Global Englishes Language Teaching
A Symposium
Date: May 31st, 2023
Location: English Department, Johannisstr. 12-20, D-48143 Münster
Organisers: Julia Reckermann & Ricardo Römhild
Conference Language: English
Global Englishes Language Teaching (GELT) is an inclusive paradigm which accommodates such research trajectories and frameworks as World Englishes (WE), English as a Lingua Franca (ELF), English as an international language (EIL) as well as related fields such as linguistics or multilingualism in the context of teaching and learning English. This symposium provides space for the discussion of current research, opportunities to transfer research into practice as well as an outlook on future perspectives. It is also an invitation to network and explore opportunities for future cooperation.
We are grateful to Münster University's International Office and FB09 for sponsoring this symposium.
Time Programme 08:00 – 08:45 Registration
ES 202, 2nd Floor Foyer
08:45 – 09:00 Welcome
JO 1
09:00 – 10:00 Plenary I – Global Englishes – uniting the paradigms for curriculum change
Nicola GallowayJO 1
10:00 – 10:30 Coffee Break
ES 202
Parallel Presentations I Attitudes, Perceptions & Intentions I
Chair: Mona Nishizaki
ES 130
Learning with Corpora
Chair: Michael Westphal
ES 202
Classroom Practice: Materials and Approaches I
Chair: Carolyn Blume
ES 3
10:30 – 11:00 “But I think English is not any more connected to the US or the UK”: A Focus Group Analysis of the Language Attitudes and Ideologies of International Business Students
Christine S. Sing
“The best tool we can provide future language teachers with”? Corpus skills and Global Englishes Language Teaching
Julia Schlüter
The role of Global Englishes in high school curricula in Switzerland
Mirjam Schmalz & Philipp Meer
11:05 – 11:35 "Them character been face with a life-changing decision." Assessing attitudes towards nonstandard varieties of English in teacher education
Katharina v. Elbwart & Dagmar Keatinge
Torn between prescription and innovation. Corpora and World Englishes in language teacher education
Ramona Kreis & Marcus Callies
English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) in the Classroom – Designing ELF-aware Teaching Materials for German Secondary Schools
Johanna Embacher
11:40 – 12:10 (Future) Teachers’ Attitudes towards Varieties of English in the EFL Classroom in Germany
Sarah Gerdemann, Philipp Meer & Dominik Rumlich
Discovering Englishes: Explorative Learning in Global English Language Teaching
Lotta König
12:10 – 13:30 Lunch Break 13:30 – 14:30 Plenary II – Future possibilities of Global Englishes scholarship at the crossroads of teaching and research
Heath RoseAudiMax ES
14:30 – 14:50 Coffee Break
ES 202
Parallel Presentations II
Attitudes, Perceptions & Intentions II
Chair: Marcus Callies
ES 130
GELT & Cultural Learning
Chair: Lotta König
ES 202
Classroom Practice – Materials & Approaches II
Chair: Julia Reckermann
ES 3
14:50 – 15:20 Teacher students ́ GELT related intentions for teaching
Stefanie Hehner
Global Englishes and Cosmopolitan Language Education: Current trajectories and alternative perspectives
Ricardo Römhild & Philipp Meer
The role of English for children in Germany
Aleyna Ermek & Pina Schmidt
15:25 – 15:55 Tomorrow’s teachers’ perceptions of Global Englishes
Johanna Hartmann
Bi-directional Decoloniality & Global Englishes via a ’North-South’ Cooperation Project
Isabel Martin
A Global Englishes Adventure - Exploring the ELT curriculum in Germany over time
Mona Nichizaki
16:00 – 16:30 “Also ich fände es wichtiger, wenn wir mehr lernen von diesem Schulenglisch wegzukommen und eher dieses wirkliche Englisch fließend sprechen können” - Exploring Student and Teacher Concepts of English in the Light of its Global Use
Carolin Zehne
Speaking About Global Englishes: When Nothing Is Better Than Something
Carolyn Blume & Marc Jones
16:35 – 17:15 Closing (ELINET; Networking; Final Remarks)
AudiMax ES
Plenary Speakers
Nicola Galloway (University of Glasgow) – Global Englishes – uniting the paradigms for curriculum change
In a recent article, D’Angelo and Sadeghpour (2022) question whether World Englishes and Global Englishes are ‘competing’ or ‘complementary’ paradigms. While this article raises many important points, this presentation will address, and clarify, many concerns raised. The use of Global Englishes as an umbrella term has always endeavoured to be inclusive of WE scholarship. There is certainly no attempt to ‘gloss over or lay claim to the fundamental work in WE/EIL’ (D’Angelo and Sadeghpour, 2022, p. 8) and in the speaker’s upcoming Routledge Handbook of Teaching English as an International Language (Galloway and Selvi, 2023), there is a further goal to unite scholarship in the fields and showcase the important work in the field of WE. In this presentation, I address the calls for change to pedagogical practice in light of WE scholarship. I also highlight how Global Englishes, as an umbrella term, aims to unite scholarship in the fields of WE, ELF and EIL and similar movements in SLA, such as translanguaging and the multilingual turn. I also explore the development of the Global Englishes paradigm, documenting the establishment of the Global Englishes Language Teaching (GELT) proposals (Galloway, 2011; Galloway & Rose, 2015; Rose & Galloway, 2019), which aimed to bridge the theory/practice divide in the field and summarise calls for change being made at the theoretical level in different fields.
Doctor Nicola Galloway is Publications Lead, Senior Lecturer and Programme Director in Education (TESOL) at the University of Glasgow. She has extensive experience in researching Global Englishes. She has authored seven books, including three on Global Englishes and two on English as an International Language. She also coordinates an international GE network (ELINET).
Heath Rose (University of Oxford) – Future possibilities of Global Englishes scholarship at the crossroads of teaching and research
Global Englishes is a research paradigm that is intended to capture the complexities surrounding the meteoric rise of English as a global language. This has led some scholars to call for a shift in the field of English language teaching to match the new sociolinguistic landscape of the twenty-first century. In recent years, a growing amount of classroom-based research and language teacher education research has emerged to investigate these proposals in practice. This talk outlines key calls for change in language teaching from the related fields of Global Englishes. It offers a critical review of the growing body of pedagogical research, underpinned by a systematic review and accompanied by insights from an upcoming special issue of TESOL Quarterly on Global Englishes to appear in 2024. Current synthesis of classroom research suggests a current lack of longitudinal designs, an underuse of direct measures to explore the effects of classroom interventions, and under-representation of contexts outside of university language classrooms. We will discuss the unique position of researchers who have one foot in the classroom as crucial stakeholders to drive the field of Global Englishes forward.
