Jens Folkerts
Research Assistant, Lecturer
Jens-Folkert Folkerts studied English and German at the University of Duisburg-Essen. After graduating in 2014 obtaining the degrees of Magister Artium and Erstes Staatsexamen, he began his practical teacher training at a Gymnasium in Duisburg. After obtaining the second state exam in 2015, he has been working as a full-time teacher for English and German at Heinrich Böll Gesamtschule, Oberhausen, where he was involved in several projects (e.g. Jugend debattiert, Vielfalt fördern, etc.) and was responsible for the practical teacher training (Ausbildungsbeauftrager). He joined the University Münster ELE team in February 2021 and is currently working on his PhD thesis which focuses on developing design principles for teaching foreign language listening competence. His research is also interested in developing alternative classroom based assessment formats, using digital media to foster listening competence, and the integration of democratic education in the EFL classroom with a special focus on human rights and children’s rights education. With regards to higher education, he is especially interested in exploring the use of self-videography during the school placement phase.
Englisches Seminar
Johannisstr. 12-20
D-48143 Münster
Room: ES 304
Phone: +49 (251) 83 - 24651
Email: Jens Folkerts
office hours: appointment via email