What do we mean by “diversity”?
Diversity acknowledges the fact that differences exist within a group of people. In discussions about social justice and equal participation, diversity takes into account those who consider themselves members of distinct social groups, e.g. with regard to gender, gender identity, age, ethnic origin, cultural background, sexual orientation, physical and mental abilities and religion. Dealing with these topics requires knowledge and understanding of the discrimination and exclusion these groups have suffered in the past and continue to experience today.
It is important to view diversity as something that unites rather than divides us. Diversity means recognising and appreciating our differences as much as our commonalities. In order to tap the full potential of diversity for shared learning and growth, it is vital we examine systemic and institutionalised discrimination, existing power structures and privileges in a (self-)critical manner in dialogue with one another.
Dimensions of diversity
The “Diversity Wheel” developed by Lee Gardenswartz and Anita Rowe in 1993 provides us with a broader understanding of diversity. This model goes beyond the commonly recognised categories of discrimination mentioned in the General Equal Treatment Act [AGG] and accounts for other dimensions that can lead to discrimination and are relevant in an organisational and university context. The “Diversity Wheel” can also be used to reveal multiple forms of discrimination due to simultaneous affiliation with several dimensions of diversity. In other words, it discourages labelling and stereotyping that might occur due to simplified attributions. The “Diversity Wheel” differentiates between four levels:
- Personality refers to all characteristics that can be attributed to a person’s personal style or personal preferences
- The inner dimension includes the primary social categories explicitly mentioned in the AGG: gender, sexual orientation, race, origin/nationality and ethnicity, physical and mental ability and age.
- The outer dimension of the model comprises the characteristics of social origin, socio-economic living conditions, religion and ideology, migration and migration experience, professional experience, marital status and/or familial situation.
- The organisational dimension is also an important component. In a university environment, this includes such factors as one’s workplace, field of work or study, institution, management position, study status and related characteristics.
As informative as the “Diversity Wheel” might be, it is essential to cast a critical eye on Gardenswatz and Rowe’s model. Explicitly naming identity characteristics and social categories and distinguishing between core and external dimensions is problematic. Such categorisation can create a sense that such differences are natural and inevitable, along with the (unconsciously) associated value judgments and resulting discrimination, and thus stand in the way of achieving a non-discriminatory and equitable organisational culture. On the other hand, the goal of deconstructing difference, promoting equal opportunities and reducing discrimination can only be achieved by first explicitly naming differences so that we can consciously recognise them.