Professor Heath Rose is professor of Applied Linguistics in the department of education at the University of Oxford. Stemming from a professional background in English and Japanese Language Teaching, Heath's research interests are situated within the field of language teaching and learning. His current research focuses on Global Englishes and English Medium Instruction. His publications include a number of books on Global Englishes, including Introcuding Global Englishes (Routledge) and Global Englishes for Language Teaching (Cambridge) in addition to books on research methods, including the Routledge Handbook of Applied Linguistics (Routledge) and Data Collection Research Methods in Applied Linguistics (Bloomsbury). He is co-editor of Cambridge Elements in Language Teaching.
Carolyn Blume (TU Dortmund, Germany) & Marc Jones (Toyo University, Japan) – Speaking About Global Englishes: When Nothing Is Better Than Something
Given the emerging theoretical consensus in favor of Global Englishes Language Teaching (GELT), the need for adaptive practical approaches and critical empirical analyses becomes increasingly acute. In addition to arguments regarding inclusivity, more models of good instructional practice as well as evaluations of its efficacy in developing language competence are necessary if GELT is to more fully enter English language classrooms (Rose et al. 2021; Schildhauer et al. 2021). To that end, this presentation describes an ecological multimodal teaching intervention focusing on n = 16 L2 English learners in an English-Medium Instruction (EMI) course at a Japanese university. The focus of the self-directed learning module is on developing the phonological awareness of intermediate-level learners through the use of authentic TED talks that incorporate non-prestige varieties of English in ways that avoid narratives of deficiency (cf. Jones & Blume, 2022; Schildhauer et al. 2021). The Bayesian analysis of pre-/post-intervention results reveals that students in both the control and in the intervention conditions made minimal gains in terms of recognition of the targeted phonemes. Only the timing of task completion had a substantial impact on phonological acquisition. In light of these results, we argue that the use of Global Englishes has no discernable negative effect for this particular learning objective and that therefore, the null results are an argument in favor of Global English. Moreover, we use triangulated qualitative and quantitative data to explore the effect of pacing on learning gains in this cohort, and the pedagogical implications of this finding.
Jones, M., & Blume, C. (2022). Accent difference makes no difference to phoneme acquisition. TESL-EJ, 26(3).
Rose, H., McKinley, J., & Galloway, N. (2021). Global Englishes and language teaching: A review of pedagogical research. Language Teaching, 54(2), 157–189.
Schildhauer, P., Zehne, C., & Schulte, M. (2021). Encountering Global Englishes in the ELT classroom through audio-visual texts. The example of TED talks. In M. Callies (Ed.), Glocalising teaching English as an international language: New perspectives. Routledge.
Katharina v. Elbwart (Paderborn University, Germany) & Dagmar Keatinge (Paderborn University, Germany) – "Them character been face with a life-changing decision." Assessing attitudes towards nonstandard
varieties of English in teacher education
Language teacher identity (LTI) as a dynamic aspect of teacher development has gained academic significance in recent years (e.g., Barkhuizen, 2016; Ellis, 2016; Fairley, 2020). One crucial aspect of LTI is the teacher’s (foreign) language use. Despite an increasing recognition of the importance of teaching Englishes, the superiority of the native and standard language speaker has prevailed among both educators and students (Holiday, 2006; Houghton, Rivers & Hashimoto, 2018). Teacher training programs, however, are asked to equip teachers with the necessary skills to effectively teach English to nonnative speakers and expose them to different Englishes so that students become proficient users of English in the global context (Dewey, 2020); this mirrors the development towards what Blair (2015) labels the “post-native” era.
This paper explores how teachers’ attitudes towards the use of non-standard varieties of English emerge in preservice academic contexts and thus places Global English language teaching at the center of LTI (Ates et al., 2015, De Costa & Norton, 2017; Varghese et al., 2016). We report on findings from a study conducted among 74 preservice students enrolled in a TESOL program at a German university. Our research uses a mixed-methods approach combining short narratives with an online attitude survey. Preliminary results indicate that respondents have developed a conceptual idea of Englishes which includes the acceptance of non-standard varieties in ELT. When putting these concepts into practice, however, respondents label non-standard varieties of English as non-acceptable in teaching contexts and
thus favor the traditional paradigm of British or American Standard English as the linguistic norm.References
Ates, Burca; Eslami, Zohreh R.; Wright, Katherine Landau (2015). Incorporating world Englishes into undergraduate ESL education courses. In: World Englishes 34 (3), S. 485–501. DOI: 10.1111/weng.12149.
Barkhuizen, G. (2016). Reflections on language teacher identity research. New York, NY: Taylor&Francis.
Blair, A. (2015) Evolving a post-native, multilingual model for ELF-aware teacher education. In Y. Bayyurt & S. Akcan (eds) Current Perspectives on Pedagogy for English as a Lingua Franca, 89–101. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.
De Costa, P. I., & Norton, B. (2017). Introduction: Identity, transdisciplinarity, and the good language teacher. Modern Language Journal, 101(S1), 3–14.
Dewey, M. (2020). „English language teachers in context. Who teaches what, where and why?” In Kirkpatrick, A. (Ed.). (2020). The Routledge Handbook of World Englishes (2nd ed.). London, New York: Routledge, 609 – 623.
Ellis, E. M. (2016). “I may be a native speaker but I’m not monolingual”: Reimagining all teachers’ linguistic identities in TESOL. TESOL Quarterly, 50, 597–630.
Fairley, M. J. (2020). Conceptualizing Language Teacher Education Centered on Language Teacher Identity Development: A Competencies-Based Approach and Practical Applications. TESOL Quarterly, 54(4), 1037-1064.
Holliday, A. (2006). Native-speakerism. ELT Journal, 60, 385– 387. Houghton, S., Rivers, D, Hashimoto, K. (2018). Beyond Native-Speakerism. Current Explorations and Future Visions. New York: Routledge.
Johanna Embacher (TU Dortmund, Germany) – English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) in the Classroom – Designing ELF-aware Teaching Materials for German Secondary Schools
The importance of English as an international lingua franca is steadily growing, meaning that English is used for various communicative purposes by speakers from different lingua-cultural backgrounds. Regarding language education, however, a divide between these linguistic realities and pedagogical practices becomes visible. Although several studies (e.g. Galloway and Rose 2015, Kordia 2015) have demonstrated the importance of an ELF-aware teaching approach for students’ motivation and self-confidence, in German English classrooms the focus is often still on native speaker norms and grammatical accuracy (see Syrbe and Rose 2018). In this paper, teaching material is presented that has been designed with the aim of bringing an ELF-aware perspective into the ELT classroom. Inspired by, among others, Galloway’s and Rose’s framework for Global Englishes Language Teaching (e.g. Galloway 2018), this material is supposed to serve as supplementary material to the German textbook Lighthouse 6.
Key features of the developed material are listening and mediation tasks which feature speakers from predominantly Expanding Circle countries including France, Poland, and Germany. Moreover, the focus is on authentic language use and awareness-raising activities. Non-native speakers are positioned as target interlocutors and role models for different kinds of Englishes to help students become confident in their own use of the language. The overall goal is to introduce an ELF-perspective into the German ELT classroom and to raise students’ awareness of the diverse ways in which the English language is used globally.
