Division of Byzantine and Neo-Greek Studies
Division of Pre- and Protohistoric Archaeology
Research Centre for Historical Regional Studies of Ancient Greece
Research Centre for Ancient Numismatics
Research Centre Asia Minor
Research Centre Papyrology
Department of History
Institute for Didactics of History
Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology
Department of Social and Cultural AnthropologyT: 0251 83-27311
F: 0251 83-27313
ifethno@uni-muenster.deInstitute for Interdisciplinary Cyprus Studies
Institute for Classical Archaeology and Christian Archaeology / Archaeological Museum
Institute for Classical Archaeology and Christian Archaeology / Archaeological MuseumT: 0251 83-24581
F: 0251 83-25422
inst.arch@uni-muenster.deInstitute for Classical Philology
Institute for Cultural Anthropology/European Ethnology
Institute for Cultural Anthropology/European EthnologyT: 0251 83-24400
F: 0251 83-28316
kulturanthropologie@uni-muenster.deInstitute of Art History
Institute for Musicology
Department of Philosophy
Department of Ancient History & Institute of Epigraphy
Department of Ancient History & Institute of EpigraphyT: 0251 83-24367
F: 0251 83-24363
sag@uni-muenster.deExternal Profiles:Seminar for Latin Philology of the Middle Ages and Modern Times
Seminar for Latin Philology of the Middle Ages and Modern TimesT: 0251 83-24130
F: 0251 83-24131