Eric Achermann, Janina Reibold (Hg.): … genaueste Localität, Individualität und Personalität. Johann Georg Hamann in Königsberg. Acta des dreizehnten Internationalen Hamann-Kolloquiums in Lüneburg 2023, V&R unipress: Paderborn, 2024/2025, ISBN: 978-3-8471-1795-7
Johann Georg Hamann believed that his writings were characterised by “... the most precise locality, individuality and personality”. The locality of Königsberg was of particular importance; as it was in Königsberg that Hamann spent his formative years of childhood, school and university, as well as the longest period of his professional life. Königsberg is the place where he built his “individuality and personality”; it is where he found conversation partners who inspired him to make a variety of contributions and challenged him. It is a desideratum of research to examine this special “locality” together with its network in more detail.