Galloway, N. (2018) “ELF and ELT teaching materials.” In: Jenkins, J., Baker, W., & Dewey, M. (eds.). The Routledge Handbook of English as a Lingua Franca. London: Routledge, 468-480.
Galloway, N. & Rose, H. (2015) Introducing Global Englishes. Oxon and New York: Routledge.
Kordia, S. (2015) “From TEFL to ELF-aware pedagogy: lessons learned from an action research project in Greece.” In: Dikilitas, K., Smith, R., & Trotman, W. (eds.). Teacher- Research in Action. Kent: IATEFL, 235-261.
Syrbe, M. & Rose, H. (2018) “An evaluation of the global orientation of English textbooks in Germany.” Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching 12(2), 152-163.
Aleyna Ermek (TU Dortmund, Germany) & Pina Schmidt (TU Dormund, Germany) – The Role of English for Children in Germany
The status of English in Germany is changing, even for children who are global citizens like no generation before them (Lohmann 2020: 13). For them, English is no longer exclusively a foreign language taught at school for future purposes but is increasingly gaining importance in their day-to-day lives, where they encounter English in a range of digital and non-digital extramural contexts (MPFS 2020: 24). Based on an interview study with 40 primary school children in Germany (6-11 years), we provide first-hand insights into these contexts of use and explore the many dimensions of their motivation to learn and use English.
In the interviews the following issues were discussed: first and second language acquisition, digital and non-digital encounters with English outside school, media usage, types of (language-based) activities, language identities, and motivation. The data was analyzed using a synthesis of qualitative content analysis and grounded theory. In addition, teacher questionnaires were distributed to gain insight into teachers’ awareness of their students’ extramural engagement with English and to highlight the potential gap between teacher beliefs and student realities.
We will discuss how the participants demonstrate a remarkable awareness of English as a global lingua franca. This is an important starting point for designing more authentic and innovative, ELF/EIL-inclusive classroom materials and activities. The findings of our study highlight the importance of acquiring digital literacies for young children. One suggested approach to develop those literacies is “rewilding” education by acknowledging and incorporating their extramural English encounters into classrooms (cf. Thorne et al. 2021).
Lohmann, C. (2020). Vorerfahrungen und Lebenswelten der Grundschulkinder. In: Boettger, H. (ed.) (2020). Englisch. Didaktik für die Grundschule. 6th rev. ed. Cornelsen, 12-23.
MPFS/Medienpädagogischer Forschungsverbund Südwest (2020). KIM-Studie 2020 - Kinder, Internet, Medien.
Thorne, S.L., Hellermann, J. and Jakonen, T. (2021), Rewilding Language Education: Emergent Assemblages and Entangled Actions. In: The Modern Language Journal, 105: 106-125. .
Sarah Gerdemann (Städt. Gymnasium Dionysianum Rheine, Germany; until April 2023), Philipp Meer (University of Münster, Germany / University of Campinas, Brazil) & Dominik Rumlich (Paderborn University, Germany) – (Future) Teachers’ Attitudes towards Varieties of English in the EFL Classroom in Germany
While recent research on English language teaching in Germany has called for a more comprehensive representation of the diversity of English worldwide (e.g. Davydova et al. 2013; Callies et al. 2021), teachers’ perceptions of Global Englishes and their views concerning the question of how these may be integrated into the classroom have been little investigated (but see e.g. Grau 2005; Kruse 2016). This paper presents the results of a first pilot study on (future) teachers’ attitudes toward the use of different varieties of English in the English language classroom in Germany. Two different online questionnaires were used to collect data from both future teachers (university students; n = 26) and in-service teachers (n = 14). Results show, inter alia, that:
(1) Future teachers consider including varieties of English in teaching more important than in-service teachers.
(2) The informants are generally accepting of different varieties of English in the classroom, although
(3) the mixing of features associated with different varieties is largely discouraged (apart from in spoken communication to a certain extent).
(4) By and large, both teacher groups solely consider Inner Circle Englishes as appropriate targets of instruction; Outer and Expanding Circle varieties are mostly considered unsuitable (some exceptions notwithstanding).
(5) Both groups further agree that Global Englishes should primarily be included in the classroom by using authentic (spoken) materials from different varieties of the language.
Callies, M., Hehner, S., Meer, P., & Westphal, M. (Eds.) (2021). Glocalising teaching English as an international language: New perspectives for teaching and teacher education in Germany. London: Routledge.
Davydova, J., Maier, G., & Siemund, P. (2013). Varieties of English in the EFL classroom setting. In K. Bührig & B. Meyer (Eds.), Hamburg Studies on Multilingualism. Transferring linguistic know-how into institutional practice (Vol. 15, pp. 81–94). Amsterdam: Benjamins.
Grau, M. (2005). English as a Global Language: Who do future teachers have to say? In C. Gnutzmann & F. Intemann (Eds.), The globalisation of English and the English language classroom (pp. 261–274). Tübingen: Narr.
Kruse, S. (2016). Diatopische Varietäten im Englischunterricht: Konzepte, Unterrichtspraxis und Perspektiven der Beteiligten in der Sekundarstufe II. Theorie und Vermittlung der Sprache: Vol. 59. Frankfurt: Peter Lang.
Johanna Hartmann (University of Münster, Germany) – Tomorrow’s teachers’ perceptions of Global Englishes
Global Englishes should play an important role in classrooms to prepare students for the reallife
complexities of English (Bieswanger 2008 & 2012, Matsuda & Matsuda 2018, Sung 2015),
and approaches such as Global Englishes Language Teaching (Rose & Galloway 2019)
advocate for further changes towards Global Englishes in curricula and teaching. Teachers’
attitudes are crucial in promoting openness to varieties (Kruse 2016: 110, 377f.), but
experimental studies on perceptions of New and Learner Englishes in Germany are scarce
(Davydova 2015).This study analyses future teachers’ (n=109) perceptions of seven Englishes (German,
Chinese, Kenyan, Nigerian, Jamaican, American, British) and poses three research questions:1. Which varieties are rated positively / negatively overall?
2. How does the level of formality influence perceptions?
3. How are varieties rated along larger attitudinal dimensions?A verbal guise test was conducted using vocal stimuli from newscasts and athlete interviews.
Overall, the evaluations indicate a continuing strong orientation to ‘native speaker’
norms, particularly to British English. German English ratings differ considerably between the
two contexts. The analysis of attitudinal dimensions shows that positive evaluations for
speakers of New Englishes and Chinese English are restricted to friendliness in the interviews.
