University-based collaborations

Former research institutes and associations

  • logo of the forum "Antike & Romania"

    Forum for "Antiquity & Romance Studies" [de]

    The Forum for "Antiquity & Romance Studies" was a teaching and research association based on Classical, Medieval and Romance Philology at the University of Münster. Forum "Antike & Romania"

  • logo of SFB

    SFB “Cultures of Decision-Making”

    Collaborative Research Centre / SFB 1150, funded from 2015 to 2019

    The Collaborative Research Centre / SFB 1150 examined social practices and cultural conditions of decision-making in a historical-comparative and interdisciplinary perspective from the Middle Ages to the present. The SFB 1150 was comprised of researchers from the fields of history, literature and law, as well as philosophy, cultural anthropology, Jewish and Byzantine studies. SFB "Kulturen des Entscheidens"

  • logo of the SFB

    SFB “Symbolic Communication and Social Value Systems”

    Collaborative Research Centre / SFB 496, funded from 2000 to 2011

    The Collaborative Research Centre / SFB 496 dealt with the fundamental effects the symbolic had in pre-modern Europe on the formation of social and political structures. The work focused on how social value systems manifested themselves, were visualised, and rendered permanent, but also how they were attacked and altered by ‘symbolic’ communication. SFB “Symbolic Communication and Social Value Systems”