Legal provisions

On the website of the Federal Government Commissioner for Matters relating to Persons with Disabilities (BBMB), you will find a brief summary of the most important legal policies pertaining to persons with disabilities.

In addition to these foundational legal texts, a number of University-specific policies are governed by the Federal Higher Education Framework Act, the Higher Education Act of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia and the voluntary commitment ‘A University for All’ signed by the members of the German Rectors' Conference (HRK).

Compensation for disadvantages for required coursework and degree-relevant examinations

A health impairment – whether due to physical disability and/or chronic illness – can represent an additional burden to students during the course of their studies and during examinations. In order to prevent individual and situation-related disadvantages during one’s studies, all examination regulations at the University of Münster include provisions on compensation for disadvantages for completing required coursework and degree-relevant examinations.

You can find more information on compensation for disadvantages for required coursework and degree-relevant examinations on the pages of the Examinations Offices. If necessary, please contact the Examinations Office responsible for you and your subject.

Interruption of studies due to illness (leave of absence)

In some cases, it may make sense to request a leave of absence for important reasons (e.g. illness substantiated by a medical certificate). You can find more information on taking a leave of absence due to illness on the website of the Academic Administration.