This points to underlying stereotypes and suggests that in addition to a greater exposure to
Global Englishes overall, a combination of carefully balanced teaching material and
metalinguistic information is necessary. The presentation of a variety of English should include
different levels of formality, genres, and styles.References
Bieswanger, M. (2008). Varieties of English in current English language teaching. Stellenbosch
Papers in Linguistics, 38, 27–47., M. (2012). Varieties of English in the curriculum. In A. Schröder & U. Busse
(Eds.), Codification, canons and curricula: Description and prescription in language and
literature (pp. 359–371). Bielefeld: Aisthesis.Davydova, J. (2015). A study in the perception of native and non-native Englishes by German
learners. Journal of Linguistics and Language Teaching, 6(1), 89–117.Kruse, S. (2016). Diatopische Varietäten im Englischunterricht. Frankfurt am Main: Peter
Lang.Matsuda, A., & Matsuda, P.K. (2018). Teaching English as an international language: A WEinformed
paradigm for English language teaching. In Ee L. Low & Anne Pakir (Eds.),
Routledge Studies in World Englishes. World Englishes: Rethinking Paradigms (pp. 64–
77). London: Routledge.Rose, H., & Galloway, N. (2019). Global Englishes for language teaching. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press., C. C. M. (2015). Exposing learners to Global Englishes in ELT: Some suggestions. ELT
Journal, 69(2), 198–201. Hehner (University of Bremen, Germany) – Teacher students´ GELT related intentions for teaching
English language classes in the 21st century need to prepare learners for the increasing diversity of the English language and its function as the main global lingua franca (e.g., Rose & Galloway, 2019). While current school curricula and textbooks do not provide sufficient guidance for such changes (Syrbe & Rose, 2016; Syrbe, 2018), the currently most promising approach to facilitate a transition towards GELT (Global Englishes Language Teaching; Rose & Galloway, 2019) seems to be to enable teachers to choose appropriate approaches and materials for their specific contexts (e.g., Bayyurt & Sifakis, 2017; Rose et al., 2020). As teachers function as gatekeepers of norms in ELT the necessary changes can only take place if teacher cognition, “the unobservable cognitive dimension of teaching – what teachers know, believe, and think” (Borg, 2003 p.81), is considered.
In this presentation I provide insights into teacher students´ intentions for their own future teaching with regard to dealing with aspects of GE in the classroom. I present results of a qualitative content analysis (Kuckartz, 2016) by means of which I analyze students´ cognitions as shown in language learning biographies (n=46) and interviews (n=25) conducted after a GELT oriented seminar at the University of Bremen (Germany). The data was collected in three seminar cohorts between 2017 and 2020 with a total of 56 students. I will show how students´ intentions relate to beliefs about norms, to content knowledge and awareness gained in the seminar, to (anticipated) framework conditions at schools, and to other contextual factors (such as the level of the learners) that seem to have an influence on specific intentions.
Bayyurt, Yasemin & Sifakis, Nicos (2017). “Foundations of an EIL-aware Teacher Education”. In: Matsuda, Aya (ed.) Preparing Teachers to Teach English as an International Language. Bristol: Multilingual Matters, 3-18.
Borg, Simon (2003). “Teacher cognition in language teaching. A review of research on what language teachers think, know, believe, and do”. Language Teaching 36:2, S. 81–109. DOI: 10.1017/S0261444803001903.
Kuckartz, Udo (2016) [2012]. Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse. Methoden, Praxis, Computerunterstützung. Weinheim Basel: Beltz.
Rose, Heath & Nicola Galloway (2019). Global Englishes for Language Teaching. Cambridge: Universtiy Press.
Rose, Heath, Mona Syrbe, Anuchaya Montakantiwong & Natsuno Funada (2020). Global TESOL for the 21st Century: Teaching English in a Changing World. Bristol: Mulitilingual Matters.
Syrba, Mona (2018). Evaluating the suitability of teaching EIL for the German classroom. International Journal of Applied Linguistics. 28:3, 438-450.
Syrbe, Mona & Heath Rose (2018). An evaluation of the global orientation of English textbooks in Germany. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching 12:2, 152-163.
Lotta König (University of Bielefeld, Germany) – Discovering Englishes: Explorative Learning in Global English Language Teaching
Global Englishes Language Teaching (GELT) challenges central notions of a conventional teaching of standardized dominant varieties of English. In order to put GELT into practice, researchers and practitioners alike are faced with questions like these: How to represent different Englishes beyond stereotypical token representations? How to deal with potential students’ (and teachers) underlying ideologies of standard English which might prejudice them against variations (cf. Zehne forthcoming)? And how to support teachers not to feel out of their depths when they teach variations they do not actively speak?
In this talk, explorative learning will be suggested as a classroom methodology especially suited to meet some of these challenges: By becoming researchers of Englishes in their local and global, offline and online surroundings, students and their teachers can discover, describe, analyze and contextualize different variations of Global Englishes together (König/ Reckermann/ Römhild/ Schildhauer 2023). Thus, they can become more consciously aware of the varieties of English they come across in their field of interest (rather than by tokenized representation); these varieties are encountered in an investigative rather than an evaluative frame of mind; and both teachers and learners learn to understand and contextualize these various Englishes together rather than one having to model it for the other. In the presentation, the approach of explorative learning and its potentials for GELT will be further elaborated on and illustrated with teaching examples for GELT both in school and teacher education.
König, L./Reckermann, J./Römhild, R./Schildhauer, P. (2023): Global Englishes Language Teaching. Diskursfähigkeit, Sprachbewusstheit und Kommunikationsstrategien für den Umgang mit varieties of English erwerben. In: Der fremdsprachliche Unterricht Englisch, 183: forthcoming.
Zehne, C. (forthcoming): ‚Reconceiving the E in English Language Teaching in Germany: An investigation of teacher, student, and curricular concepts of English in the light of its global use‘. Dissertationsschrift Univ. Bielefeld.
Ramona Kreis (University of Bremen, Germany) & Marcus Callies (University of Bremen, Germany) – Torn between prescription and innovation. Corpora and World Englishes in language teacher education
In this study, we report on the affordances of corpora in the context of an innovative teaching format that combines English linguistics, language education, and classroom practice to introduce World Englishes into the curriculum of future teachers of English. One of the aims of the teaching format is to highlight and strengthen the relevance and applicability of (socio-)linguistic content knowledge of World Englishes for university-based teacher education and the ELT classroom. We use large electronic corpora as one resource for the teacher students to explore the spread and extent of use of innovative and variable linguistic structures in Englishes around the world and to critically examine the fuzzy boundary between errors and variety-specific, innovative linguistic structures (Callies & Hehner 2021, Callies 2022). To examine the potential impact of a teaching intervention about World Englishes and corpora on the teacher students’ judgments of the intelligibility and formal correctness of several features of World Englishes, a pre- and post-test rating task was administered to an experimental (N=8) and a control group (N=6). Additionally, students of the experimental group (N=3) were interviewed about their experiences with the corpus intervention and their opinions and attitudes toward the use of corpora for teaching English and, specifically, linguistic variation and innovations in English. Similar to the findings of Callies, Haase and Hehner (2022), the preliminary findings of our study suggest that the teaching intervention seems to initiate an increased awareness of the variability of linguistic structures in World Englishes and supports future teachers in questioning traditional prescriptive norms.
