Support services for employees affected by discrimination

Do you work at the University of Münster and have experienced or observed discrimination in a university context? Has this experience affected you so much that you’re open to receiving counselling, support or assistance? The following advisory offices at the University of Münster can provide you with initial counselling.

  • Anti-discrimination consultation by the counselling service for employees and supervisory staff

    Personal problems, addictions, conflicts between colleagues and/or supervisors, sexual harassment and violence in the workplace can affect anyone. Like any other workplace, employees may encounter many forms of discrimination on account of racial prejudice, ethnic origin, gender, religion or ideology, disability, age, sexual identity or social background.

    Our Counselling Service is available to all supervisory staff and employees of the University of Münster during regular business hours. Our services are also aimed at supervisory staff at the University, who must act and react in accordance with their duty of care when employees display abnormal behaviour in the workplace.

    Crises can also be seen as opportunities that offer new perspectives and lead to positive changes in the workplace. Our goal is to support, advise and accompany you on this path.

  • Non-Academic Staff Council of the University of Münster

    The Non-Academic Staff Council represents the interests of all technical and administrative staff at the University of Münster. The council’s tasks include promoting gender equality, developing greater interculturality in the University administration and cultivating mutual understanding between all members of staff. It advises and supports employees in the event of conflicts, problems and complaints and refers them to the appropriate contacts.

  • Academic Staff Council of the University of Münster

    The Academic Staff Council represents the interests of all academic staff at the University of Münster. In addition to participating in relevant decision-making processes, the council’s tasks include monitoring compliance with laws, collective agreements and service agreements in the interests of the employees. The Academic Staff Council also addresses staff complaints, problems and questions, and advises and refers them to the appropriate contacts.

  • Equal Opportunity Office

    The Equal Opportunity Office is responsible for gender equality at the University of Münster on a structural and personnel level. The central Equal Opportunity Officer and her deputies from the groups of non-academic women staff and women students are sworn to secrecy. The Equal Opportunity Office helps protect employees against gender discrimination and sexual harassment and advises women students on issues related to maintaining a healthy work-life balance and eliminating discrimination.

  • Representative for People with Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses

    The Representative for People with Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses represents the interests of employees with disabilities, as well as those with recognised impairments of equivalent severity from all status groups at the University. Their underlying health problems vary significantly; they may sometimes be visible, but often are not. The resulting problems experienced at the workplace also vary accordingly. The Representative for People with Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses is available to support you in your day-to-day work with information and assistance on all issues related to disability and employment. Due to its integration mandate, the Representative for People with Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses is also the central contact for job applicants with disabilities or those with recognised impairments of equivalent severity. It is obliged to maintain confidentiality.