Equal opportunity at the Faculty of Philology

Equal Opportunities Team of the Faculty of Philology

If you have any questions, suggestions or need to talk, you can either contact directly the Equal Opportunity Officer or the Vice-Equal Opportunity Officer or write an email to the following address: gleichstellung09@uni-muenster.de.

Equal Opportunities Commission

The Equal Opportunities Commission supports the work of the Equal Opportunity Officer of the Faculty of Philology. These goals include, for example, equality in staff selection, development and planning; increasing gender competence and gender-sensitive language; fighting sexual and sexual violence; advocating non-discriminatory committee and meeting times and the compatibility of studies or work and family. The commission uses surveys, to find out where more targeted measures for the advancement of women can be used and implemented.

If you have any questions, requests or suggestions on equality issues, please do not hesitate to contact us. The offer is specifically aimed at students and employees of all status groups.

Your Equal Opportunities Commission

Mail contact: gskomfb9@uni-muenster.de

Male and female face
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In accordance with the research-oriented equal opportunity standards issued by the German Research Foundation (DFG), the Faculty of Philology is committed to implementing comprehensive, transparent, competitive and future-oriented equal opportunity measures for women and men.

Equal opportunity plan [de; pdf]

Equal Opportunities Commission

Agreement on Respectful Behaviour

The University of Münster rejects all forms of misconduct, such as sexual harassment, workplace bullying, stalking and discrimination, and views such behaviour as an infringement of one’s personal rights. The University is committed to maintaining a positive working atmosphere and ensuring intact and courteous relations in the workplace by enforcing rules of fair conduct and addressing cases of misconduct. Consequently, the Faculty of Philology emphatically supports the Agreement on Respectful Behaviour, issued by the Rectorate.
Agreement on Respectful Behaviour [de; pdf]

Code of Conduct and Compliance Guide of the University of Münster

Münster University is committed to values such as diversity, equal opportunities and sustainability. In the Code of Conduct, we summarise how we wish to interact with one another and what values and orientations we want to uphold, as has been formulated in numerous University documents like the Agreement of Respectful Behavior before.
The Code of Conduct is part of the comprehensive Compliance Guide that provides orientation concerning the most important rules and lists key contacts so that you can properly conduct your daily tasks in a lawful, rule-consistent and ethical manner.

Code of Conduct

Compliance Guide