The University of Münster - Bringing life and knowledge together
© Judith Kraft

The University of Münster has a lot to offer

With some 42,500 students, the University of Münster offers the complete range of academic opportunities – from bachelor's programmes to in-service continuing education courses. The University values the close relationship between research and teaching, extensive advice and counselling services and high student graduation rates. Compared to other universities, our graduates have better chances of launching a career after their studies. 

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What makes studying at the University of Muenster so special?

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More than 280 degree programmes

The University of Münster offers an extensive range of academic programmes and degree options. The fields of study provide a general overview. For more detailed information, consult the Study Guide of the Student Advice and Counselling Centre (ZSB). And there are many more study opportunities available to you.

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© Jeanette Dietl/

We're here to help you

If you have any questions about studying, the first place to go is the International Office. It provides prospective international students with extensive support and advice concerning study programmes, study preparatory German language courses, admission requirements, application processes, visa and financial matters. The Student Admissions Office can help with applications, enrolment etc. The University Centre for Teacher Education (ZfL) provides assistance to teaching degree students.

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International and intercultural

The University of Münster is a renowned higher education institution with contacts to universities and research facilities around the world. Internationality plays a central role here, evidenced by the numerous exchange students and visiting researchers, as well as many intercultural events.

With about 140 types of sports to choose from, there is something for everyone.
© Uni MS - Hochschulsport


Students and researchers at the University of Münster can enrol in University Sports courses. With about 150 types of sports to choose from, there is something for everyone. You can also participate in one of the many sports clubs in Münster.

Münster without students? Unthinkable!
© Presseamt Münster/ Angelika Klauser

Münster without students? Unthinkable!

It's hard to imagine life in Münster without the University of Münster. A fifth of the 320,000 "Münsteraner" are students at one of eight universities, of which the University of Münster is the largest. The flair and feeling of student life is everywhere you look – on the streets and in Münster's diverse cultural programme.