Callies, M. 2022. Errors and innovations in L2 varieties of English: Towards resolving a contradictory practice. In K. Knopf, G. Febel & M. Nonhoff (eds.), Contradiction Studies – Exploring the Field. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
Callies, M., Haase, H. & Hehner, S. 2022. An integrated approach to introducing TEIL in language teacher education at the interface of linguistics, language education and teaching practice. In M. Callies, S. Hehner, P. Meer, & M. Westphal (eds.), Glocalising Teaching English as an International Language: New perspectives for teaching and teacher education in Germany. London and New York: Routledge, 9–27.
Callies, M. & Hehner, S. 2021. Konstruktionen mit Partikelverben in Varietäten des Englischen: Zum Spannungsfeld von Präskription und Innovation an der Schnittstelle von Sprachwissenschaft, Fremdsprachendidaktik und Unterrichtspraxis, in C. Bürgel, P. Gévaudan & D. Siepmann (eds.). Sprachwissenschaft und Fremdsprachendidaktik: Konstruktionen und Konstruktionslernen. Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 81–93.
Isabel Martin (PH Karlsruhe, Germany) – Bi-directional Decoloniality & Global Englishes via a ’North-South’ Cooperation Project
In the wake of #BlackLivesMatter, German Applied Linguistics started addressing Social Justice by researching inclusion and diversity in syllabi and EFL teaching materials. However, the underlying Western binary episteme had long been deconstructed by “Global South” scholars. Its tap-root-system of superiority, hegemony, and privilege (based on Modernity, capitalism, and Coloniality) advocated native-speaker normativity in ELT amongst other exclusive tenets, deconstructed since by Postcolonial theories, Postmethod Pedagogy (Kumaravadivelu 2003), and Southern Epistemologies. The questioning of “Global North” scholars’ and teachers’ self-images, roles and global responsibilities could now trigger their journey towards Decoloniality, which would also raise the theoretical question which Englishes are to be taught where, by whom, how, and why (Martin 2020, 2023).
Opportunities for this trajectory lie in “North-South” cooperations which define local methods, materials goals, and Englishes. Tandem-teaching and engaged research foster “unlearning” and “de-linking” (Andreotti 2016, Mignolo 2007, 2018), as demonstrated by the Lao-German tandem-teaching-and-learning project at six Lao schools, colleges, and one university. In this high-risk experiment, 77 German pre-service teachers have developed augmented teacher identities striving towards Global Commitment (cf. Streitwieser & Light 2009) and GELT. Living and working in a Communist-Buddhist country with LDC-status was the most potent foil for perceptions and experiences to throw back some starkly magnified self-images and to “unlearn” epistemes, worldviews - and ELT approaches.
The (decolonial) mixed-method design began with Collaborative Action Research, and data was collected in field notes, memos, reports, interviews, and retrospective interviews. Duo-ethnography, Critical Content Analysis, and a polyphonous project blog (374 articles) then proved suitable instruments for alternative ways of knowledge(s)-production, scaffolding processes of inquiry and epistemological de-linking, and pointing to blind spots and lexical gaps in the academic discourse of the “Global North”. Two new seminars, “Global Englishes, Global ELT & Global Citizenship Education” and “Decolonise Your Mind” were created for at-home students.References
Andreotti, Vanessa (2016). “The educational challenges of imagining the world differently.” Canadian Journal of Development Studies/ Revue Canadienne d'études Du Développement, 37: 1, 101-112.
Kumaravadivelu, Balasubramanian (2003). “A Postmethod Perspective on English Language Teaching.” World Englishes 22: 4, 539-550.
Martin, I. (2020). “Teaching English in Laos: TESOL education and global justice”. In: Mentz, O., Papaja, K. (eds.). Challenging Language Learning and Language Teaching in Peace and Global Education. Wien; LIt Verlag. 205-237.
Martin, I. (2022). “”Bi-direktionale Dekolonialität in der Fremdsprachendidaktik: Ein deutsch-laotisches Kooperationsprojekt”. In: Wilden, E. et al. (Hg.). Standortbestimmungen in der Fremdsprachendidaktik. Bielefeld: wvt. 194-210.
Mignolo, W.D. (2007). “Delinking: The rhetoric of modernity, the logic of coloniality and the grammar of de-coloniality.” Cultural studies, 21 (2-3), 449-514.
Mignolo, Walter D. (2018). “What Does It Mean to Decolonize?” In: Mignolo, Walter D. & Walsh, Catherine E. (eds.). On Decoloniality: Concepts, Analytics, Praxis. Durham: Duke University Press. 105-134.
Internet Resources
Martin, I. (ed.) (2015 ff.). The Laos Experience: Bi-directional teaching and learning. Project Blog, 372 articles, 86 pages, 581,648 users, 2,594,715 visits [13 March 2023]
Martin, I. (2022). “Overview” [of research].
Martin, I. (ed.) (2019 ff.). “Language Education and Global Citizenship”. First Series., I. (ed.) (2021 ff.). “Decolonise Your Mind”. Second Series.
Streitwieser, B. & Light, G (2009). “Study Abroad and the Easy Promise of Global Citizenship”. Paper presented at CIES, Charleston (March). [25.4.2023]
Mona Nishizaki (Genova University, Italy) – A Global Englishes Adventure - Exploring the ELT curriculum in Germany over time
Now more than ever, we see a mismatch between the representation of English in the classroom and the way the language is used in real – world contexts. Outside the classroom, English has grown into the world’s most widely used language of communication, developed into numerous varieties, influenced through a host of languages and speakers, whereas the insides of classrooms are stuck in the native speaker model, slow to move beyond the borders of the traditional inner circle – or so they say. While academics are quick to criticize and lament the lack of Global Englishes content and resources, we seem to overlook small progresses that are achieved in glocal and local contexts of English teaching. It therefore seems pertinent to turn our attention towards the administrative and prescriptive side of the decision – making process in public school systems. In order to understand the small steps – forward and back – that have been achieved inside the classrooms, this study took a longitudinal look at the English language curricula of Germany’s most populous state through a Global Englishes lens. The aim was to explore and identify changes over time in line with a Global Englishes approach to language teaching. Through a review of the relevant literature, I adapted 4 key themes to investigate: (1) exposure to World Englishes and ELF communication, (2) raising awareness of Global Englishes, (3) raising awareness of ELF communication strategies, and (4) emphasizing respect for diverse culture, which served as a broad analysis framework. I used content analysis to evaluate and compare English language curricula for the Gymnasium year 5 – 10 in North Rhine Westphalia from 1975 to today, scrutinizing their learning aims and objectives as well as their teaching content. First results suggest a clear move away from the native speaker model and an increased recognition of English as a lingua franca and its implications after 1993. However, the subsequent curricula published in 2004 as well as 2019 suggest a step back towards the native speaker model as they more closely align with the CEFR. This study thus shows some noteworthy development towards a Gobal Englishes approach to language teaching within a German secondary school context, while also highlighting some of the difficulties connected to standardizing language skills and communicative competence.
