-based approach and is conducted in a long-term cooperation with two partner schools. It seeks to identify factors that influence the evaluation of speaking competence through oral communication exams. The project will ultimately yield an improved design for classroom-based oral examinations in foreign language subjects. He also works in the international Erasmus+ project ADiBE (Attention to Diversity in Bilingual Education)-CLIL for All.




Englisches Seminar
Johannisstraße 12-20

Room: 305
Phone: +49 (0)251-83-25635
Fax: +49 (0)251-83-25637
Mail: philipp.siepmann

  • Current Projects


  • Professional Development


    since August 2019 Researcher & Lecturer (abgeordnete Lehrkraft)
    English Department | Chair of ELE | University of Münster
    February 2019 - July 2019

    Research Assistant (60%)
    English Department | Chair of TEFL | University of Münster

    Teacher for English and Geography (CLIL)
    Maria-Wächtler-Gymnasium, Essen (40%)

    since December 2015

    Teacher for English and Geography (CLIL)
    Maria-Wächtler-Gymnasium, Essen

    November 2015 – December 2015 Teacher for English, Geography, History, and Social Sciences
    Gymnasium in den Filder Benden, Moers
    May 2014 –
    October 2015
    Trainee teacher (Studienreferendar)
    Zentrum für schulpraktische Lehrerausbildung, Duisburg | Landfermann Gymnasium, Duisburg
    October 2012 – September 2015 Lecturer
    English Department | University of Bochum
    April 2011 – March 2014 Tutor, Horizonte program of the Hertie foundation
    October 2010 – April 2011 Teacher for English
    Josef-Albers-Gymnasium | Bottrop


  • Publications


    2016 Siepmann, P. (2016). Inter- und transkulturelles Lernen im Englischunterricht der Sekundarstufe II: Das Modell der Transnational Cultural Studies. Frankfurt: Peter Lang.



    Reckermann, J., Siepmann, P., & Matz, F. (Eds.) (2024). Oracy in English Language Education. Insights from Practice-Oriented Research. Springer Cham.


    Römhild, R., Marxl, A., Matz, F., & Siepmann, P. (Eds.) (2023). Rethinking Cultural Learning. Cosmopolitan Perspectives on Language Education. Trier: WVT.


    Matz, F., Rogge, M., & Siepmann, P. (Eds.) (2014). Transkulturelles Lernen im Fremdsprachenunterricht: Theorie und Praxis. Frankfurt: Peter Lang.


    2020 Siepmann, P. & Matz, F. (Eds.) (2020). Abi-Box Englisch: Voices from the African Continent: Focus on Nigeria. Schülerarbeitsbuch (mit digitaler Lehrermappe). Hannover: Brinkmann.Meyhöfer.

    Siepmann, P., Matz, F., & Alfes, L. (Eds.) (2020). Abi-Box Englisch. Olumide Popoola: When We Speak of Nothing. Schülerarbeitsbuch. Hannover: Brinkmann.Meyhöfer.



    Prozesse und Synergien entwicklungsorientierter Theorie-Praxis-Kooperationen: Einblicke in eine designbasierte Studie zur mündlichen Kommunikationsprüfung im Fremdsprachenunterricht. In Gödecke, G. & Schäfer, L. (Eds.). Gestaltungs- und entwicklungsorientierte Fremdsprachenforschung – Forschungsmethodologische Grundlagen und Praxisbeispiele (Arbeitstitel), Trier: WVT.

    Matz, F., & Siepmann, P. (forthcoming). Mündliche Prüfung (working title). In H. Rossa, K. Vogt (Eds.). Leistungsmessung, Evaluation und Feedback im Fremdsprachenunterricht. Seelze: Klett Kallmeyer.

    Oral communication exams – Assessing learners’ oral communicative competences. In F. Matz & D. Rumlich (Eds.). Examinations in Foreign Language Teaching: Theory and Practice, Frankfurt: Peter Lang.

    The literary portfolio as an instrument for summative assessment of literature-related competences. In F. Matz & D. Rumlich (Eds.). Examinations in Foreign Language Teaching: Theory and Practice, Frankfurt: Peter Lang.

    Assessing literary competences through portfolios. (working titel). In F. Matz & D. Rumlich (Eds.). Examinations in Foreign Language Teaching: Theory and Practice, Frankfurt: Peter Lang, (vrs.), o.S.

    Teaching Nigeria through Cosmopolitan Citizenship Education: Reading Olumide Popoola’s When We Speak of Nothing. In F. Matz, M. Stein & K. Stiersdorfer (Eds.). Reading Nigeria – Learning with Nigerian Literature in the EFL classroom, Tübingen: Narr.  


