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Revisionen eines Revisors – Opern von Werner Egk

Musicologist Prof. Dr. Michael Custodis in Deutschlandfunk Kultur

“And because Egk is a complicated case, I have a guest in the studio who knows all about complicated cases in recent music history: Michael Custodis is Professor of Contemporary Music and Systematic Musicology at the University of Münster. [...] ‘He is not looking for the avant-garde audience but the subscription audience and wants to offer the best artistic entertainment at the cutting edge.’”

Hamam, Tatort, Reisebüro – Spuren der migrantischen Frauenbewegung in Berlin

Historian Dr. Angelika Lampen in Deutschlandfunk Kultur

“I also asked Angelika Lampen – head of the Institute for Comparative Urban History at the University of Münster – about this: ‘Interactive cartography makes more possible, of course. You can attach much more information to a location point, you can attach videos or statistics behind it. [...] We have noticed a small renaissance of the map in the last 10–15 years as a result of these changes.’”

'Santa Claus' sarcophagus and more ancient religious relics among big discoveries in 2024

Archaeologst Prof. Dr. Achim Lichtenberger on Fox News

“Archaeologists recently uncovered what they believe to be one of the oldest Christian churches in the world. The University of Münster announced the discovery of the fourth-century church located in Germany. [...] "The 4th century building is the oldest archaeologically documented church in the country — sensational evidence for early Christianity in Armenia," University of Münster Professor Achim Lichtenberger said in a statement.”

Wie Musikeigenheiten im Kreis Neuwied sichtbar werden

Musicologist Prof. Dr. Michael Custodis in Rhein-Zeitung

“‘Streaming has radically changed things – regardless of your location,’ says Michael Custodis, Professor of Musicology at the University of Münster. [...] ‘And you can have an algorithm suggest a musical taste. That used to work differently, because it used to have much more to do with human contacts and recommendations from your own environment’.”