Heisenberg Programme of the DFG

Professor Irina Wuntsdorff
Professor Irina Wuntsdorff has been researching the configurations of aesthetics in (eastern) Central European modernism since 2020 with support from the DFG’s Heisenberg Programme.
© Uni MS - Lukas Walbaum

The DFG’s Heisenberg Programme helps outstanding researchers who meet all the prerequisites for appointment to a tenured professorship to prepare for academic leadership positions while continuing their work on related research topics. To be eligible for consideration, candidates may, but do not have to, choose a project-based approach.

Researchers at the University of Münster currently receiving funding through the Heisenberg Programme

Person Gefördertes Projekt Förderzeitraum
PD Dr Jan Mohr Studies on courtly epic poetry and devotional culture in the Middle Ages and early modern period 2024–2027
Dr Phillip Jardine Angiosperm morphological evolution: combining extant and fossil pollen data to understand the evolution of form 2024–2026
Prof Dr Rudolf Zeidler Comparison and rigidity for scalar curvature 2023–2026
Prof Dr Oliver Koch Structure-based and data-oriented methods for the computational molecular design of bioactive compounds 2022–2025
Prof Dr Milos Galic Curvature-Dependent Self-Organization in Cellular Systems 2022–2025
Prof Dr Gerd Meyer zu Hörste Understanding lymphocytes in nervous system border-associated compartments 2022–2026
Prof Dr Tim Hahn Machine Learning in Mental Health: From individual Prediction to personalized Intervention 2022–2024
Prof Dr Christina Lill Translational Epidemiology 2022–2025
Prof Dr Irina Wutsdorff Aesthetic Configurations in Eastern and Central European Modernity 2020–2025
Dr Felicitas Lips Synthesis and Reactivity of Strained Silicon Ring Compounds 2020–2025
PD Dr Christoph Michels The performance of knowledge in the political communication of democratic Athens. Fields of aristocratic interaction in the letters of Fronto. Between adoption and differentiation. 'Ideology transfer' in hellenistic kingship 2020–2025
PD Dr Sebastian Rumpf From Degeneration to Regeneration: Developmental Neuronal Remodeling in Drosophila 2020–2025
Prof. Dr. Till Ischebeck Functional Characterization of Plant Lipid Droplets 2021–2024