    Siepmann, P., Reckermann, J., Matz, F. (2024). Practice-Oriented Approaches to Researching Oracy in English Language Education: An Introduction. In J. Reckermann, P. Siepmann, & F. Matz (Eds.), Oracy in English Language Education. English Language Education, vol 36. Springer, Cham.

    Siepmann, P. (2024). Re-framing Oracy in English Language Education. In J. Reckermann, P. Siepmann, & F. Matz (Eds.), Oracy in English Language Education. English Language Education, vol 36. Springer, Cham.

    Siepmann, P. (2024). Tasks Matter! Insights from a Design-Based Research Project on Oral Communication Exams in the Secondary EFL Classroom. In J. Reckermann, P. Siepmann, & F. Matz (Eds.), Oracy in English Language Education. English Language Education, vol 36. Springer, Cham.


    Bruns, J., & Siepmann, P. (2023). How to be a good listener. Hörverstehen: Konfliktsituationen auf einem Schüleraustausch per active listening lösen, Der Fremdsprachliche Unterricht 182, o.S.

    The literary portfolio: Assessing literary competences in an autonomous learning environment, TESOL Journal, 00, e702.

    2022 Siepmann, P. & Pérez Cañado, M. L. (2022). Catering to Diversity in CLIL: Designing inclusive learning spaces with the ADiBE digital materials, Anglistik 33 (1), 203-222.
    2021 Siepmann, P., Rumlich, D., Matz, F. & Römhild, R. (2021). Attention to diversity in German CLIL classrooms: Multi-perspective research on students’ and teachers’ perceptions, International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, Special Issue ADiBE-Attention to Diversity in Bilingual Education. [peer-reviewed]

    Teaching Culture Across the Curriculum - Entwicklung eines differenzierten kulturdidaktischen Konzepts für den bilingualen Unterricht. In R. Ißler & U. Küchler (Eds.). Impulse zur Fremdsprachendidaktik - Issues in Foreign Language Education (pp. 363-383). Bonn: UP.

    ‘Between need and life there must be hope‘. Exploring Nigeria’s megacity through Rashida Ismaili’s poem ‘Lagos’, Englisch betrifft uns, 2/2020, 7-13.

    Workshop 4. (2020). In H. Holtkamp (Eds.). On Track 3. Teacher‘s Book. Englisch als 2. Fremdsprache (pp. 190-230). Paderborn: Schöningh.

    2019 Workshop 4. (2019). In H. Holtkamp (Eds.). On Track 3. Teacher‘s Book. Englisch für Gymnasien. Ausgabe Bayern. Paderborn: Schöningh, 207-259.
    2018 Why I live a zero waste life. Im monologischen Teil einer mündlichen Prüfung eine Rede halten. Der Fremdsprachliche Unterricht, 5/2018, 40-46.
    2017 #English – Examining Language Use and Communication on Twitter. Englisch betrifft uns, 4/2017, o.S.

    The New Face on the $20 Bill? Researching the life and achievements of Harriet Tubman. Englisch betrifft uns, 4/2016. CD-ROM.

    Transcending the Human Mind? Challenges and risks of artificial intelligence. Englisch betrifft uns, 2/2016, 25-29.

    Soul Food – History, Culture, Recipes. Praxis Englisch, 3/2016, 15-19.


    Natural Hazards, Human Vulnerability – Teaching Hurricane Katrina Through Nonfictional Literature. In S. Dickel & L. Kindinger (Eds.). After the Storm: The Cultural Politics of Hurricane Katrina (pp. 131-148).

    Should Online Privacy be a Human Right? Discussing human rights in the digital age. Englisch betrifft uns, 6/2015, 23-29.

    More than Hipsters and Coffee. Discussing the advantages and disadvantages of gentrification in Brooklyn, New York. Englisch betrifft uns, 5/2015, 24-29.

    Getting Ready for an Oral Exam. Presenting and debating global issues. Englisch betrifft uns, 4/2015, CD-ROM.

    Sharing Is Caring? Teaching Dave Eggers’s dystopian novel in the EFL classroom. Englisch betrifft uns, 3/2015, 12-19.

    Being a Muslim and a Punk – A Contradiction in Terms? Discussing Michael Muhammad Knight’s novel The Taqwacores and its film adaptation. Englisch betrifft uns, 2/2015, 25-29.

    How to Analyze a TV Debate. Englisch betrifft uns, 1/2015, CD-ROM.

    ’There is no such thing as a natural disaster’. Hurrikan Katrina in Augenzeugen- berichten”. Praxis Englisch, 1/2015, 39-44.


