Focal topic “War against Ukraine”
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Wie das Gedenken Putin geholfen hat

Historian Prof. Dr. Ricarda Vulpius in FAZ

“In Germany and Russia, the Second World War was commemorated in a similar way. That is why it was overlooked how Putin used history to prepare for a new war. A guest article by the German-Ukrainian Historical Commission. [...] The German-Ukrainian Historical Commission consists of Martin Schulze Wessel, Kai Struve, Ricarda Vulpius, Guido Hausmann, Tanja Penter, Milos Rezník and Anna Veronika Wendland from the German side and Polina Barwinska, Gelinada Grintschenko, Wladyslaw Hrynewytsch, Jaroslaw Hryzak, Olexandr Lysenko, Jurij Schapowal, Ihor Schtschupak from the Ukrainian side.”

Warum jeder exklusive Besitzanspruch verfehlt ist

Historikerin Ricarda Vulpius im Deutschlandfunk Kultur

“Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, Tatars: Crimea is a melting pot of different cultures that have left their mark, says historian Ricarda Vulpius. Because of its geopolitical significance, the peninsula has become a bone of contention.”

Ungebrochene Solidarität

Historian Prof. Dr. Ricarda Vulpius in WN

“Panel discussion on the war against Ukraine: Last Saturday marked the second anniversary of Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine. Ricarda Vulpius, Professor of Eastern European History at the University of Münster, and Irina Wutsdorff, Professor of Slavic Studies, took this as an opportunity to discuss the future of the country on Saturday evening.”