LONGGELT: A Longitudinal Analysis of (Future) English Teachers’ Attitudes towards Global Englishes Language Teaching

In cooperation with Dr. Ricardo Römhild (Uni Münster), Dr. Philipp Meer (Uni Münster) and Prof. Dr. Heath Rose (Uni Oxford), this longitudinal project seeks to trace the – possibly developing – opinions of (future) English teachers towards Global Englishes Language Teaching. Data are collected over different points in time via a questionnaire. Data collection is planned to start in the GELT lecture series (link to follow soon) that takes place in cooperation with other German universities during summer term 2025.

Previous work for this project included:

Reckermann, J. & Römhild, R. (13.04.2023). Future English Teachers' Opinions towards GELT – a Pre-Post-Questionnaire Study. Vortrag auf der 1st Annual ELINET Conference, Glasgow University, UK.