    Transnational Cultural Studies im Englischunterricht der Sekundarstufe II. In Matz et al. (Eds.). Transkulturelles Lernen im Fremdsprachenunterricht: Theorie und Praxis (pp. 167-178). Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2014.

    [with Frauke Matz and Michael Rogge] Einleitung. In Matz et al. (Eds.). Transkulturelles Lernen im Fremdsprachenunterricht: Theorie und Praxis (pp. 7-18). Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2014.

    Smart Cities Should Be for All. Ein Klausurvorschlag. Englisch betrifft uns 5/2014, 30-32.

    “’The Magic of Diasporas: How migration contributes to economic growth. A web research and two articles from online newspapers”. Englisch betrifft uns 4/2014, 22-29.

    2013 ’A Hip Hop Haggadah’: The Transnational and Transcultural Space of Jewish Hip- Hop and Transnational Cultural Studies in the EFL Classroom. In Nitzsche, Sina A./Grünzweig, Walter (Eds.). Hip Hop in Europe: Cultural Identities and Transnational Flows (pp. 385-404). Berlin: LIT Verlag, 2013.
  • Presentations and Conference Papers


    Bruns, Janine/Siepmann, Philipp: "Sounds good! Genrebasierte und induktive Wortschatzarbeit mit Podcasts", Nachmittag der Fremdsprachen, WWU Münster, 1.3.2023.

    (eingeladen) Bruns, Janine/Siepmann, Philipp: "Wie Kommunikations-prüfungen den Unterricht verbessern können. Vier Prinzipien für die Förderung und Beurteilung von Mündlichkeit", Webinar Westermann, online, 17.2.2023.


    Siepmann, Philipp/Folkerts, Jens-Folkert: "Assessing oracy in the foreign language classroom: Implications of two design-based research projects for developing teachers' language assessment literacy". Second Language Teacher Education 2022, University of Vienna, 15.09.2022.

    Siepmann, Philipp/Bruns, Janine: "Mündliche Kommunikationsprüfungen im Fremdsprachenunterricht neu denken! Erfahrungen und Anregungen aus einem praxisorientierten Forschungsprojekt". Fremdsprachentag 2022, University of Paderborn, 31.08.2022.

    Folkerts, Jens-Folkert/Siepmann, Philipp: "Design-Based Research als 'goldener Weg' zur Theorie-Praxis-Integration? Zwei Berichte über DBR-Projekte zu mündlichen Prüfungen und Hörverstehen im englischen Fremdsprachenunterricht", Fachdidaktik im Zentrum von Forschungstransfer und Transferforschung, 30.08.2022 (non-presenting co-author).

    Siepmann, Philipp/Rumlich, Dominik/Römhild, Ricardo: "Towards a more Inclusive Approach to Bilingual Education? - Teachers' and Students' Perspectives on Diversity in German CLIL Classrooms". World CLIL 2022, University of Leiden, The Hague, 08.07.2022.

    Siepmann, Philipp/Bruns, Janine: "Building strong research-practice partnerships: Insights from a DBR project on oral communication exams". Symposium Educational Design Research in Foreign Language Education, WWU Münster, 10.06.2022.

    Siepmann, Philipp/Bruns, Janine: "Mündliche Kommunikationsprüfungen im Fremdsprachenunterricht neu denken! Anregungen aus einem praxisorientierten Forschungsprojekt". Nachmittag der Fremdsprachen 2022, WWU Münster, 02.03.2022. digital.


    (peer-reviewed) Philipp Siepmann, Dominik Rumlich, Frauke Matz & Ricardo Römhild. Presentation in the context of the symposium CLIL for all? Catering to diversity in bilingual education. Attention to diversity in German CLIL classrooms: Muli-perspective research on students' and teachers' perceptions of diversity-sensitive teaching practices. AILA - World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Groningen, Niederlande, online, 16.08.2021.

    (peer-reviewed) Helen Heaney, Frauke Matz, Ricardo Römhild & Philipp Siepmann. Presentation in the context of the symposium CLIL for all? Catering to diversity in bilingual education. Gained in Translation: A Reflection on Transnational Comparative Research in Foreign Language Education in the ADiBE Project. AILA - World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Groningen, Niederlande, online, 16.08.2021.

    (invited) Frauke Matz, Dominik Rumlich, Philipp Siepmann & Ricardo Römhild in co-operation with Christiane Dalton-Puffer, Ute Smith & Lena Katzinger. ADiBE Video Guides. Presentation in the context of the SIOE 3rd Biannual Conference CLIL 2021: The ADiBE Project. Addressing Diversity in Bilingual Education. Sheffield Hallam University, online, 19.06.2021.

