
The Center for Religion and Modernity (CRM) is an interdisciplinary research network at the University of Münster. It is dedicated to the study of religions, religious communities and actors, and their changing roles in modern and modernizing societies. The CRM supports interdisciplinary cooperation between its members and universities and research institutions in Germany here and abroad. more...


© Ifes

Panel discussion: The church membership survey under discussion

with PD Dr. Martin Fritz (EZW Berlin) andProf. Dr. Isolde Karle (RU Bochum)

The Institute for Ethics and Associated Social Sciences (IfES) and the CRM cordially invite you to a panel discussion on the occasion of the 6th Church Membership Survey (SME) on the 3rd of July 2024, 6 pm c.t.

The results of the 6th SME will be examined from a systematic-theological perspective by PD Dr Martin Fritz (EZW Berlin) and from a practical-theological perspective by Prof Dr Isolde Karle (RU Bochum).

If you are interested, you can find more information here...

© RaMi

RADIS Interdisciplinary Symposium 2024

ZiF Bielefeld - 22 to 23 February 2024

The RADIS interdisciplinary symposium "Societal Causes and Effects of Radical Islam in Germany and Europe", organised by the Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF) at Bielefeld University, took place from 22 to 23 February 2024. Anna-Maria Meuth from the recently successfully finished project "RaMi - From the Margins to the Centre" was also present.

© National Livary of New Zealand

Call for Papers: Conference “Translating Colonialism? Global Networks of Bible Translation and their Cultural and Linguistic Impact”

Westminster College, Cambridge, 7-8 November 2024

On 7-8 November, the research projekt "Global Bible" is organising the conference “Translating Colonialism? Global Networks of Bible Translation and their Cultural and Linguistic Impact” at Westminster College, Cambridge. The organizers are inviting abstracts for short presentations by PhD/postgraduate students at the conference.
These will be part of a dedicated postgraduate session attended by all conference participants.

If interested, you can find further information here.

© campus

New Release: Die soziale Macht des Christlichen

By Karl Gabriel

The religious power of Christianity and the churches is on the wane in Germany and Western Europe. As a social power, however, Christianity remains a relevant social factor. Charismatic personalities founded social organisations in the 19th century that still form the backbone of independent welfare work in Germany today. Moreover, many special features of the German welfare state, such as the central role of social insurance, cannot be explained without looking at the denominations and their plurality. More...

© campus

New Release: Pastoral und Politik

by Britt Schlünz

Spain is a region that has long been neglected in European history. Britt Schlünz analyses - in the interplay between centre and periphery, between Madrid, Catalonia, the Vatican and the colony of Cuba - the conflict-ridden Spanish secularisation of the 19th century. Her study focuses on the clerical actors and contributes to the understanding of the key conflicts and central phenomena of the century in Europe: the possibilities of adaptation of the religious field, the formation of liberalism and the processes of decolonisation. Read more...