Co-operations within the University of Münster
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  • Brazil Centre

    For more than 50 years, the University of Münster has maintained intensive contacts with scientists and universities in Brazil. Since 2010, these collaborations have been bundled by the Brazil Centre as an interdisciplinary association of researchers with activities in Brazil. The main goal of the Brazil Centre is to strengthen and further develop the cooperation between the University of Münster and Brazil as well as to initiate new collaborations. More recently, the Brazil Centre has initiated collaborations in other Latin American countries.

  • Centre for Digital Humanities (CDH)

    The Centre for Digital Humanities Münster (CDH) is a cross-faculty interest group. The CDH serves to identify, bundle and strengthen the interests and competences associated with the Digital Humanities at the University of Münster, is dedicated to the establishment and strategic further development of a service infrastructure geared towards scientific knowledge objectives and deliberately provides impulses for the use of digital tools and working methods in the field of research and teaching.

  • Centre for Empire Studies. (Post)Colonial Histories and Global Entanglements (CES)

    The Centre for Empire Studies: (Post)colonial Histories and Global Entanglements (CES) is an interdisciplinary centre for postcolonial empire studies. The CES is based at the Department of History at the University of Münster. The aim is to analyse empires and imperiality as historical phenomena. In doing so, the centre aims to participate in international research, to contribute to the objectification of day-to-day political debates and to societal self-reflection.

  • Centre for Bioethics (CfB)

    The Centre for Bioethics is an institutionalised research association at the University of Münster that deals with developments in the field of natural and life sciences as well as medical research. The Centre brings together the diverse activities in the field of bioethics at the University of Münster, promotes interdisciplinary dialogue and contributes to ethical reflection on developments in medicine and the biosciences through its own events and research projects.

  • Centre of Eastern Mediterranean History and Cultre (GKM)

    The Centre for Eastern Mediterranean Studies (GKM) is a research and teaching network of the ancient studies institutes and seminars at the University of Münster and extends across four faculties. It offers a platform for networking working groups and research projects at the University of Münster or initiating new ones - also in co-operation with other disciplines and research collaborations as well as with non-university institutions and organisations in Germany and abroad.

  • Centre for Medieval and Early Modern Research (CMF)

    The Centre for Medieval and Early Modern Research (CMF) emerged from decades of cross-epochal collaborative research at the University of Münster and serves as an organisational platform for cultural and historical research projects on the Middle Ages and early modern period. At the same time, the CMF broadens the perspective in transcultural terms and also focuses on the Christian-Islamic contact zones and the contribution of different Jewish communities to European and Mediterranean history.

  • Center for Religion and Modernity (CRM)

    The Center for Religion and Modernity (CRM) is an interdisciplinary research network at the University of Münster. It is dedicated to the study of religions, religious communities and actors, and their changing roles in modern and modernizing societies. The CRM supports interdisciplinary cooperation between its members and universities and research institutions in Germany here and abroad.

  • Centre for Religion-related Studies (CRS)

    The Centre for Religion-related Studies (CRS) is an academic institution at the University of Münster for general religion-related and religious studies research and teaching. In particular, it deals with interreligious, intercultural and interdisciplinary religion-related issues and research perspectives, especially in the fields of Islam, Orthodox Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism and Buddhism.

  • Forum “Antiquity & Romania”

    The Forum “Antiquity & Romania” forum is a teaching and research network that has emerged from many years of collaboration between a few representatives of classical, medieval Latin and Romance philology at the University of Münster. Numerous scholars from Germany and abroad are now also members of the forum. At the centre of the work are the Latin and Romance literatures in their independence as well as in their close cultural and literary-historical interaction.

  • Institute for Comparative Urban History (IStG)

    The Institute for Comparative Urban History (IStG) was founded in 1970 as an academic research organisation of the Board of Trustees for Comparative Urban History, which was established the previous year with the task of promoting interdisciplinary research into urban history. Since 1987 it has had the status of an affiliated institute of the University of Münster. Its task is to provide an institutional framework for international comparative urban research.

  • Münster Urban Research Network (MURN)

    The Münster Urban Research Network (MURN) was founded in the winter semester 2020/21 with the aim of networking the research on cities in the past and present being conducted at the University of Münster, promoting interdisciplinary and interepochal exchange and intensifying cooperation between Münster and national and international urban research. The participating academics want to develop, test and establish new forms and methods of co-operative and interdisciplinary urban research in the long term.

  • Network Archaeology Diagonal (AD)

    Founded in 2011, Archaeology Diagonal is a network of archaeological disciplines at the University of Münster that works in mutual exchange on the reconstruction of past living environments from northern Europe to the Sahara, from the Iberian Peninsula to South Asia in a period from the sedentarisation of humans to the Middle Ages. More than 50 scientists from various archaeological disciplines have joined the network so far.

  • Ukrainian Studies in Münster (USiM)

    The academic initiative “Ukrainian Studies in Münster” (USiM) is an interdisciplinary association of Ukraine-related research and teaching at the University of Münster and brings together academics from ten disciplines in the humanities and social sciences. The aim of the network is to expand Münster as a location for Ukraine research, international networking, the expansion of academic dialogue and research cooperation with Ukrainian as well as European and non-European partner organisations, the promotion of young academics and the transfer of Ukraine-related knowledge to society.

  • Center of Interdisciplinary Sustainability Research (ZIN)

    The Center of Interdisciplinary Sustainability Research (ZIN) brings together professors from thirteen departments of the University of Münster who address the topic of sustainability from their respective disciplinary perspectives and who use empirical, normative and transformative research to make analytical, evaluative, integrative and, where appropriate, practical contributions to the public discourse. The ZIN acts as a point of contact on sustainability issues both within the university and for external stakeholders.

  • Centre for Netherlands Studies (ZNS)

    In teaching, research and public relations work, the Centre for Netherlands Studies (ZNS) focuses on the Netherlands and Germany as well as the relations and exchange processes between these countries. A central aim of the ZNS is also to analyse differences and similarities between the two neighbouring countries through comparative observations. The research focuses on historical and social contexts, economic and political science topics as well as cultural and communication science issues.

  • Centre for Text Editing and Commentary (ZeTeK)

    The Centre for Text Editing and Commentary (ZeTeK) was founded in 2009 by philosophers, historians, philologists and theologians at the University of Münster. One of the main aims of the Centre is to make texts in old or rare foreign languages available for academic use and to make this fundamental work known to a public beyond the university community.

  • Centre for Philosophy of Science (ZfW)

    The Centre for Philosophy of Science (ZfW) is a central academic institution at the University of Münster dedicated to the examination of questions and problems in the philosophy of science. The ZfW bundles the diverse research interests and organises interdisciplinary events and also pursues the interest of contributing to current debates in the philosophy of science through its own events and research projects.