Early career stages

Poster presentation
© Uni MS - Judith Kraft

Doctoral studies

Those who have completed a university degree with above-average grades and are interested in pursuing doctoral studies can apply for a doctoral programme at the University of Münster or for admission to a structured programme. We provide comprehensive information on enrolment and application, as well as on funding opportunities, research stays abroad and advisory services.

Postdoctoral phase

The University of Münster supports and advises academics in all matters related to the postdoctoral phase. For those who decide to pursue a career in academia, it is important to plan the next steps carefully. There are multiple career paths and each reflects a different disciplinary culture. That is why the University focuses on individual career planning and offers services that cater to diverse needs during the postdoc phase.

Associate professorships

Associate professorships (Juniorprofessuren) are an opportunity for early career researchers to achieve independence and autonomy. The tenure track option opens up the possibility of obtaining a tenured professorship. The University of Münster is particularly committed to strengthening equal opportunities by increasing the proportion of women in attractive junior research positions and expanding targeted personnel development measures for all academics in the early stages of their careers.

Junior research programmes

The University of Münster offers organisational and financial support to academics who are interested in establishing independent junior research groups. As a group leader, you will be employed as an academically and organisationally independent member of the group of professors at the University of Münster. Moreover, you will be provided with a funding budget of your own, ensuring the financial independence of your junior research group for the duration of the project.

Young Professors Programme (YPP)

The Young Professors Programme (YPP) is an accompanying, advanced training programme for highly-qualified junior academics which promotes individual career and personality development. The programme is based on a mentoring concept which further develops one's competence and strengthens potentials which improve one's career prospects in the long term. Thanks to its supportive, accompanying and voluntary character, the programme enhances the attractiveness and sustainability of the tenure-track career path at the University of Münster.

EU Mentoring Network

The Rectorate supports early-career researchers to take advantage of EU funding programmes (currently ERC Starting and Consolidator Grants) at an early stage. The network is based at the European Centre and organised in annual classes. ERS GmbH provides comprehensive information about the application process. In addition, each mentee is supported by two mentors with application experience in a personal exchange during the preparation of the application.