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  • Honorary doctorates awarded by institutions of the faculty

    • Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Finn Benestad
      born 1929 in Kristiansand, emeritus professor at the University of Oslo
      Honorary doctorate awarded by the Institute of Musicology and Music Education
    • Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. Dieter Birnbacher
      born 1946 in Dortmund, Emeritus Professor at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf
      Honorary doctorate awarded by the Faculty of Humanities awarded on 15 November 2012
    • Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. Per Kjetil Farstad
      born 1952 in Kristiansand, Emeritus of the Universitet i Agder, Norway
      Honorary doctorate awarded by the Faculty of History & Philosophy on 25 November 2014
    • Dr. h.c. Susanne Pinkernell-Kreidt
      Vice Dean for Finance and Study Organisation of the Faculty
      Honorary doctorate awarded by the Faculty of History & Philosophy on 26 November 2015
    • Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. Dag Schjelderup-Ebbe
      born 1926 in Oslo, Emeritus of the University of Oslo
      Honorary doctorate awarded by the Institute of Musicology and Music Education
    • Prof. Dr. phil. Dr. h.c. Martin Staehelin 
      born 1937 in Basel, Emeritus of the University of Göttingen
      Honorary doctorate awarded by the Faculty of Humanities on 30 June 2011
  • Honoured Members of the Faculty of History & Philosophy

  • Dissertation prizes of the Faculty of History & Philosophy

    • 2024: Jennifer Moldenhauer
      for her dissertation „Die spätantik-koptischen und frühislamischen Textilien der Ägyptischen Sammlung im Museum August Kestner, Hannover“ [‘The Late Antique-Coptic and Early Islamic Textiles of the Egyptian Collection in the Museum August Kestner, Hanover’]
    • 2023: Julia Bühner
      for her dissertation „Neue Welten. Eine andere Völkerrechtsgeschichte der Eroberung der Kanarischen Inseln (1402–1496)“ [‘New Worlds. A different history of international law in the conquest of the Canary Islands (1402–1496)’]
    • 2022: Dr. des. Berit Hummel
      for her dissertation „Übergangsräume. Kinematografische Praktiken und urbaner Wandel in New York, 1959–1966“ [‘Transitional Spaces. Cinematographic practices and urban change in New York, 1959–1966’]
    • 2021: Dr. Anna Marschner-Ðorđević
      for her dissertation „Anthropologische und kulturhistorische Untersuchungen am Beispiel des fränkischen Gräberfeldes von Bonn-Ramersdorf“ [‘Anthropological and cultural-historical investigations exemplified by the Franconian cemetery of Bonn-Ramersdorf’]
    • 2020: Dr. Ruth Maximiliane Berger
      for her dissertation „Der opake Herrscher. Politisches Entscheiden am Hof Friedrichs III. (1440–1486)“ [‘The opaque ruler. Political decision-making at the court of Frederick III (1440–1486)’]
    • 2019: Dr. Jonas Stephan
      for his dissertation „Tinte, Feder und Kanonen. Der Niederrheinisch-Westfälische Reichskreis am Vorabend des Spanischen Erbfolgekrieges (1701)“ [‘Ink, pen and cannons. The Lower Rhine-Westphalian Imperial Circle on the eve of the War of the Spanish Succession (1701)’]
    • 2018: Dr. Thomas Meyer
      for his dissertation „Verantwortung und Verursachung in Hegels Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts“ [‘Responsibility and Causation in Hegel's Principles of the Philosophy of Law’]