Ricardo Römhild (University of Münster, Germany) & Philipp Meer (University of Münster, Germany / University of Campinas, Brazil) – Global Englishes and Cosmopolitan Language Education: Current trajectories and alternative perspectives
Cosmopolitan perspectives, which include a sense of global interconnectedness across various circles of belonging (e.g., Jackson 2019), can enrich the research field of Global Englishes Language Teaching (e.g., Rose & Galloway 2019) by offering new approaches to exploring and investigating the role of cultural learning in the context of language variation. To corroborate this claim, this paper revisits two language attitudinal studies (Meer et al. 2021, 2022), which found that learners of English in German secondary schools frequently hold negative attitudes towards certain varieties of English. The authors of the two studies venture that existing practices in cultural learning in English language classrooms in Germany could play an important role in addressing and, ultimately, mitigating these negative attitudes. From a cosmopolitan perspective, this paper argues that it is worthwhile taking a step back, revisiting current practices of cultural learning, and reflecting on their role in creating, upholding, and perpetuating these stereotypical attitudes and perceptions in the first place. In this light, this paper focuses on the current practice of target country teaching (e.g., Römhild & Gaudelli 2022) in conjunction with issues surrounding indexicality (e.g., Schleef 2020) as well as language ownership to illustrate how cosmopolitan cultural learning may contribute alternative ways of thinking to the GELT research paradigm.
Jackson, Liz. 2019. Questioning Allegiance. Resituating Civic Education. London, New York: Routledge.
Meer, Philipp, Johanna Hartmann/Dominik Rumlich. 2021. “Folklinguistic perceptions of Global Englishes among German learners of English.” In: European Journal of Applied Linguistics, 9(2): 391-416.
Meer, Philipp, Julia Hartmann/Dominik Rumlich. 2022. “Attitudes of German high school students toward different varieties of English.” In: Applied Linguistics, 43(3): 538-562.
Römhild, Ricardo/William Gaudelli. 2022. “Target Country, Target Culture: Rethinking Cultural Learning in Language Education for Sustainable Development.” In: Roman Bartosch/Christian Ludwig (eds.). English for Sustainability. Anglistik: International Journal of English Studies 33.3. Heidelberg, Winter. 15-32.
Rose, Heath/Nicola Galloway. 2019. Global Englishes for Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Schleef, Erik. 2020. “Identity and Indexicality in the Study of World Englishes.” In: Daniel Schreier/Marianne Hundt/Edgar W. Schneider (eds.). The Cambridge Handbook of World Englishes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 609-632.
Julia Schlüter (University of Bamberg) – “The best tool we can provide future language teachers with”? Corpus skills and Global Englishes Language Teaching
The present contribution evaluates a training programme involving in-service teachers and university students of English (N=55). The programme fostered practical corpus analysis skills and generally received positive feedback. However, one part of our evaluation – to be reported here – indicated that the outcome fell short of our overarching objective: to sensitize participants to the ubiquity and legitimacy of (geographical and other) variation in language.
Relevant effects of our training programme were measured in a quasi-experimental pre-test/post-test design eliciting acceptability judgements in a routine error-correction task. Participants’ ratings concerned the acceptability of alternative prepositional options for which L1 and L2 varieties of English show divergent usage in the Corpus of Global Web-based English (GloWbE).
Participants in the control group (N=413) received no further input. The experimental group participated in our training programme and acquired practical corpus skills between the pre- and post-tests. Contrary to our expectations, the training did not result in an increased acceptance of linguistic variation, which we interpret to indicate that participants clung to monolithic views of the language and binary judgements of ‘right’ and ‘wrong’.
In conclusion, we argue that equipping (future) English language professionals with a practical corpus skillset – as advocated by Granath (2009) in the title quote – can be helpful but misses the target if we do not invest the same amount of effort in imparting the corresponding tolerant mindset. Ultimately, this obstacle, reinforced by institutionalized settings and pedagogical challenges that teachers encounter, may be harder to overcome than those addressed by many corpus literacy courses.
Davies, Mark (2013) Corpus of Global Web-Based English (GloWbE). Available online at
Granath, Solveig (2009) Who benefits from learning how to use corpora? In Karin Aijmer (ed.) Corpora and Language Teaching. Amsterdam/New York: Benjamins. 47–65.
Mirjam Schmalz (University of Zurich, Switzerland) & Philipp Meer (University of Münster, Germany / University of Campinas, Brazil) – The role of Global Englishes in high school curricula in Switzerland
The nature of Global Englishes Language Teaching (GELT; e.g. Rose & Galloway 2019) depends on curricular requirements and guidelines (Matsuda & Friedrich 2012: 17). Recently, the number of empirical studies investigating the role of Global Englishes in different English as a Foreign Language (EFL) contexts and curricula has grown, especially in Germany (Bieswanger 2012; Syrbe 2018; Meer 2021). However, little research has systematically addressed curricular representations of Global Englishes in countries that are officially multilingual and where non-dominant varieties of different pluricentric languages are spoken.
To that end, this study analyzes the role and representation of Global Englishes in high school curricula in the German-official region of Switzerland. Specifically, using a qualitative content analytic procedure, the study investigates the curricula in place for the Swiss Kantonschule/Gymnasium, which are specific to each school and not normalized on the canton level. The focus of the study is exploratory in nature and aims to zero in on the possible conditions for GELT in Switzerland. Preliminary results suggest that while different varieties of English are mentioned and the pluricentricity of the language is acknowledged, the focus remains on inner circle varieties. The findings will shed light on the potential opportunities and challenges in applying GELT in the Swiss English language education context.
Bieswanger, M. (2012). Varieties of English in the curriculum. In A. Schröder, U. Busse, & R. Schneider (Eds.), Codification, canons and curricula: Description and prescription in language and literature (pp. 359–371). Bielefeld: Aisthesis.
Matsuda, A., & Friedrich, P. (2012). Selecting an instructional variety for an EIL curriculum. In A. Matsuda (Ed.), Principles and Practices of Teaching English as an International Language (pp. 17–27). Bristol: Multilingual Matters.
Meer, P. (2021). Global Englishes in the secondary school curriculum in Germany: A comparative analysis of the English language curricula of the federal states. In M. Callies, S. Hehner, P. Meer, & M. Westphal (Eds.), Glocalising teaching English as an international language: New perspectives for teaching and teacher education in Germany (pp. 85–103). London: Routledge.
Rose, H., & Galloway, N. (2019). Global Englishes for Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Syrbe, M. (2018). Evaluating the suitability of teaching EIL for the German classroom. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 28(3), 438–450.