    (invited) „CLIL for All – Bericht aus dem internationalen ADiBE-Projekt zur Differenzierung im bilingualen Unterricht“, Frühjahrstagung der Bilingual AG NRW (digital), 18.3.2021.

    „Nigeria im Abitur“, Nachmittag der Fremdsprachen, Englisches Seminar, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster (digital), 2.3.2021.


    (invited) „Potenziale des bilingualen Unterrichts entfalten“, Keynote zum Workshop ‚Perspektiven des Bilingualen Sachfachunterrichts“, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn (digital),  October 31, 2020.

    „Teaching Nigeria with Young Adult Fiction: Olumide Popoola’s When We Speak of Nothing (2017)”, Teaching Nigeria: Lehrerfortbildung für Englischlehrkräfte, University of Münster February 4, 2020.

    (invited) „Potenziale des bilingualen Unterrichts entfalten“, Keynote zum Workshop ‚Perspektiven des Bilingualen Sachfachunterrichts“, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, October 12, 2019.

    „Teaching Nigerian Diaspora Literatures“, Teaching Nigeria: Lehrerfortbildung für Englischlehrkräfte, University of Münster September 13, 2019.

    (invited) „Sprachmittlung als Weg zu bilingualer Diskurskompetenz?“, Plenarvortrag und fünf Workshopangebote, Frühjahrstagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Bilingualer Unterricht, Kardinal-Hengsbach-Haus, Essen, April 4, 2019.

    (invited) “Mediation Matters – Sprachmittlung im bilingualen Unterricht”, Workshop, TEFL Day, University of Münster, February 12, 2019.


    “Everyone has a story to tell. Fostering learner autonomy through literary portfolios”, IATEFL LASIG 2018: “Reforming the foreign language classroom – empowering students to take ownership”, international conference on learner autonomy in the foreign language classroom, November 23, 2018.

    (invited) “Kultursensible Sprachmittlung”. Workshop, TEFL Day, University of Münster, February 15, 2018.


    (invited) “From Intercultural to Transcultural Communicative Competence – Paradigm Change in Teaching Literature and Culture?”. Lecture series “Selected Aspects of SLA/ELT“, University of Münster, June 14, 2017.


    (invited) “Natural Hazards, Human Vulnerability: Teaching Hurricane Katrina in the EFL Classroom”. Lecture series “Issues in Foreign Language Education“, University Bonn, October 26, 2015.

    “Transnational Cultural Studies im Englischunterricht: Ein Dialog zwischen American Studies und englischer Kultur- und Literaturdidaktik”. 26th Congress of the German Association for Foreign Language Research (DGFF), PH Ludwigsburg, September 30 – October 3, 2015.

    “Natural Hazards, Human Vulnerability: Teaching Hurricane Katrina in the EFL Classroom”. 2014 annual meeting of the German Association for American Studies (DGFA), University Würzburg, June 12-15, 2014.

    2013 “Natural Hazards, Human Vulnerability: Teaching Hurricane Katrina in the EFL Classroom”. “After the Storm: The Cultural Politics of Hurricane Katrina”, international conference, University Bochum, December 6-7, 2013.

    (invited) “Interkulturalität versus Transkulturalität – Paradigmenwechsel in der Kulturdidaktik?”. Lecture series of the Institute of Anglophone Studies of the University Duisburg-Essen, October 31, 2012.

    “Transnationale und transkulturelle Studien im Englischunterricht”. DGFF conference for junior researchers, University Jena, October 4-5, 2012.

    “’A Hip Hop Haggadah’: A Transnational Perspective on Jewish (Orthodox) Hip Hop Music”. Chesapeake American Studies Association (CHASA), international Conference 2012, American University, Washington, D.C., USA, March 10, 2012.

    “Der Fremdsprachenlerner als Transcultural Agent: Transkulturelles Lernen im englischsprachigen Projektunterricht”. “Transkulturelles Lernen im Fremdsprachenunterricht: Theorie und Praxis“, conference for junior researchers, University Bochum, February 10-11, 2012.

    “The Language Learner as a Transcultural Agent: Towards a Transcultural Approach to Teaching English as a Foreign Language”. Ruhr PhD Forum in American Studies 2012, University Duisburg-Essen, January 27-28, 2012.

    2011 “The Transcultural Speaker as a Model for the Language Learner in the EFL Classroom”. Annual meeting of the German Association for American Studies (DGFA), University Regensburg, June 16-19, 2011.


    Poster Presentations


    Fall conference 2013 of the “Ressort Lehrerpromotion” of the Professional School of Education, University Bochum, September 19-20, 2013.

    2012 Annual Meeting of the Association for Language Awareness (ALA) 2012, Concordia University Montréal, Canada, July 8-11, 2012.