Diversity-related information and guidelines
Diversity Strategy of the University of Münster
The University of Münster's Diversity Strategy was developed in a two-year, broad-based participatory process as part of the Deutscher Stifterverband's Diversity Audit. With this diversity strategy, the University of Münster is for the first time combining existing diversity measures and sub-processes (including the framework plan for gender equality, the faculty gender equality plans, the Internationalisation Strategy, the Agreement on Respectful Behaviour, and the target agreements for the ‘family-friendly university’ and ‘Total-E-Quality’ audits) and merging them into an overall strategic concept. The aim is to initiate a comprehensive and sustainable diversity process throughout the entire organisation. To this end, the Diversity Strategy offers the central and decentralised units of the University of Münster (faculties, research centres, clusters, departments and sections) orientation for action in the form of strategic goals in defined fields of action.
Diversity Strategy of the University of Münster
Changing first names and genders at the University of Münster in accordance with SBGG
The new Self-Determination Act [SBGG] entered into force on 1 November 2024. The SBGG enables trans, inter- and non-binary people to make changes to their gender and corresponding first names in the official registries. Anyone whose gender identity differs from their gender entry in the civil registry can submit a ‘declaration with self-assurance’ to the Registry Office to have their gender and first name changed in a German civil registry. This eliminates the need to conduct often lengthy legal proceedings and to obtain expert opinions.
With the new Self-Determination Act in force, the University of Münster is adapting the process for changing one’s name and gender in its own registries.
Guidelines for changing one’s first name and gender in registries at the University of Münster [de]
Discrimination-sensitive language in English
Discrimination-sensitive language promotes the equal perception of women and men, as well as people who do not recognise themselves in the binary gender system. The Rectorate therefore recommends the implementation of gender-equitable and non-discriminatory language in correspondence and publications (e.g. job advertisements) in English based on the following best practice examples.
Best practices for discrimination-sensitive language in English
Creating accessible websites and documents
Non-accessible websites and documents represent unnecessary obstacles for people with visual impairments and exclude them from equal participation in the academic or work environment. To ensure that everyone has access to the content of the University of Münster's websites, the Web and Design department has compiled everything you need to know about designing accessible websites and documents.