Christine S. Sing (University of Siegen, Germany) – “But I think English is not any more connected to the US or the UK”: A Focus Group Analysis of the Language Attitudes and Ideologies of International Business Students
This study aims to build a sociolinguistic profile of students at the English for Specific Purposes setting of a business school by probing into their (language) learning experiences and personal narratives (Todeva & Cenoz 2009), with a view to creating conditions for extending their identities as successful (language) learners. The specific research questions are: (1) What are these business students’ attitudes to languages and language learning and how do these emic perspectives differ from researcher-generated, etic views? (2) Are these students aware of the current status of English while being sensitive to GELT-typified practices? (3) What are their learner identities and how can these be further developed?
Methodologically, this investigation takes the form of classroom interventions. Data for this study were collected using focus group (FG) methodology (e.g., Edley & Litosseliti 2013, Galloway 2019) and analysed by means of MAXQDA (VERBI Software 2021, Kuckartz & Rädiker 2019). A qualitative research design was adopted to examine three FG discussions, engaging the participants (N = 22) in interactive exchanges. This type of participatory design makes FGs similar to “collaborative co-discovery sessions” (Loxton 2021: 5), during which participants co-construct their identities as users of English.
The results show that these students face several pedagogical challenges arising from the incongruence of globalised literacy practices and localised language (learning) ideologies. Specifically, these students are grappling with the dynamic tension between traditional approaches to ELT and GELT-informed practices (e.g., Galloway & Rose 2015, Galloway 2017, Rose et al. 2020), which they address by co-constructing themselves as multi-competent users of English. The findings suggest that, if these business students are to succeed in working environments shaped by international professional practices, pedagogic intervention should be prospective, preparing students to be flexibly competent (Baker 2016).
Baker, Will. 2016. English as an Academic Lingua Franca and Intercultural Awareness: Student Mobility in the Transcultural University. Language and Intercultural Communication 16(3). 437–451.
Belcher, Diane D. 2006. English for Specific Purposes: Teaching to Perceived Needs and Imagined Futures in Worlds of Work, Study, and Everyday Life. TESOL Quarterly 40(1). 133–156.
Csizér, Kata & Edit H. Kontra. 2012. ELF, ESP, ENL and their Effect on Students’ Aims and Beliefs: A Structural Equation Model. System 40(1). 1–10.
Edley, Nigel & Lia Litosseliti. 2013. Contemplating Interviews and Focus Groups. In Lia Litosseliti (ed.), Research methods in Linguistics, 155-179. London: Bloomsbury.
Galloway, Nicola. 2017. Global Englishes and Change in English Language Teaching: Attitudes and Impact. London: Routledge.
Galloway, Nicola. 2019. Focus groups: Capturing the Dynamics of Group Interaction. In Jim McKinley & Heath Rose (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Research Methods in Applied Linguistics, 290-301. London: Routledge.
Galloway, Nicola & Heath Rose. 2015. Introducing Global Englishes. London: Routledge.
Kuckartz, Udo & Stefan Rädiker. 2019. Analyzing Qualitative Data with MAXQDA. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Loxton, Matthew H. 2021. Analyzing Focus Groups with MAXQDA. Berlin: MAXQDA Press.
Rose, Heath, Anuchaya Montakantiwong & Mona Syrbe. 2020. Global TESOL for the 21st Century: Teaching English in a Changing World. Blue Ridge Summit, PA: Multilingual Matters.
Seidlhofer, Barbara. 2009. Common Ground and Different Realities: World Englishes and English as a Lingua Franca. World Englishes 28(2). 236–245.
Sing, Christine S. 2017. English as a Lingua Franca in International Business Contexts: Pedagogical Implications for the Teaching of English for Specific Business Purposes. In Franz Rainer & Gerlinde Mautner (eds.), Handbook of Business Communication: Linguistic Approaches, 319–357. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.
Todeva, Elka & Jasone Cenoz (eds.). 2009. The Multiple Realities of Multilingualism: Personal Narratives and Researchers’ Perspectives. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.
VERBI Software. 2021. MAXQDA 2022. Berlin: VERBI Software.
Carolin Zehne (University of Bielefeld, Germany) – “Also ich fände es wichtiger, wenn wir mehr lernen von diesem Schulenglisch wegzukommen und eher dieses wirkliche Englisch fließend sprechen können” - Exploring Student and Teacher Concepts of English in the Light of its Global Use
With English serving as a vital means of communication across a wide range of sociocultural contexts, various independent research paradigms have emerged to explore its diverse uses and applications. These paradigms seek to understand "English" as a multifaceted and complex phenomenon, rather than adhering solely to rigid anglophone norms that function as a universal standard. Such a change in conceptions of English then ultimately also affects how it should be taught to enable students to successfully access and take part in discourses in which it is used.
Exploring stakeholder attitudes towards English(es) has been an integral part of wanting to bring about change in English language teaching (Galloway, 2017). Yet, the concept of attitude has also been viewed critically in connection with increasingly complex views on what constitutes “English” (Ishikawa & Panero, 2016). Additionally, there currently is a lack of secondary school students’ perspectives - even more so for the German context.
The contribution focuses on my competed PhD project in which explored teacher and student conceptions of English within a constructivist grounded theory approach (Charmaz, 2014). For this, I conducted semi-structured, qualitative interviews with seven teacher and 73 students from grades 5 to 12. Hall’s ontologies of English served as an additional theoretical framework for my investigation (Hall, 2020).
My results revealed that there was a clear distinction between English outside and inside the classroom for students and teachers alike, with distinct understandings of English causing tensions both between and within participant groups, as well as for individual participants. These discrepancies in how English is conceptualized raise questions about the appropriateness of its current representation in classroom settings.
Charmaz, K. (2014). Constructing grounded theory: A practical guide through qualitative analysis (2nd edition). SAGE.
Galloway, N. (2017). Global Englishes and change in English language teaching: Attitudes and impact. Routledge.
Hall, C. J. (2020). An ontological framework for English. In C. J. Hall & R. Wicaksono (Eds.), Ontologies of English: Conceptualising the language for learning, teaching, and assessment (pp. 13–36). Cambridge University Press.
Ishikawa, T., & Panero, S. M. (2016). Exploring language attitudes in ELF research: Contrasting approaches in conversation. Englishes in Practice, 3(4), 74–109.
Meet the Presenters
Carolyn Blume
Carolyn Blume holds the chair for digitally-mediated teaching and learning at the Dortmunder Competence Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (DoKoLL) at the TU Dortmund. She is a co-opted member of the Faculty of Cultural Studies (ELT). As assistant professor, her research and practice focus on inclusive and critical English teacher education with digitally informed approaches. In 2022, she won the university’s teaching prize for inclusive education.
Marcus Callies
Marcus Callies is full professor of English Linguistics at the University of Bremen, Germany. His research interests include variation and innovation in L1/L2 varieties of English, advanced learner varieties, teacher education, conceptual metaphor and idioms, and the language of football.
Katharina v. Elbwart
Dr. Katharina v. Elbwart’s research and teaching focus on English sociolinguistics and educational linguistics with a particular emphasis on language attitudes. Currently working as an Akademische Rätin at Paderborn University, she teaches classes in TEFL/Applied Linguistics where she incorporates her background in linguistics into her teaching and current research in teacher education.
Johanna Embacher
Johanna Embacher is studying English and Philosophy for secondary schools at TU Dortmund University. She is currently writing her master's thesis on ELF in the ELT Classroom – Developing ELF-aware Teaching Materials for Secondary Schools with Prof. Dr. Ehrenreich in ELT and Applied Linguistics. Parts of her project will also be presented at other internatioanl conferences, e.g. at IAWE 25 at Stony Brook University, US (June 2023).
Aleyna Ermek
Aleyna Ermek is an MA-student at TU Dortmund University, Germany, where she studies primary education. She also currently teaches German and English at a primary school. For her Master’s thesis she and her colleague Pina Schmidt explore how children encounter English outside their classrooms. Findings of this project were and will be presented at the “Digital Citizenship” Conference in Salzburg, Austria (Nov. 2022) as well as at IAWE 25 in Stony Brook, US (June 2023).
Sarah Gerdemann
Sarah Gerdemann is currently a secondary school teacher at the Dionysianum in Rheine. She will be finishing her traineeship in the end of April 2023. Her teaching and research interests include World Englishes and due to her profession mainly in the school context.
Johanna Hartmann
Johanna Hartmann is a PhD student and research assistant at the Chair of Variation Linguistics at the University of Münster, Germany. Her research interests include language attitudes, World Englishes, the sociolinguistics of globalization, language and migration, and the African diaspora in Europe.
Stefanie Hehner
Stefanie Hehner received her first teaching degree (equivalent to M.Ed.) in 2016 from the University of Gießen, Germany. She is a PhD candidate at the University of Bremen, Germany, were she worked in the teaching and research project “Varieties of English in Foreign Language teacher education” until June 2022. She is currently doing her teacher training (Referendariat) in Bremen.
Marc Jones
Marc Jones is a lecturer and researcher at Toyo University’s Faculty of Global Studies in Bunkyō-ku, Japan. His research interests include phonology and teaching listening, ADHD in teachers, mixed methods methodologies, and connecting theory and praxis. Mr. Jones holds an MA in Applied Linguistics/TESOL and an MRes in Humanities and Social Sciences, both from the University of Portsmouth.
Dagmar Keatinge
Dagmar Keatinge is a lecturer in the English department at Paderborn University and has previosuly worked as an English language teacher in continuing education. She teaches classes in TEFL and English linguistics and her research interests include the use of language corpora in teaching, language learning and assessment, and ICC in teacher education. In her current research project, she investigates language assessment competencies of foreign language teachers in EFL.
Lotta König
Lotta König is professor for Teaching Anglophone Literatures and Cultures at Bielefeld University. Her research interests are in critical cultural learning, teaching about gender and other cultural categories of difference with literary texts, language learning beyond the classroom, and mediation. Along with Ricardo Römhild and Peter Schildhauer she is the co-editor of an issue of Der fremdsprachliche Unterricht Englisch on Global Englishes Language Teaching (2023).
Ramona Kreis
Ramona Kreis is lecturer in English linguistics at the University of Bremen, Germany. Her research interests include digital discourse, critical discourse studies, L2 pragmatics, teacher education, and multilingual practices.
Isabel Martin
Isabel Martin chairs the English Department at the University of Education Karlsruhe and is a professor of English Literature and Didactics and teacher educator in the Institute of Multilingualism. She has run “North-South” teacher-tandem projects in/with Lao P.D.R. since 2015, and her research interests include Global Englishes & EFL/EIL, Global Citizenship Education, Postcolonial Theories and Literatures, and Decoloniality. Other areas of expertise are Primary didactics, Digital teaching and Media didactics.
Philipp Meer
Philipp Meer is a research assistant in linguistics at the English Department of the University of Münster, Germany, where he has worked since 2016. He is co- affiliated with the Speech Prosody Studies Group at the University of Campinas, Brazil. His research interests include World Englishes, sociophonetics & sociolinguistics, acoustic phonetics, speech prosody, language attitudes, and applied linguistics.
Mona Nishizaki
Mona holds a master’s degree in second language education and a PhD in Applied Linguistics. She has worked in higher education in four different countries and currently works as a researcher in the Department of Modern Languages at the University of Genova. Mona’s research connects the field of Global Englishes/English as an International Language to practical classroom teaching. Specific focus is on teaching materials and curriculum development. She has published her work in international peer – reviewed journals, book chapters, and has co – authored a book.
Ricardo Römhild
Ricardo Römhild is a research assistant at the chair of English Language Education at the University of Münster, Germany, where he has worked since 2018. His research interests include cultural learning & global education, education for sustainable development, as well as media & (documentary) film didactics.
Dominik Rumlich
Dominik Rumlich is Full Professor and Chair for Teaching English as a Foreign Language at the University of Paderborn, Germany. His research interests include CLIL, assessment, affective-motivational determinants of language learning, learning strategies, and empirical research methods.
Julia Schlüter
Julia Schlüter is Associate Professor for English Linguistics at the University of Bamberg. Her research interests lie in the areas of phonological and grammatical variation in World Englishes past and present, empirical – especially corpus-based – methodologies, and applications of linguistic insights and techniques to the teaching of English.
Pina Schmidt
Pina Schmidt is an MA-student at TU Dortmund University, Germany, where she studies primary education. She currently also works at a primary school teaching German as a second language. With her colleague Aleyna Ermek, she investigates children’s extramural encounters with English. She presented at the “Digital Citizenship” Conference in Salzburg, Austria (Nov. 2022) with additional talks accepted for presentation at upcoming conferences (IAWE 25 at Stony Brook, US (June 2023)).
Mirjam Schmalz
Mirjam Schmalz is a lecturer at the English Department of the University of Zurich, Switzerland, where she has been working since 2017. Moreover, since 2022, she also works a project manager at the department of integration of the city of Friedrichshafen, Germany. Her research interests include World Englishes, sociolinguistics, language attitudes, perceptual dialectology, applied linguistics, and variational pragmatics.
Christine S. Sing
Christine S. Sing is a senior lecturer at the English Department of the University of Siegen. Prior to joining the English Linguistics Team at Siegen, she held academic positions at the English Departments of the Universities of Heidelberg, Greifswald, Giessen and Vienna, Austria. Christine Sing was an Assistant Professor at the Vienna University of Economics and Business, where she specialised in English for Specific Purposes (ESP), Business English as a Lingua Franca (BELF) and English as an International Language (EIL).
Carolin Zehne
Carolin Zehne is an ELT lecturer at Bielefeld University. She competed her PhD in July 2022. Her research interests include Global Englishes in English Language Teaching (ELT), the impact of digital media and digitality on teaching English, using video games in and for ELT as well as inclusion in ELT.